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dakotamaid 02-28-2011 09:19 AM

I was a loner in the evenings as I spent all day with students and other teachers. By the time I got home I just wanted peace and quiet! Since retirement I am content with my hubby and my sewing plus all our huge extended family on both sides. BUT I am happy for days at a time with just me.

kateyb 02-28-2011 09:23 AM

I have a hermit tendency anyway so to keep connected with people (I think we all need both) I joined a quilt guild. I have to get out at least once a month and then found a group of ladies who get together for an all day sewing session once a month. Sometimes we teach each other sometimes we each do our own thing but we visit as we work. I make new friends and still do what I enjoy.

fabric_fancy 02-28-2011 09:23 AM

i'm out more because of quilting. i'm in 3 guilds, i teach classes, i exhibit my work in shows, fairs, and galleries.

before i became an artist i would work inside an office all day and then come home in the evening and cook, clean, do chores and on the weekends i would run errands.

now that quilting is my source of income i'm out in the public more and spend more time with my quilting friends.

Terryl 02-28-2011 09:26 AM

Very sorry about your sister. Quilting has been lifeline for me, I moved from the east coast of Fl to the west coast and didn't know a soul here so I decided to learn to quilt, I made some wonderful lifelong friends, and a wonderful support group when my life was turned upside down. Quilting has definiately made me less of a loner.

trupeach1 02-28-2011 09:27 AM

sorry for the loss of your sister {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}

what is strange is I am very much a people person and very friendly however I have always been a loner. I am now housebound however even as a child I was alway a homebody.

quiltingsavta 02-28-2011 09:37 AM

I'm not so sure I would catorgorize this as being a "loner". I can only speak for myself, but if you are like me, you come home from work and all I want is some peace and quiet and to do something for "me"! Sometimes you just need solice in yourself. If that means being a loner, then so be it. I call it taking care of #1. My DH is great when it comes to my quilting. Sometimes he joins me and watches TV while I quilt, sometimes he goes to another room to read by himself. Does that make him a loner? We all need an escape and this is what makes all of us great! I'm sorry for your loss. Your sister was very lucky to have you in her life.

QuiltNGanny 02-28-2011 09:37 AM

Sounds like we have a lot of loners on this board. I too am pretty much of a loner. I would love to join a guild, but the ones near me all meet during the week when I am working. I have found quilting has both made me more of a loner in the creative process (when I'm planning and sewing)and a joiner if it has something to do with quilts. I go to classes at the LQS and maintain contact with people there and at a group I used to be able to attend - until my schedule changed. It's a strange combination, but it works for me!

amandasgramma 02-28-2011 09:44 AM

I've always been outgoing and a socializer. Until I moved to the country and retired! It was lonely and depressing!!!! I finally started making totes and then quilts. Found this board and thru it, have met many friends - both online and in person. I'm much more willing to talk to the people in the quilt shops, too. Now I'm willling to go a week or so without visiting with neighbors....which is good because my neighbors can go for years without visiting!! Seriously, the closest neighbor hasn't visited anyone in the neighborhood for 2 yrs....her husband calls and visits...but they have secluded themselves!!!!

grann of 6 02-28-2011 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by donnajean
I was just responding to another posted topic about how much is too much stash. My sister died in 2001 with a 5 bedroom house as well as storage facilities filled with anything relating to quilting. Her "when I retire I will open a quilt shop" never happened as she lost her battle with colon cancer. This was pre-internet times & quilting became such an obsession that all she did was quilt & work. She became isolated from any local friends. I don't know if this would still be true if she had gotten involved with the internet connections we have today. I have met & helped so many quilters as I send her 2,500 quilt books all over the world. Sites like this QB are a blessing for the many people like my sister who do not get out & about.

I have always been pretty much a loner when it comes to sewing and quilting. None of my friends or family sew and when I start talking about quilting their eyes glaze over and they change the subject. This board has been a godsend for me. I have "met" so many wonderful people here. And have found the Quilts for Kids site and many other great outlets for my creations. I love all you guys and gals.

DeneK 02-28-2011 09:56 AM

I am pretty much of a loner. Quilting doesn't make me more so nor less so. I enjoy the peace and quiet of solitude. Sometimes I don't even turn on music or TV in my quilting studio for weeks. I'm not anti-social, but find I'm often marching to the beat of a different drummer and that is not always accepted. That is one thing I love about quilters -- for the most part differences are accepted without judgment.

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