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Poodles 04-28-2014 04:13 PM

I have enjoyed reading your happiness of going to the Paducah show. I got a friend or two and then met a couple of friends for a day about 3-4 years ago. I was so happy to be going and had already called about a scooter. I rented that scooter because other wise I wouldn't have been able to get around. Well I wasn't able to get around in that scooter either. People would push between me and the wall and jump right over in front of my scooter and it running. Some I could not stop in time not to hit them. No one said I'm sorry or excuse me. I never got to even pull up to but one booth the whole day I was there. I enjoyed looking at the quilts that was displayed and stood there praying that some day I hoped to just be able to quilt. I enjoyed my friends and eating outside also. I really would love to go and be able to see the vendors or some of them but I think it is not the right place for me to be. I wouldn't make it very far walking on my crutch as the hand is damaged from leaning on it. Don't get me wrong, I walk a lot. Rarely ever use a scooter unless I need one at Wal-mart. Most of the time I walk Wal-mart if possible. I have always wanted to meet Elenore Burns but never knew she would be there. My daughter carried me back a couple of weeks after the show and I went into the Quilt in Day store, I think it was called. Then went down the street where all the Murals was and loved that. By the way I love reading your stories and I don't respond much but that's because I still haven't learned how to quilt. One of my friends said I try to be perfect instead of realizing that the quilt does not have to be perfect for someone to love it.

joycet 04-29-2014 09:15 AM

Don't know how good their food is but Willow Pond at the Culvert City exit is well worth the drive. It's closer than Patti's Settlement. Their catfish are so wonderful and the trimmings are super. they start off with a bowl of great northern beans and hushpuppies. So good!!!! Then you order and their catfish have to be world class. Never miss a chance of stopping by there when i'm up that way.

quiltgodess 04-29-2014 02:30 PM

I miss it too. Can't take the long drive from Brooklyn,N.Y. anymore. Saw a picture of the strawberry shortcake on the AQS site. Brought back good memories

deedum 04-29-2014 08:17 PM

Where did everyone stay? What is a nice place to stay at? I am interested in booking for next year. any ideas? thanks

IBQUILTIN 04-30-2014 01:59 PM

So glad you had a wonderful time. Those large shows are so much fun and you get to see so many new ideas

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