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MargeD 02-25-2012 09:37 AM

When I was working, I did exactly what you did. My girl friend was my enabler, she didn't mind driving and had found a quilt shop going out of business. I know I went overboard, but I was getting fabulous batiks for half off, then there was this great quilt shop that had a bin of fabric bolts for $2.99/yd. There was nothing wrong with them, she just needed space to add new fabrics. I got a lot of backing fabric, one of which went on to be center stage for my church's raffle quilt - guess that fabric wanted the limelight, she was beautiful. Now that my husband is disabled and I went on Social Security because I couldn't find work, I'm happy I went a little overboard, as now I have a s tash for lots of quiltsl and fabric for lots of little dresses and toys for my granddaughter. As far as advice, I'd say go with the flow, as long as you still have money. I really don't think there's a cure.

LindaMRB 02-25-2012 10:40 AM

Well I reached a point where I just do not have the money.
One day at a time works.
Every time you see a Hancock's, drive by and plan to go tomorrow.
Repeat that procedure until "cured."

I also try to decide what I really might do with what I have already and can usually talk myself out of another purchase.

If you don't want to buy "too much" or have a reason to be cautious financially, I won't enable you...

Do what you feel is best for you.

BarbaraSue 02-25-2012 10:46 AM

Ha! Sounds like you have the right beginning. But you also have an "in" on where to go for deals. I can't help you, but I'll go along so you can't buy it all!!!
Hi, I'm BarbaraSue, and I am a fabriholic!

nannyrick 02-25-2012 11:35 AM

I wish I could help but, I,m ready to contact Dr. Drew, the addition specialist.
I,m out of control and nothing I do will stop it, other than disconnecting my
computer and locking myself in the house.
Everyday, there are "sales" from everywhere on the computer and I say I,m just
going to delete it but don't, becaust I,m afraid I,m missing something.
If anyone has the antidote for this I,m more than ready.

karate lady 02-25-2012 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by garysgal (Post 5005267)
Well, I look at it this way: I don't drink or smoke or buy expensive jewelry or go on cruises, so the money I save I can use for quilting/sewing. My husband encourages me to quilt, and he never gets mad when I come home with more fabric. Of course, he does wood working and those tools are expensive!!

Both of you have hobbies that produce beautiful things so.....................go for it...how about some pics of hubbies work. my dad was a cabinet worker, so I know how much work goes into that hobby too....

Fabriholic 02-25-2012 12:06 PM

I have had to quit buying. Fabric is stashed in ALL rooms - ALL closets - and even the pantry!! You'll know when you just can't buy it anymore. When the fabric starts getting in the way of the purpose for which you bought it, well ... it's time to back down for a while. I LOVE looking at the the pretty fabrics I have but I need to get busy. Good Luck on your fabric adventure!! - Di

vmhlake 02-25-2012 12:21 PM

I will trade your addiction for mine, a LQS is closing and they are having fantastic sales, in the past 3 weeks I have spent approximately $700 on fabric, and next Friday what fabric is left will be .50 a yard..Today I paid $3.50 for Batik's!, normally priced at $10.75 a yard. I have enought fabric to keep me busy for the rest of my life and then have plenty to give away...I just LOVE fabric!

Rowena101 02-25-2012 12:41 PM

;)One idear is,s;)tay home & sew. That way you won't be where it is to buy.;) Rowena101

Halo 02-25-2012 01:08 PM

Oh Honey, you are truly DOOMED coming to us for intervention. We will only encourage your addiction & give you pointers on where to hide your ever growing stash.

kacklebird 02-25-2012 01:42 PM

Too funny, I think lots of quilters are addicts...hehehe Enjoy it :)

burchquilts 02-25-2012 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by Dandish (Post 5003026)
Just go with the flow, baby. LOL. I don't know how many people here will be able to help you, and I certainly suffer from the same affliction. Enjoy it until the plastic melts.

