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gramarraine 12-02-2011 06:29 AM

Lately I have only been buying what I need for a project. Last fall I was lucky to get in on a store closing out sale. I bought 2 - 3 yards of everything I could buy. Hopefully I will be able to use it in the near future and not leave it to my daughters to find a home for. I have told them that if (or when) I die to call my friend Sharon to relieve them of the burden of finding someone to give it to. We laugh about it because she has a hugh stash also.

bvillequilter 12-02-2011 06:30 AM

As a general rule I buy 2 yards. But if it is a great sale, like a quilt shop going out of business, I buy 3-6 yards. If a fabric catches my eye but I can't envision it in a project I only buy one yard. I also only buy one yard if the fabric is trendy. I wish I would have learned that years ago - I have an entire shelf full of fabric that is outdated - either the color combinations in the fabric or the design.

SandyQuilter 12-02-2011 06:40 AM

Never enough!

ArizonaKAT 12-02-2011 07:41 AM

If I like it and it's "Really" cheap ($1.50 or less) I get the entire bolt. I have three bolts sitting at home now. If nothing else I can use them for backs . . . someday :-)

IAmCatOwned 12-02-2011 07:50 AM

If it's background, I buy 4 yards. If it is a border, I'll get 3 yards, otherwise, 2.5 yards.

BuzzinBumble 12-02-2011 08:23 AM

Originally Posted by susieqwva (Post 4737769)
Like it . . . . 1 yard
LOVE it . . . . 3 yards
REALLY, REALLY love it . . . . 6 yards!!!!

That's an excellent system SusieQ! Plus it would depend upon how versatile you think the fabric would be. I tend to buy my fabric with some coordinating prints to go along with it too.

wolph33 12-02-2011 09:27 AM

way too much-If I really love it I buy at least 6 yds

primbears 12-02-2011 09:31 AM

You can never have enough fabric. Buy all you can.

delma_paulk 12-02-2011 09:33 AM

I get at least one yard, not more than two.

QuiltnLady1 12-02-2011 09:39 AM

Everytime I buy less than a yard I am sorry. I started buying less to save money but I am buying less fabric and going back to the larger amounts -- usually a minimum of 3 yards in case I want to use it for borders. If I love the fabric -- at least 5 yards.

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