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Lostn51 07-09-2010 05:42 PM

This trip is an out west trip on the iron horse I have being custom built for me. I am in west TN so I wont be in you area :( but if I get a chance to head that way I will be sure to look you up!!


Vanuatu Jill 07-09-2010 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by Lostn51
This trip is an out west trip on the iron horse I have being custom built for me. I am in west TN so I wont be in you area :( but if I get a chance to head that way I will be sure to look you up!!


If out west-you mean California, I'm in San Diego-(actually, Ramona, in the SD mountains), let me know if your coming down this way!

Lostn51 07-09-2010 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by Vanuatu Jill
If out west-you mean California, I'm in San Diego-(actually, Ramona, in the SD mountains), let me know if your coming down this way!

Out west is almost every state on the other side of the Mississippi to me. This trip is going to be over a month long journey for me to go on. I want to see all I can see and meet and stay with as many members and their families as I can. I honestly do not expect to stay in a hotel until I get to the Grand Canyon and then I will be there for 3 days.

But yes I will be in your neck of the woods!!


Lori L 07-09-2010 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by Lostn51

Originally Posted by Lockeb
I love it!!!!! :-)
That really gave me a laugh!!!!!!!

Thats really not the funny part of the story.....Fast forward a year and I was at out local Sonic for the Monthly Cruise In and I had a guy come up to me wanting me to paint his 1957 Chevy Convertible so the next day I went and looked at his car and his wife came out.........she was the woman that owned the quilt shop and was also the one who told me "Good luck with that".

So when I quoted him the price I tacked another $5K to the price just because his wife was a @%$^# and he asked how soon could I paint it for him!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

She never recognized me, but she was the one that paid me cash for the job when they picked the car up at my house! It felt good nailing her for an extra 5 just because!!


Some days just make you smile don't they??? :) :) :)

deranged_damsel 07-09-2010 08:21 PM

I dont shop lqs SPECIFICALY because they snub me for bringing my kids!!! even in the stroller they TOUCH the bolts!
boy was I ever surprised when I visited one recently and in the MIDDLE of the store they had a fenced in play area!!!

I agree that they hurt their bussiness by acting snooty! to basicaly anyone who isnt female with white hair!

mjsylvstr 07-10-2010 03:20 AM

Originally Posted by Lostn51
Well when I go on my trip this September I plan on visiting a lot of you guys and I want you all to take me to your LQS and show me what a good one is like to go into!

I plan on buying at least one yard of fabric from each stop I make and I am going to make a quilt to commemorate my ride around the country on my bike!!


Billy, where is this trip taking you......would love to have you drop in for a glass of cheer (or cup of coffee) if you make it along the Jersey coast.......mj

sandy12010 07-10-2010 03:50 AM

I dont live to far from the door mouse they have an enormous about of fabrics The first time I went in there I was in shock I believe Never seen so much fabric in one place plus all the colors..I dont get to go fabric shopping to often well I should say its been quite awhile since I bought fabric. On a fixed in come and hubby has been really sick lately so havent been doing much sewing Not had the fabric..So it is put on hold for a little while until things get going in the right direction.

damaquilts 07-10-2010 03:55 AM

I have had people in LQS look at me and turn away. I don't dress up enough I guess. I am usually in jeans and a flannel shirt , I don't wear makeup and don't fancy up my hair. lol
No I don't have a lot of money to spend but if I am treated well or bad at a store I sure do talk a LOT.
There are two LQS within driving distance of me. The Scarlett Thread in McDonough and Heritage Quilts in Newnan . Both are really nice places. I don't get to go very often but the couple of times I did it was nice.
I know that if I had a store I would treat everyone the same. And I wouldn't hover that drives me nuts. I would want to know everything about everyone. I did when I worked in an herb shop more than I wanted sometimes. :-)
I tried to teach my kids a little bit of everything. My son was the one that liked sewing but when he went to live with his Dad he told him that kind of stuff including his art work was sissy. My daughter works on cars. And I have done a lot around the house. Irritating now I know I could do stuff but the old body just won't let me.

Rainy Day 07-10-2010 04:05 AM

MOTH went to one of our LQS to pick up a new thimble for me. The owner recognised him - he is her massage therapist! He was then 'sold'to the rest of the women there, and picked up two new clients. He was asked to go on their next quilting retreat for a day to massage everyone.

yellowsnow55 07-10-2010 04:17 AM

:thumbup:You're evil :thumbup: :thumbup:

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