The title of your thread cracked me up.

Actually, this the LAST place you should be looking for help... LOL! I think we are what are referred to as "enablers"... LOL! One of (many) New Year's Resolutions is always not to buy any new fabric all year. Then that morphs into "unless it's on sale:. And by about the end of January, it's all bets are off! Heck, I placed 6 orders this week alone! Granted, it was all (well, most of it anyway) on sale, but still... As often as the UPS guy is at my house, my neighbors are probably starting to *wonder*! LOL! Enjoy! Life is short & there much worse things to be hooked on!!!

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glenda5253 02-25-2012 01:58 PM

Another enabler here! You are talking to the wrong choir. lol

KyKaren1949 02-25-2012 02:58 PM

I am NOT the one to assist you. My addiction has gone like wildfire this month. Since Christmas, I have spent over $1000 on fabric, quilting stuff and a new sewing machine (only $150.)I swore when I began quilting, there would NEVER be a stash, but here I am wallowing in it. I fall in love with the fabrics that are on sale too. The problem is not just buying one of them, but thinking just how many yards I would need in the entire line to make one ginormous quilt! So, it's not just 2 or 3 yards one fabric, it's a total of 12-15 yards to make it all.
I have started deleting the fabric shops I am receiving emails from just to prevent myself from buying fabric. Beginning to thinkI am seriously going to have to start a QA for Quilter's Anonymous if I can't get this under control. In three years, I am shocked at everything I have purchased. In all honesty though, I retired then and am happier than I have been in ages because I have finally found something I absolutely LOVE to do. No stress in my life has been such a nice change. Loving art has expressed itself through quilting for me, which makes me very happy!

babyboomerquilter 02-25-2012 03:53 PM

I love this addiction! LOL! I am right with you and probably most of the board is too!

gus 02-25-2012 05:00 PM

I can't help I'm building a bigger room

Teddybear Lady 02-25-2012 05:42 PM

Sorry hon, this is the last place to ask for that kind of help. :D If you listen closely you can hear us whispering..."go ahead and buy more fabric, you deserve it and you need a stash."

Gabrielle's Mimi 02-25-2012 08:50 PM

You have read quite a few humorous comments in this thread, and I completely understand your question. We are ALL passionate about quilting and our love of fabric on this site. Now, here is the not-so-humorous side of stash building. I learned to quilt from a person who was a compulsive buyer. She had absolutely astounding amounts of fabric, most of which she couldn't even remember she had in the bottom of boxes and bags. She would suggest that I buy fabrics that I liked in order to build my stash, and because "if you wait it won't be there tomorrow!" I listened to her, built a nice stash and then woke up one day realizing with a shock that I had way too much money invested in fabrics, some of which I may never use because it does kind of go out of style or because I am tired of looking at it. Also, color trends do change from year to year. Here is my suggestion: measure and fold and label ALL the fabric you have. Know how much $$$ you have tied up in fabric. Understand that yes, you may love this piece of fabric at this store today, but in reality, do you actually have a plan for it and will you make the project within 6 weeks? Yes this fabric may be gone in a week or two, but guess what...there will be more fabric on that shelf next week and next year, and you may even love it more. I only hope I will live long enough to make all the projects I have fabric for. Getting back to the measured and folded and labelled fabric...once you are organized, things won't be forgotten in bins or in bags in the bottom of the closet. Now you can go shopping in your own fabric stash. Right now I am trying to use only the fabric that I already own. I will break down and buy neutrals or whatever is needed to actually complete a project, but no more binge buying for me. BTW, that person who taught me to quilt unfortunately got herself deep into debt and had some serious challenges to face. A word to the wise...

Dotha 02-25-2012 10:49 PM

Hello, my name is Dotha and I am a fabriholic! lol
I already have the big stash built up and that big stash does not stop me from wanting more and more and more. Yes, we are all enablers here, most likely. It is fun. I love my fabric.

