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pab58 05-04-2011 11:45 AM

You stated that your ex-boyfriend's mother "is a wonderful, wonderful quilter." Are you comparing your work to hers? Keep in mind that SHE was a beginning quilter, too. Even though there are many, many differences, having a background in garment sewing can smooth the transition into making quilts -- at least I think it did for me. You said she makes clothes, too. That has probably helped her in her quilting. When constructing clothing, things have to line up -- especially in certain areas. There is some fudging that can be done, but if some things aren't sewn together correctly, they will be wonky, etc. ;) Ask me how I know this!!! :oops: :roll:

I cannot begin to count the number of times I had to rip things apart! I even had to take 2/3 of a quilt apart because the dye lot of the background was a shade off, and I was unable to locate a close match for the dye lot from the 2/3 section!!! Talk about being frustrated!!!! I was in tears!! All that work for nothing!!! At least I thought it was for nothing! I learned a valuable lesson that day: buy plenty of fabric to complete the background of the top!!!!!!

Please don't compare your work to others -- especially to your dear friend's work. Accept your work for where it is at TODAY. Down the road you will see the long path you have traveled and will be proud of what you have accomplished. Step back for a while if you feel you need a break, or as others have suggested make a charity quilt. It will lift your spirits and will be a blessing to the one who receives it. Then come back refreshed and inspired to begin something a bit more challenging. No one ever said that every quilt had to be at an advanced/experienced level!! Make what you enjoy and see every moment as a learning moment. 8-)

Please don't be discouraged. Come here to the QB, and we will provide you with friendship, empathy, sympathy, encouragement, knowledge, and with whatever else you might need to get through your frustrations. We will celebrate with you and cry with you -- whichever one you need! ;-)

justflyingin 05-04-2011 11:50 AM

Originally Posted by lbaillie
Hang in there, take pictures when your stuck and I'm sure someone on the board has a suggestion to help get you thru it. Set the hard one aside and go for a quick and easy,

Agree 100%.

Also, someone suggested doing a really easy one for a kid--big squares, bright colors, simple patterns, great prints. They will love it.
Then give it to them.

So, don't do something rash. But, it should be fun. Take a break for a bit.

Someone else said, "Don't rip the border." I agree. Don't. Cut.

Sometimes getting away helps. Read a book, put away the quilting for a week or two. Sew a couple of pillows. :)

niizh 05-04-2011 11:55 AM

I, too, think you are comparing yourself to your ex's mom. Remember, the amish, who are probably the greatest quilters in the world, always have at least one mistake on their quilts. It is the humility block. That is what my mother always told me. She was a great quilter Also, remember, you are the only one that really knows about any mistakes. My mom also told me quilting is better than Prozac. So relax, enjoy and the rest will come.

katiebear1 05-04-2011 11:59 AM

When I get frustrated I make crumb or string blocks. I find that very relaxing.

happymrs 05-04-2011 12:41 PM

I would agree, maybe you are attempting too hard of patterns if all this is still pretty new to you. Take a break, then try some real simple stuff, just do blocks even. They are good ways to practice, & that way, you are just doing one block & not a whole quilt. That way, you can learn what you like doing & what you don't, & also, if you are not ready to attempt that. Don't get rid of everything just yet. We all realize, as we get older, our tastes change. You may not want to quilt much right now, but down the road, you may wish you had kept all that stuff. Even if you decide to get a job, keep your quilting stuff, it may turn into your sanity later on, & it's cheaper than a shrink, trust me! Hope all our advice is helping!...Good luck!

Stitchit123 05-04-2011 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by Jim's Gem
Don't give up!!! Just set it aside, go to your stash and lovingly caress it, then pick out an "easy" pattern, pull some of the fabrics that just sing to you and whip up a nice lap quilt that will be just all about the fabrics, not the pattern. That will help you!! It does me.
I love to work with beautiful fabrics. Sometimes we just need to play with the ones we love and we get a sense of renewal!!

Yep this is how you kick those quilting blues right out the back door

redmadder 05-04-2011 01:01 PM

There are times when wrestling 21 yards of fabric, batting, and backing that I swear off quilting. And then I see something wonderful and off I go again. Take a break, clean your sewing room, oil and clean the machines, fold fabric, and buy a new pack of pins. Good luck.

