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sewbusy 04-16-2008 07:32 AM

yes Izy thank you so much for sharing. As for internet shopping, I have never purchased any fabric online. I am just the old fashioned kind of gal that has to see, touch and smell the stuff before I would be comfortable spending my money on it. Yet I order thread from a company half way across the US online. Maybe I will be brave enough to do that someday, just risk and see how it turn out. Many of the people on the board have been very successful with their purchases online. I am packing the flat rate box and am very surprised that it is nearly full and no where near the 20 lb limit. Thank you again your friend sewbusy

Izy 04-16-2008 07:44 AM

OMG sewbusy!! You are from the same mold as me.....I JUST love the smell of fabric, stroking it, smelling it I can spend ages before I am sure its for me.....I used to be the same about books as a child, I would spend as much time sniffing the newness of it as much as reading it... am I mad or what???? ooops wasn't implying you were lol!!

BUT seriously I agree, you can't go wrong if you can get up close and check it out, alot of fabric in my experience contains alot of starch, and after washing....well I am sure an experienced stitcher like yourself already knows.

Great talking with you all, long may it go on......and on.......and on...... :lol: :lol:

I really can't thank you personally enough, I can guess how much time, effort and cost that you are putting in to this gesture to me... a stranger thousands of miles away.....what more can I say????? :D :D

Please include your personal address, so that in some way I can return this huge favour!!
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

sewbusy 04-16-2008 01:42 PM

Yes Izy that does help me understand a bit more, I am so spoiled with the avaiblibality of fabric here. It is difficult for me to comprehend not having a ton of fabric in my way and always looking for more. Guess that is why it's called an addiction. Anyway just to let u know I have been one busy lady today I prepared the box of flat rate for your gang and delivered it to the post office. It is offically mailed, but don't run out tomorrow or maybe next month to get it. I was told 4 days to the border, and than we have no control after that, So I guess when you get it we will know a little more what to expect. Please don't feel compelled to do something for me other than say thank you right here on this board. I did include an address but not to get something in return just in case the address is damaged so it can get to you or be returned to me for asecond try. It is your's now and what you do witlh it is your decision. I just hope that some of it will be useable for your projects.
I am just happy to help out fellow quilters. your friend sew busy

tlrnhi 04-16-2008 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by sewbusy
yes Izy thank you so much for sharing. As for internet shopping, I have never purchased any fabric online. I am just the old fashioned kind of gal that has to see, touch and smell the stuff before I would be comfortable spending my money on it. Yet I order thread from a company half way across the US online. Maybe I will be brave enough to do that someday, just risk and see how it turn out. Many of the people on the board have been very successful with their purchases online. I am packing the flat rate box and am very surprised that it is nearly full and no where near the 20 lb limit. Thank you again your friend sewbusy

OMG Sewbusy...I understand what you mean about the one rate box. I packed one of the square ones, then tried to figure out HOW I could get more room in it. I repacked it and found MORE room to load up MORE stuff in it. Couldn't believe how much I could "cram" in there! Might be at the 20 pound limit, not sure. Hoping to get it out, along with the other things I need to mail tomorrow. Will make sure I have a spare box with me in case they DO say it's overweight. :)

tlrnhi 04-17-2008 04:03 AM

Do I just write the addy like you have it?
No other name on it other than Casa La Joya??

Cathy M 04-17-2008 04:24 AM

This is soooo much fun- Izy thank you for this opportunity to go through my stash- I've been fondling all my favorites thanks to you!!! :):) Okay, I'm sharing some of them with you too!

tlrnhi 04-17-2008 04:28 AM

Originally Posted by Cathy M
This is soooo much fun- Izy thank you for this opportunity to go through my stash- I've been fondling all my favorites thanks to you!!! :):) Okay, I'm sharing some of them with you too!

I know, right Cathy? Didn't know I had some of the stuff. Thought it was lost forever! Found some stuff that I just looked at and said....I remember the quilt I made with that....
Ahhh...the memories. hehe
And yes....I'm sharing. Hubby says I should send a tote. Then I told him the price for shipping. hehe
He's glad I'm "unloading" some of the stuff. He actually saw one piece and was shocked I had it in the pile to be sent.
He says what we are doing is a good thing and says that if there were more people like us, the world would be covered in quilts. Sweet man,huh? Gotta love him!

Cathy M 04-17-2008 04:32 AM

My husband thought we should get a cargo plane and drop 'shipments' over Izy's house. .. I was worried it would squish her house hahahah... How would we explain that to Izy's nieghbors?

tlrnhi 04-17-2008 04:55 AM

Originally Posted by Cathy M
My husband thought we should get a cargo plane and drop 'shipments' over Izy's house. .. I was worried it would squish her house hahahah... How would we explain that to Izy's nieghbors?

I just had an idea!!
The ship my hubby is on does Dependent Cruises.
Maybe I can talk the captain into doing one to Spain!
That would be SOOO cool!
I'd even convince him to swing by and get everyone!
It's a pretty big ship!

Izy 04-17-2008 05:37 AM

Sewbusy and Terri!! Sorry!!

Been otherwise engaged today, we have friends, (with a fellow American friend from California!) over from the U.K., staying in the next village, so not so much free time for the next few days.

My full name is Isabella Ogden, but it doesn't matter if you have already sent the parcel, as it is a private post box address.

Wooooppppppeeeeeee :!: :!: :!: I will definitely be ticking off the days on my calender, probably for the next few weeks waiting in anticipation of your very generous gifts.


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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