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Watson 02-26-2018 06:40 AM

Grace Machine Quilting Frame
I think this is the original. It looks like new.

I've searched here and on the net, but can't find this info...how much is one of these worth and are they worth it for the amateur home quilter who can't afford a long arm and doesn't have room for one?

There is one for sale nearby with a machine for $975.00 obo. (Remember, this is in Canada, so they would have paid more for it than you would in the US.) The machine doesn't have as big a throat as mine, so it is negligible although I could use it as a spare. But, I'm wondering if this frame could be useful?

Any comments on the frame itself?

Thanks, Watson

PaperPrincess 02-26-2018 07:57 AM

Grace makes several different frame models, do you know which one it is? Or even the size?

Macybaby 02-26-2018 08:08 AM

I had a king size Gracie frame and it wasn't much smaller than my HQ frame. I paid $1,000 for just the frame, and that was several years ago.

Mine was pretty easy to assemble/dissemble, adjust size (it could be set up three different widths). I sealed all the wood pieces before I assembled as they came raw wood, but that is not required.

Mine came with a metal carriage, and also had plastic rails, but they could be replaced with stainless steel bars.



the good part about buying one used, you don't have to deal with the full assembly


Watson 02-26-2018 08:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is the picture...

Battle Axe 02-26-2018 08:32 AM

I've got one also, all apart. Looks just like that one, only mine has a stitch regulator and pantographs.

Watson 02-26-2018 08:40 AM

PM'd you, BattleAxe.


Prism99 02-26-2018 11:07 AM

I don't think a used Grace frame would be worth that much. One of the problems I've seen with Grace frames is that the rails tend to bow in the middle, especially on the larger frames. Hinterberg frames are very good. They are no longer made, but the company still sells used ones:

Also, it really is best to buy a frame and machine together so you can be sure they work together. Not every frame can handle every machine. If the Grace frame is working with a domestic sewing machine, then you can be pretty sure it can only handle a domestic sewing machine.

Edit: I just saw the photo you posted. I'm really not sure about that frame, but it seems to me the carriage is the size that can handle only a domestic sewing machine. Might be able to purchase an upgraded carriage that can handle a midarm, but they can be pricey. If the frame is old, it might be hard to find a larger carriage for it. You might want to find out how large a space you can quilt. The limitation is usually that, especially with a large quilt, after rolling you end up with only 3 or 4" of width available to quilt in.

RedGarnet222 02-26-2018 01:42 PM

There should be bungee cords that hold the sides of the fabric and where are the tracks for the machine carriage? If you do buy this one you will need the enders/ leaders to pin to that make it a little easier to load it for quilting. Some people bought the zippered kind. A laser light would be nice and a stitch regulator.
Check the grace frame site for your accessories and to see how it all should look set up.

GEMRM 02-26-2018 04:19 PM

I used to have a wooden Grace frame, but it didn't look quite like this one. I'm having difficulty figuring out how there is enough "travel" on the carriage to get the machine to the bars to quilt the quilt sandwich, however, that may just be me!
As Prism 99 says, the throat space of a domestic means you end up with about 3-4 inches of quiltable space as you roll the quilt onto the take up roller. For that reason, I upgraded to a larger set up and machine after I used the wooden one for awhile. It did give me a chance to have an affordable table to see if I liked the longarm concept.

OhCanada 02-26-2018 05:11 PM

Hi Watson, I have a wooden Gracie frame similar to the photo you posted. I bought it used for the same price that your seller is asking. I went to the Grace Company website and it appears they no longer sell the wooden frames, this is a new development as a year ago they were still selling them, for around $2,000-$2500 cdn. I have a Nolting Hobby Quilter on my frame, 16” throat, heavy duty machine but without a lot of bells and whistles. So you can easily upgrade to a longarm in the future and keep the Gracie frame. I’m not sure how the table/rail system compares to others in terms of smoothness as I haven’t attended any quilt shows and test driven other models. But I’m happy with mine, tried this particular used table and machine before I bought it. I know there are tables and machines out there that are a lot fancier than what I have, but I don’t have plans to longarm quilt for a business, so it was hard to justify paying many thousands of $$, this was a good compromise for me.

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