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Cass62 04-26-2014 04:55 PM

Lucky you, having a daughter to stay with! Going to Paducah is on my list and I hope to go in 2016. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

NikkiLu 04-26-2014 05:02 PM

Wasn't it fun??? We did not get the strawberry shortcake this year - it was so crowded and people were sitting in the grass and on the curb, etc. - so we did not think we could get up if we sat down like that! We were through with the Quilt Show and "Marshmallow building" about 1 pm on Thursday and walked right past the "food court" on our way to our car. After lunch at McAllister's, we headed for Hancocks of Paducah. WOW!

Originally Posted by cjsews (Post 6692499)
I just got back myself. Great trip. Talked my sister into the strawberry shortcakes. Even tho she is on a diet. We walked it off.

sewingsuz 04-26-2014 05:33 PM

It sounds like you really had a good time. Got to bring home goodies also. Take a picture of that great batik you got the last piece of.

NikkiLu 04-26-2014 05:54 PM

Wish I could take a picture of my "loot" but my old Kodak Easy Share camera only hooks up to my HP Photosmart printer and it is not working. So, if one of my kids comes over with their camera/cell phone, maybe they could help me put a picture on here. Sorry.

Originally Posted by sewingsuz (Post 6692568)
It sounds like you really had a good time. Got to bring home goodies also. Take a picture of that great batik you got the last piece of.

Nammie to 7 04-26-2014 06:10 PM

Sounds like you had an absolutely wonderful time!! I hope to go to this show sometime. You are right everyone should go to one of these big shows at least once in their lifetime.

nanacc 04-26-2014 06:55 PM

Sounds like a lot of fun! You might check Eleanor Burns site for the batik that you liked.

deedum 04-26-2014 09:49 PM

We left home Wednesday and heading to Paducah also. About 5 hours driving for us. Spent all day Thursday there. My DH volunteered to come along with me this year. I was amazed how much interest he showed in the quilts. He entertained himself by looking at the river walk, and murals. Chatting with some ladies and holding my packages while I continued to shop. Bless his heart. Always so patient. I couldn't believe he wanted to do this, but we did have a great trip together and great food, the weather was so nice! I didn't break the bank by any means but I did get some fun stuff. We even got a winery in. I told me dh I plan to give this trip to myself each year for my birthday present to me. He said" you will need to find a quilting friend as once was enough for him". I chuckled and said I can do that!

shawnan 04-26-2014 10:47 PM

Here is a list of the winners for this year. Maybe someone you know was a winner.



117becca 04-27-2014 03:47 AM

I want to go so bad!!!! But since i'm a teacher, i can't take off this time of year - it's state testing and that's even worst. I could only call off if i was dying! ;) Some day though......some day!

sandyl 04-27-2014 04:10 AM

I was there, too. And I saw several men hauling loot for their quilters. One man actually sleeping on a straight back chair with a very large pink flowered bag on his lap and several bags sitting next to him on the floor. Should have snapped his picture. I got the best deals at Sew Smart I think it was called. A factory building with loads and loads of bolts of fabric - name brands for $5. and some a bit highter than that, but that was my best. And I loaded up. Got 108" backing, for my QOV, too. Never made it to Eleanor's factory sale. But I did see her show on Wed. night. She's great.

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