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tellabella 12-06-2010 06:10 PM

I have tried every type of thimble and can't get used to any of them... when I get desperate I wear duct tape and bandaids..I have tried liquid bandages..those dots, leather, plastic, metal, nothing feels good and I just can't get used to one..when I do a lot of applique or hand sewing my finger gets sore and full of holes...any suggestions...you guys know everything...

sueisallaboutquilts 12-06-2010 06:15 PM

Ouch! I feel for you :(
The only thimble I can use is the leather one that's kind of long. I learned with that one so maybe that's the reason. I wish I had some advice for you!

leaha 12-06-2010 06:18 PM

I was the same way, for years and years I never wore a thimble, then a gal told me, get a good fitting one, wet the end of your finger, put it on and wear it ALL day, you will find you really will get used to it, now I can't do any hand sewing with one, love my thimble, good luck!~~~~~~~

JanieW 12-06-2010 06:25 PM

Get an old pair of leather gloves and cut the finger off. Use that instead of a thimble. It will eventually wear out,as the needle pokes a million holes, then just cut another finger off.

Look for leather gloves in thrift shops. When you find a pair, you have lots of "thimbles"!

bluteddi 12-06-2010 06:26 PM

a good fitting thimble is key... but for me.. I use the leather one..... I have finially gotten used to it. But it did take along time to adjust to it.

littlehud 12-06-2010 06:40 PM

I buy heavy gloves (the kind you buy to wash dishes) and cut the fingers off one by one to use. Protects my fingers just fine.

Bottle Blonde 12-06-2010 06:44 PM

I used to fold up strips of cardstock and shape it to my finger and keep it in place with a 'flexible fabric' band aide. LOL I finally forced myself to get used to the leather thimbles --- now I use them all the time. The cardstock and band aide will protect your finger and you can remove it and reuse it several times ----- I hope you can find a thimble that works for you. (those band aides can get expensive! LOL)

Maride 12-06-2010 06:46 PM

I have never been able to use one since I learned to sew at 16 uears old. I don't think I will ever learn to use one.

LAB55 12-06-2010 06:47 PM

I can't use a thimble very well either. I do use super glue on my fingers for under the quilt, seals holes & helps keep needle from poking in sore places.
I have tried all types of them, i can manage a little with leather ones, but I make my own and put a piece of thin metal in the tip for pushing needle.

grammyp 12-06-2010 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by littlehud
I buy heavy gloves (the kind you buy to wash dishes) and cut the fingers off one by one to use. Protects my fingers just fine.

That is what I do, too. It won't completely protect from punctures, but does keep your finger from getting sore.

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