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-   -   I Joined a Quilt Guild, And Met Quiltzilla!!! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/main-f1/i-joined-quilt-guild-met-quiltzilla-t17881.html)

Knot Sew 03-20-2009 03:57 AM

That sounds terrible. Our local guild here is just to expensive. You pay for everything. They have a meeting...then if there is a guest speaker yoyu pay again. The dues are $40 a year. The ladies all seem very nice but Just gets to pricey for me. They have a show every two years

Kara 03-20-2009 04:07 AM

It sounds like an AWFUL experience :(
I have never joined a guild (would rather spend the yearly fee on fabric or something equally fun)
I'm sure there have to be nicer bunches of people around you. This group is great. Full of encouragement and advice.

mpspeedy 03-20-2009 04:18 AM

I belong to two guilds. Each has it's own personality. There will always be members that rub you the wrong way. I am surprised you took your children. How old are they? I know that children are not usually welcome at either of my guilds. The woman look at it as if this is their night or day out. In an emergency situation they will tolerate children if they are well behaved or small enough to be stationary. Both guilds offer opportunities for chairitable giving and projects. In any group there will be personality clashes. Perhaps you need to find a guild that fits your life and quilting style more comfortably.
It is getting more expensive for guilds everyday just like everything and everybody else. A good speaker costs $400 or so and most groups have to pay rent for their meeting place. Most groups offer newsletters , handouts of patterns etc and even some kind of refreshments. Dues are getting higher to offset these expenses. Raffles and quilts shows are ways to raise money from people other than guild members. If you compare the price to what you would spend on a movie or other outing it actually is usually is a really good deal.
I hope you find a quild that fits you.

pocoellie 03-20-2009 08:01 AM

Personally, I'd tell them I want my money back. Quilting guilds should be encouraging people to quilt, not turn them away from quilting. Guilds should be for sharing and learning different techniques not crititizing.

quiltsRfun 03-20-2009 08:51 AM

What a way to welcome a new member! Sounds like you've found the quilt police. Find another group. That kind of criticism will take all the joy out of your quilting.

mrs theo 03-20-2009 09:16 AM

I'm so sorry your experience was so awful! I just started quilting last year and I asked some people at my LQS about the local guild. I was told that the local guild was full of quilt police and not a pleasant place, especially for beginners. I never went to investigate. Like others on thread, I've really enjoyed the advice and camraderie of this board. I also have the owner and employees of my LQS for advice, kindness and patience with my beginner questions. Welcome from northeastern PA!


BellaBoo 03-20-2009 12:21 PM

I belong to a guild and other then dues paid the only thing I pay extra for is a class fee for workshops I want to take which are all optional. We have a raffle quilt for a fundraiser every two years and the money collected pays for programs and guest speakers. We get a yearly grant to buy supplies for charity and community projects. Our room with kitchen and table set up is rented yearly and the dues pays the rent and janitor service. Everything else is donated by members.

eparys 03-20-2009 05:32 PM

It must be the month to join Guilds. I just went to my first meeting this month as well - It was fantastic and before I left - I not only joined but signed up to help with the Quilts for Valor and to go on their "retreat" next fall (oh well I never do anything small :lol: :lol: )

Now - the ladies who brought show and tell had absolutely beautiful quilts. I consider myself a decent sewer but it will be awhile before I bring a quilt to show and tell - but I think I can learn a lot and everyone was gracious, inviting and encouraging.

I think you need to ask for your dues back and find yourself another group. Even if you find other Moms who like to sew. There was a small quilt group in the town I just moved from - they were a group of Moms who got tog once a month and did a quilting project. Sorry your experience was a bummer but keep looking for a group you feel at home with!

Ninnie 03-21-2009 03:41 AM

I also had a bad experience with a guild member so never joined one. Apparently I ask a stupid question, at least she thought it was stupid. I was made to feel less of a quilter because I was self taught and had never taken a class.It took me a long time to show my quilts to anyone other than family. Now I have found out most quilters are self taught and don't take classes! So ask any question you want to! I am still learning after 12 years of quilting. A guild does not make you a quilter, but seeing patterns everywhere does! So, I am a quilter! :D :D :D Ninnie in NC

peaceandjoy 03-21-2009 05:03 AM

We have two guilds locally. One is quite large and even amoung the members has a reputation for having several unkind people. Because of their size, they are able to do a quilt show, bring in speakers, etc.

The one I belong to is fairly small, w/ maybe 60 members. Monthly business meeting (brief), helps (if you have a problem or question regarding a pattern, quilt, etc., you can ask for advice), show and tell followed by a short presentation by member for a technique, tool, or small item. Strip exchange for those who want to participate. We do a charity quilt & sell tickets to raise money for a local charity, voted on by members. Bus shop hop once per year for anyone who wants to sign up. Each month there is an opportunity to meet for help with bastings, too. And every couple of months we have a "sew in" where anyone can bring whatever they'd like to work on for the day, a snack to share. Occasionally a Saturday class, usually taught by members (bag making, table runners, etc.).

Our dues are $20/year, enough to cover a donation to the church we use, occasional donations to local causes, and a little left in the treasury.

You didn't mention the age of your children. I agree with a previous poster that many of the quilters look at the guild meeting as their night out, and may not appreciate having children there. My children are older now, but I know when they were younger there is no way they'd be able to sit quietly and not disrupt a meeting that lasted an hour or two. Depending on who else you know that sews, a moms group might be a great idea. Or 4-H (where I learned to sew a hundred years ago!) - they are always in need of new groups or helpers for existing groups.

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