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quilt3311 04-03-2011 04:01 AM

Hey leave it, what difference does it make which side the pocket is on. I can use both hands for most things, My Dad was like that too, he even changed hands often when eating, sometimes with the left, sometimes with the right. Does that mean I am in my "right" mind half the time? grin

Becky Mc 04-03-2011 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by frauhahn
Ah, the world just doesn't realize how handicapped we lefties are!!! But always remember- we are the only ones in our right minds!

With that being said than what does that make an ambidextrous person?

We use our whole Brain? I write right or left handed but it is easier to write backwards with my left or upside down. Being Ambidextrous we get the best of both sides of our brain. LOL

Becky Mc 04-03-2011 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by frauhahn
Ah, the world just doesn't realize how handicapped we lefties are!!! But always remember- we are the only ones in our right minds!

With that being said than what does that make an ambidextrous person?

We use our whole Brain? I write right or left handed but it is easier to write backwards with my left or upside down. Being Ambidextrous we get the best of both sides of our brain. LOL

KarenB 04-03-2011 04:22 AM

I am left handed, married left handed. I struggle sometimes. Most noticeably is when I hand quilt with the ladies at the church. I have trouble going in all directions. I love the mug rug and agree left handers are more creative! We may have just had more correction and criticism over the years, affecting our self esteem!

GloBug 04-03-2011 04:59 AM

Originally Posted by clsurz

Originally Posted by frauhahn
Ah, the world just doesn't realize how handicapped we lefties are!!! But always remember- we are the only ones in our right minds!

With that being said than what does that make an ambidextrous person?


I'm Ambidextrous, in a world set up for the right handed I guess that makes me a misfit. Oh well I just get things done faster.


Linda1 04-03-2011 05:00 AM

Alex Anderson of Simply Quilts is left handed. I love to watch her. I am right handed. I have a DGS who is left handed. I am glad his teachers did not try to force him to use his right hand. He is a very smart young man. You mug rugs are fine. Don't change a thing.

Pattycakes 04-03-2011 05:01 AM

I feel the same as everyone else. The piece looks awesome and doesn't matter where the pocket is. When you choose a pattern to make you don't use the same material. You don't want your project to be like every one else's. Your project in it self is unique and that makes it special. If I were you I wouldn't change a thing. But if it really bothers you. Make another set and take two from each. That way you accomidate both left and right handed people.
But your projects is totally awesome!

Pattycakes 04-03-2011 05:01 AM

I feel the same as everyone else. The piece looks awesome and doesn't matter where the pocket is. When you choose a pattern to make you don't use the same material. You don't want your project to be like every one else's. Your project in it self is unique and that makes it special. If I were you I wouldn't change a thing. But if it really bothers you. Make another set and take two from each. That way you accomidate both left and right handed people.
But your projects is totally awesome!

Sorry about the duplication, Internet is lagging

DesiG 04-03-2011 05:23 AM

Originally Posted by clsurz

Originally Posted by frauhahn
Ah, the world just doesn't realize how handicapped we lefties are!!! But always remember- we are the only ones in our right minds!

With that being said than what does that make an ambidextrous person?


equally out of both of my minds :-)
I was supposed to be a lefty- but was 'corrected' by having my left hand taped to the desk. Fixed that later by breaking my right hand in 5th grade and have been able to do most things left or right handed ever since. Apparently I iron backwards too (according to my MIL, anyway)

grandma anna 04-03-2011 07:16 AM

I am a lefty too thought I was the only one lol yes it is a right handed world.

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