Dotha 02-25-2012 10:56 PM

Seriously, though, the lady who posted above me is right. There will always be beautiful fabrics. Many fabrics that I absolutley loved at the time are ugly to me now. I wonder what was I thinking. I have almost finished a quilt that I loved the fabric. Now I look at it and think 'yuk'. I don't know what hte answer is. I have found that the stash is really nice when I am trying to put to gether a group of fabrics for something. I love having what i need in the stash. I used some of that stash for my granddaughter's elephant quilt. Very satisfying but again, I had to purchase more than I had stashed. Now fabrics are getting so expensive so I am glad I have stuff to work with. I just have to stay out of the shops....and there are no shops close to me anymore. I worked in a shops for 18 years so you can imagine my temptations along the way. I have way too many books and magazines too. I am in the process of purging.

michelehuston 02-26-2012 06:12 AM

Welcome to the club!!!!! I am not sure if there is sa (stashers annoymous sp?) around, but it won't work because we would just tell each other about the sales, and we would all be on a 'field trip!' lol

lfw045 02-26-2012 06:59 AM

You can over come........go to the fabric stores......there is an art to fondling fabric! Touch it, stroke it, make believe it is yours and walk out with a smile on your face and your money in your pocket! Just think the next shop might have just what you are looking for at a really reduced rate! Yeah right......roflmao!

rockeeann 02-26-2012 07:56 AM

There is a bright side... At the cash register, they hand you a receipt that says you spent $170, but you saved $250. To save more than I spend is my goal.

darlin1942 02-26-2012 12:46 PM

Contact Harrishs on this board, she has an extremely large stash and is wanting to sell for very reasonable prices.

berrypatch 02-26-2012 03:05 PM

It is truly a"QUILTER'S DISEASE" and there is no known cure. Rest assured, it is not fatal, just costly !

sylviak 02-26-2012 03:20 PM

If...and I say, "if", you REALLY need and intervention....you don't need to talk to a quilter, honey! You need to talk to your husband (assuming you are married) or one of your other non-quilting friends or relatives, or your priest or minister, .......OR just accept this as one of the many anomilies associated with all quilters and lay out a set of rules for buying (which you will break) and punish yourself when you break them (keep a couple of pkgs of chocolate in the back of the closet) and then "quilt, baby, quilt!" to resolve your guilt! LOL!

skothing 02-26-2012 03:28 PM

I now have 14 sewing machines and rooms of fabric. I show you how to power shop! LOL

bunbytes 02-26-2012 09:20 PM

I think this is a good addiction:
1. fabric doesn't impair your driving ability
2. it's not like a drug that you take
3. it doesn't make you fat
4. I look at fabric as potential creativity and a source of beauty and satisfaction

I embrace my addiction and husby lets me be.

beatys9 02-26-2012 11:08 PM

Really?! You came here for help... LOL. I had to hide that 4th machine (Baby Lock CoverStitch) from DH. When I finally fessed up after a few months, he expressed relief. He told me he had bought himself a new set of golf clubs but didn't want to tell me :) Hey, we all have our 'thing' - mine's fabric.

SandScraps 02-27-2012 03:53 AM

I am afraid we are all wolves in sheep's clothing when it comes to buying fabric. You could do much, much worse than spending your hardearned cash on your stash.

Quilterfay 02-28-2012 04:42 PM

I used to do that a lot. But for some reason I have stopped. I used to rush out when Fabricland in Canada had their buy 1 get 3 sales. But most of that fabric just sat in my stash. So now I just buy fabric that I have a specific use for and a little of the "it is just nice".

I still have tons of fabric and I am sure I could sew for the rest of my life and never use it up.

Spuddy 02-29-2012 07:46 PM

There is no hope. You won't ocercome this. It will only get worse.

seazteddy 02-29-2012 09:18 PM

I have 30 bins of fabric and I still buy fabric at garage sales/estate sales. If someone has a cure let me know.

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