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drella123 06-28-2011 07:52 AM

Advanced beginner

Chasing Hawk 06-28-2011 07:54 AM

Most say I am a wonderful quilter. I don't strive for perfection because in my culture one can not achieve it because only Wakan Tanka creates perfection, It is deemed disrespectful.

Everything I make or work on has at least one flaw, a life lesson to keep me humble.

IBQUILTIN 06-28-2011 08:21 AM

I rate myself as a beginner/intermediate. Depends on the project. Some of them make me feel like a kindergartener

star619 06-28-2011 08:35 AM

I quilt entirely for my own pleasure & sanity. As an outlet for creative expression, I give myself an E for Enjoyment! :thumbup:

QultingaddictUK 06-28-2011 08:37 AM

Originally Posted by star619
I quilt entirely for my own pleasure & sanity. As an outlet for creative expression, I give myself an E for Enjoyment! :thumbup:

Love it, I will give myself an A for ADDICTED TO QUILTING!

mariebaker 06-28-2011 09:25 AM

I try to quilt with a "beginners mind",as a Buddhist would say.
Every project is a new game-even if it is a pattern that I have done before-the choice of block, fabric, size, surface design, etc.

I will try anything as far a technique goes, and frankly the end result is never what I imagined it would be when I started out. Which is part of the attraction: seeing how the idea distills through the process.

I have seen countless wonderful quilts on this board-from first quilts on- and I view each as a conversation between the quilter and the piece and the piece and the rest of us.

I could never make anyone else's quilt-we all add to the dialogue w/ our own unique viewpoint and work, and because of that each and every quilt is a valuable part of the whole.

seamstome 06-28-2011 09:25 AM

I would say I am an advanced beginner into intermediate level. Definitely not novice or beginner but not a perfect quilter either. I can traditionally piece, do curved piecing, paper piecing and I can applique in several ways although I dont like doing it. My binding skills are so so at best.

I send my quilts out for LA.

Aminnie 06-28-2011 09:39 AM

I think we are all our worst critic. But as all things go, there will always be someone more advanced...so as long as you are happy with the talent YOU possess, and what YOU can do, you are a winner! It really depends on the day for me...I love trying new things and challenges and generally quite happy with what I do...as a newbie + quilter.

joyce888 06-28-2011 10:06 AM

Intermediate most days.

madamekelly 06-28-2011 11:05 AM

I am a beginner, and always will be a beginner. I have issues that affect everything I do, but if I am a beginner, then everything I do is a learning experience. Since I also have short-term memory deficits, I have to relearn everything constantly. I do have my "expert" seconds though. :wink:

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