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bunbytes 05-03-2012 06:40 AM

I think husby can't qualify as a "judge" as to who is a quilter or not since he's not involved in the process. No offense, but I think that's pretty tacky of him to denounce your status as a quilter!

CarrieC 05-03-2012 07:09 AM

In my humble opinion once the quilting sickness has bitten you you're a quilter - PERIOD.

Pat G 05-03-2012 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by lsb142 (Post 5187758)
I'm a new quilter and have only pieced two tops and quilted one. My DH says this doesn't make me a quilter.

I love the fabrics, tools, sewing machines, books, patterns, videos. I think I'm addicted to quilting without really making quilts. ;-)


This is so funny to me since I have a new sewing buddy who I'm teaching. She usually "shops" from my stash but now that she's acquiring scraps she's now calling her "stash". I have to laugh at her & tell her now she's a true quilter when she has a "stash".

hensandhollyhocks 05-03-2012 08:19 AM

Sounds like you have all the symptoms to me.

teddysmom 05-03-2012 10:33 AM

Of course you're a quilter. Don't let him tell you otherwise. MEN.......

Threadbanger 05-03-2012 10:38 AM

Just tell your DH that you want to be a quilter and to do that not only must you make quilts, you must obtain the most high-tech sewing machine around and spend $500 a month in buying fabric. He might relent and say, "No you made a quilt and that's all it takes to be a quilter". Otherwise, take him shopping for new gadgets and fabric!

PS Stitcher 05-03-2012 11:16 AM

Pish Posh!! Tell that hubby of yours to zip it!! :D In a nice way of course! You ARE a quilter!! The minute that you ran your hands over fabric and felt all fuzzy and warm, you were a quilter!! Way to go!!

spacebull1 05-03-2012 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by lsb142 (Post 5187758)
I think I'm addicted to quilting without really making quilts. ;-)


Lol... That's exactly how I felt when I began. But I think it does make you a quilter. :) <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" height="1" width="1">

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carolynjo 05-03-2012 11:22 AM

Does HE have a hobby? How long did it take for him to become proficient? After his first "whatever" he was probably as addicted as you are. Raspberries to the self-proclaimed judge.

lmiller1978 05-03-2012 12:04 PM

Honey....I have been a quilter since I was 5 years old, playing with my dolls underneath my great-grandma's quilting frame that hung from the garage ceiling at my great-aunt's as 4 beautiful and skillful ladies chatted and stitched the day away....My love started early...the addiction came later when I started "rescuing" quilts from garage sales and thrift stores and people's trash piles and restoring them....now I restore and make my own quilts...I have a room in the upstairs of my house that is only for quilting....NO HUBBY, NO KIDS, NO PETS....just me and my addiction. So in an essence...you don't have to justify your "being, or not being" a quilter to anyone, including your hubby, as mine doesn't understand it either....but he does foot the fabric bill most of the time...lol...Quilting is in your heart =)

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