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Landers 06-28-2011 05:02 PM

I consider myself an Intermediate. Would love to be more!! Love learning new techniques!

redmadder 06-28-2011 05:22 PM

I'm not an art quilter or a follower of trends, I am a judicious learner of new techniques, am generous in sharing what I know. I love what I do, what others create, and get suspicioius when someone tries to make out that quilting is hard to learn or has to be perfect. I do it with joy and hope everyone else does too. How do I rate? I doubt anyone who has recieved a quilt I made will ever forget me. That's good enough for me.

sewmom 06-28-2011 05:38 PM

Someone on this board coined the phrase "Cozy Quilter" I love that term and it describes me. It's something that I love, but my quilts are not perfect nor will they probably ever be. But you can wrap up in them and be warm and know that they were made with love.

Stitchit123 06-28-2011 06:04 PM

I'd rate myself-- A Happy Quilter :-) :-) whose always learning new stuff

grannypat7925 06-28-2011 06:12 PM

Getting to be a more confident beginner. Never will be as skilled as some I see on this board but that's okay, I enjoy what I can do.

running1 06-28-2011 06:19 PM

How do I rate myself as a quilter... well, as far as piecing and actual quilting go, definitely a beginner who is loving the learning process of new techniques (new to me anyway...).
As an "enjoyer" of quilting, then I'm in the Superbowl of quilting! I love every minute I'm touching fabric, buying fabric, re-purposing fabric, cutting fabric, sewing/piecing fabric, quilting fabric, binding fabric, hugging up in fabric, giving fabric (in a quilt) away... sigh.... There's nothing I don't love about this phenomenon!!!! As an "enjoyer" I'm an expert!!!

ButtermilkMama 06-28-2011 07:08 PM

I am a very "insecure"??? quilter. I can' believe anyone who tells me my quilts are pretty. I just don't believe them!!!!

ButtermilkMama 06-28-2011 07:08 PM

I am a very "insecure"??? quilter. I can' believe anyone who tells me my quilts are pretty. I just don't believe them!!!!

spartan quilter 06-28-2011 07:34 PM

I have done different levels of difficulty, pieced quilts for close to 40 years, and think that I am still a beginner. There is always so much to learn out there. I have given away more quilts than I will ever be able to remember.

I did tell my daughters that when I die, the custom around here at the wake, is to have a slide show of family pictures, and I don't want that. what I would like instead, is for anyone who has gotten a quilt from me, to bring it and lay it across the back of a pew. That is how I want to be remembered. Hope that doesn't sound to morbid.

Scakes 06-28-2011 07:38 PM

Somewhere between beginner and average. I kind of like simpler designs. I have no desire to do a quilt or wall hanging with thousands and thousands of pieces. I do want to make a lone star quilt one of these days and already have my pattern for it. There is a turtle in the star - very pretty pattern I think. I've made lots of quilts for Christmas gifts and baby showers and none have been returned, so I guess I'm doing ok. :lol:

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