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rusty quilter 12-02-2011 09:52 AM

I buy between 2-4 yards depending on how much I like it--and how well it will play with what I already own.

reginalovesfabric 12-02-2011 10:25 AM

I buy 3 yards or more depending on how much money I have on me at the time of the find

MargeD 12-02-2011 11:11 AM

I find that if I really like the fabric, 2 yards give me a great start to a quilt, if it's on sale 6+, so I'll have plenty of fabric for backings (depending on my checkbook balance) When there is a good sale on fabric, I get 4-6 years of white or cream to use for background, especially for the family reunion quilts I make every two years.

crafty pat 12-02-2011 11:16 AM

Three to five yards.

Landers 12-02-2011 11:18 AM

I normally buy 2 yards of fabric I like and if i like the full line, I was also buying 2 yards of each fabric. I am rethinking this practice. I am seeing more patterns in my magazine where I least one of the fabrics are more than 2 yards. And I don't have enough to do it. I thin I am going to go for 3 yards now.

quiltmouse 12-02-2011 12:00 PM

It depends.

1/4 yard if it is a stripe. I am collecting stripes for a card trick.

Fantastic price? enough for a queen backing.

blender? 4 yards.

love it for a border? 3 yards

OBW? 6 repeats

paisley/elegant print red of a certain shade? 1 yard

bright, cheerful happy print? 2 y

LizzyLou 12-02-2011 12:22 PM

Oh I'm so happy I'm not alone. My friends and mother think I'm crazy when I buy 2 or more yards at a time. And I too look for the end of the bolt sales. There is nothing worse than starting a project and finding you don't have enough fabric and can't find any more at the store.

craftyheart2 12-02-2011 12:53 PM

Tirolgirl said:

I usually buy fat quarters. But if it's a fabric I cannot live without, I buy one yard/meter. If it's perfect for a border, 2 yards/meters, and if it's the right quality for backing, 5 to 8 yards/meters. I do confess to be a fabricaholic!!

This is my answer too - FQs feed my scrappy heart but then you need borders and backing to complete the quilt usually.

klarina 12-02-2011 12:57 PM

totally agree. you are a smart one!!

Originally Posted by susieqwva (Post 4737769)
Like it . . . . 1 yard
LOVE it . . . . 3 yards
REALLY, REALLY love it . . . . 6 yards!!!!

quilt3311 12-02-2011 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by nannyrick.com (Post 4737646)
When you see something you like, or a sale, (not with anything in mind), how much do you buy, for a future project?

It depends on the fabric, basics like PFD fabric anywhere from 10 yards to a bolt. I use a lot of this. If its a fabric I plan to applique with, a fat quarter will usually be enough. For piecing, anywhere from a yard to 3 yards depending if I think it will be a border. If its really cheap--(price not quality) and it is something I use a lot of, 3 - 6 yards.
I do have a good stash, so usually only need to add in colors I have used recently.

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