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Mousie 10-04-2010 12:55 PM

I am trying to get into a different routine. Everything keeps eating up my quilting time, then I am tired and not motivated.
So, some days I start right after breakfast and give myself about 3 hours.
Sounds like a lot, but I work very slowly due to health and vision.
Sometimes, like today, I just couldn't knuckle down due to a magnet called the post office, lol...and I was rewarded! ;)
But I will try to get my butt in gear later...hope I didn't squelch the creative energies today :cry: :)

dorrell ann 10-04-2010 01:26 PM

I wished I had started quilting 20 years ago. I can spend all day sewing- it is my passion now!!

nitakhoops 10-04-2010 01:34 PM

It really varies...virtually no time is spent quilting in nice weather...I'm too busy around the C'mas tree farm. In the winter when it's cold and rainy, I'll often spend the entire day quilting. :lol:

Dodee 10-04-2010 01:34 PM

It all depends as both my husband and I have had some health issues for about 3 years now - seems to get worse. It's sort of funny tho' as I have a fabric nut and I'll buy a little here and a little there and today he said "you've been getting a lot sewing stuff, when are you going to start sewing?" Hmmmm That's the truth tho'. I'm anxious to get back to it, but just can seem to get started on the sewing part.

Covered in Threads 10-04-2010 01:36 PM

It all depends on the time of year and where I'm at.
During the normal time of year, I'll sew 20 minutes before going to work, during my lunch hour and for 2 hours in the evening and then when I during the weekends. Most weekends when the weather is good we are camping, gardening, hiking or just out and about.
During the holiday/craft show time of year (Aug-Dec) I'm grabbing extra sewing time on the weekend and this is where I'm truly blessed. My DH takes over the housekeeping, laundry and meals to free me up to sew even more.
During retreats (2x a years) I rarely sleep, so involved in doing what I love to do - create by sewing either by hand or machine. And let's face it, there's nothing on TV to keep any of us entertained anymore.

Arleners 10-04-2010 03:07 PM

For me it depends. I'm semi-retired. On the days I work, I barely quilt at all. That's when I surf. On days off, I try to quilt for an hour or two. However, if I get on a deadline, I can spend hours locked in my room.
Right now I'm trying to finish a quilt for a raffle on Thursday. I just have the binding and labels on the back to attach. I feel like I've been chained to my sewing chair. Today it isn't fun. When it's done, I will be happy

Maybe1day 10-04-2010 03:22 PM

One morning a week usually and one day a week every fortnight if life doesn't get in the way is my lot.


Annz 10-04-2010 03:28 PM

once a week for 2 hours unless I'm lucky and can find time to do more.

Kitsapquilter 10-04-2010 03:30 PM

I don't get to spend as much time sewing as I would like. I crochet around fleece for baby blankets to sell at craft shows. My sisters take them to the shows they go to. So during the fall months I am usually very busy trying to keep up on the blankets to sell. After the first of December I am hoping to get to sew more. I have a scrappy log cabin quilt in the making and want to get it finished. The blocks are all done and just need to be laid out and sewn together. All in all right now I probably only get about 2 hours a week to sew if I am lucky!

yellowsnow55 10-04-2010 03:31 PM

I always feel as if my day is wasted if I don't get any sewing in.Even if it's only mending. Usually spend a hour or two machining or cutting and in the evenings I do my hand quilting etc. in front of the T.V. which is set on digital radio. Let's face it , not much worth watching besides the news.Don't get anything done in the mornings as I'm waiting to get some feeling back in my fingers due to M.S. Some days I don't do anything but quilting, but those are one of my rare good days and I'm sure as **** not wasting them on cleaning.

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