SueDor 05-04-2011 01:06 PM

I am sure everyone has told you not to stop quilting and I am sure they have told you to take a break. Maybe the pattern you are working on isn't what you want to do. Work on a pattern that you want to work on and get some bright colored material to with it.

Ilovemydogs 05-04-2011 01:10 PM

Don't give up! Breathe!!! :-)

eastermarie 05-04-2011 01:20 PM

Please don't get rid of all your stuff. When you finally come to realize that you want to sew and quilt again, everything is going to be so much more expensive. You may not even be able to buy some of your favorite tools anymore. Fabric prices will have hit the roof. Ask me how I know. Get a lot of your fabric stash, pile it on the living room floor. Go get yourself a cold IceTea, or Coke, or Coffee. Turn on some soft background music. Sit in the middle of the living room floor. Pick up random pieces of fabric, notice the colors, texture, rub your hand across its surface, look for patterns in the fabric. Appreciate the real beauty of it. The unique patterns on batiks are really works of art. Smell it. Does it smell like the fabric shop or new fabric? Remember you like this.

seamstome 05-04-2011 01:25 PM

I am going to say give it up. I did. About 10-12 years ago I was so frustrated that I wasnt "happy" with my finished quilts.

Kept my sewing machine, table and cutting table but gave almost everythingelse away.

Then a couple of years ago, I got the bug again watching a TV show. Got back into it. Bought a new setup. Now I am hooked again.

I dont know if it that the technology is better, that I am more patient, that I take my time now or what but I dont have nearly the frustration.

quiltmouse 05-04-2011 01:26 PM

I was doing a 3" 10 minute block for the April doll swap. It was very fiddly work. my plan was to make one to swap, and one for g-dau. I got the swap one done. I was happy with it. I looked at all those blocks and said I'm NOT doing it again! (I had used the same blocks for 2 mug rugs, also.)

I made an alternating four patch. Pink daisy with polka dot, pink daisy with yellow. Oh my, it was SO cute. And doing it that way, had what was, to me, a surprising outcome. The polkadot and the yellow made diagonal lines across the quilt. The daisy was actually my focus fabric, but it faded into the background. I diagonal machine quilted down the centers of those daisy blocks & the polka dot & yellow blocks just POPPED right out.

DO SOMETHING SIMPLE! It was good for my soul to whiz that thing out.

ghostrider 05-04-2011 01:36 PM

I, too, am a remote solo quilter, but I have found that taking a class at Quilt University really helps me connect in so many ways...with other quilters, with my creative spirit, and with my curiosity about trying new things.

There are tons of classes to choose from, the price is right, there are forums for each class so you can talk to fellow students and the instructor, classes are expertly taught by well qualified teachers, you can work at your own pace (in your pajamas in you feel like it), and you meet lots of new friends.

Take a look. I bet there's something that will restore your confidence, enthusiasm and passion for quilting...maybe even send you off in a whole new and exciting direction! http://www.quiltuniversity.com/index.html

sewbizgirl 05-04-2011 02:19 PM

I hate to say this, but if you aren't enjoying it and it's making you this miserable, it may not be for you. I would suggest you DONT sell all your stuff yet, tho. Wait a bit on that, in case you change your mind or feel the siren call pulling you back to try again...

Debbie B 05-04-2011 02:25 PM

Please don't give up. We've all had our times of pulling our hair out because a quilt is not going right or we've cut wrong. Maybe you should take a break for a couple of days. I would LOVE to have a long arm, and so, I think you are very blessed. Good luck!

susanwilley 05-04-2011 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by btiny36
:( I'm really sad sad and disappointed in myself....I think to date, I have made 12 or 13 quilts... and I have to say that at this point I just want to quit, give up and rid myself of my stash, 2 new sewing machines and longarm...Really, I just can't seem to not struggle with every quilt I make, it's either cutting, measuring, sewing to assembling the top to borders...it's just plain everything...who knew that quilting would be so frickin hard...I'm soooo disappointed in myself...That wolf song quilt is kinda like the straw that broke the camels back....I'm tired of things not measuring properly and going to together right....OOOOOOOOOOOOH just fed up....My fiance said what will you do, I said I'm going to go out and get a job...currently I don't work outside of the home as we are farmers and I work at home....I'm sure some of you have experienced this, but I don't have anyone close to help me....my closest person is over 2hrs away.....So once I get this Wolf Song finished...I'm seriously looking to set up a paypal account and sell it all of....
Thanks for letting me vent.......

I understand how frustrating it can be. Be patience and not so hard on yourself. Take a step back from it for a while.....BUT DO NOT SELL anything just yet! You may want to give it another try later on.

fabric_fancy 05-04-2011 02:34 PM

i've been quilting for almost 8 years and it is my only source of income.

i haven't made one quilt that i haven't wanted to kick into the backyard and burn in the fire pit.

this is a common emotion with many quilters - we know the vision we've had in our head on how the piece should look and since fabric and quilting stitches are a fluid media its prone to mistakes, errors, etc.

as much as we see ever mistake in our work the general public doesn't and they think it looks amazing.

i'm sure the people in your life love your work and want you to continue - it does get better over time.

i hope some day to produce a piece i don't want to burn but i really don't believe that will ever happen for me but it certainly won't stop me from trying.

Dianemarie 05-04-2011 02:43 PM

Please don't give up ! You're only a message away. Don't be so critical of yourself; only we see the mistakes !
My first quilt for my first born went into the trash !! It was so fluffy that she couldn't be laid on it without it swallowing her; I was so embarrased I didn't tell anyone (no you all know!). Next I was given some fabric -- I come from a long line of sewers; so to be economical I was going to use it and make a friend a baby quilt. Well that finally turned out decent enough to give. Please take a day and watch a video or go take a class; sometimes city centers or Senior Centers have very talended ladies wanting to share their info. Looking forward to seeing what comes up next ! But definatly take a break. I am a dairymans wife and only have limited time and use this as my time.

carolaug 05-04-2011 02:46 PM

I love making the easy quilts...I am in the midle of making a harder on. I have two blocks left...I cut the second to the last block completely wrong...I was so bummed...I have taken a break from that quilt...and went back to doing a few tumblers. Hang in there...put that one a way for a bit. I also found its easier to quilt when I have someone in mind for a Birthday, mothers day, christmas etc..if I make it the month before the event it keeps me modivated...don't forget to make yourself a nice warm cozy lapquilt!

EagarBeez 05-04-2011 02:47 PM

I can underststand, I am in an area, farm land area. No neighbors nearby. Just DH and I. My in laws come during the summer months to their summer home.
I get frustrated some times. I cut perfect blocks, yet they don't match or end up not being the right size.
One time I wanted to chuck it all in the trash.
DH told me, no one is perfect, walk away a few days and go back to it.
Well, I did and I love it, it relaxes me so.
My advice, hang onto your fabric and sewing machines. If you don't want to make anything today or next week, your sewing machine, and fabric will be there waiting for you

roseOfsharon 05-04-2011 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by btiny36
:( I'm really sad sad and disappointed in myself....I think to date, I have made 12 or 13 quilts... and I have to say that at this point I just want to quit, give up and rid myself of my stash, 2 new sewing machines and longarm...Really, I just can't seem to not struggle with every quilt I make, it's either cutting, measuring, sewing to assembling the top to borders...it's just plain everything...who knew that quilting would be so frickin hard...I'm soooo disappointed in myself...That wolf song quilt is kinda like the straw that broke the camels back....I'm tired of things not measuring properly and going to together right....OOOOOOOOOOOOH just fed up....My fiance said what will you do, I said I'm going to go out and get a job...currently I don't work outside of the home as we are farmers and I work at home....I'm sure some of you have experienced this, but I don't have anyone close to help me....my closest person is over 2hrs away.....So once I get this Wolf Song finished...I'm seriously looking to set up a paypal account and sell it all of....
Thanks for letting me vent.......

I don't believe you should sell or rid yourself of any of your sewing things. You might want to look into classes or a retreat where some can help you with some of the issues you are having. Maybe you can place an ad for fellow quilters in your area and possibly meet up with some or one and learn some from them. I am not or will ever be the quilter that I have witnessed here online, but I do enjoy my projects wee, small or larger. Try maybe to not judge yourself too harshley!

Hugs and keep in there !


Little RoO 05-04-2011 03:04 PM

You know ....lifes too short...if you're not enjoying it move on.....sell it all and do something totally different......however a few months down the road I'm sure you'll regret it....and it will be too late then to get it all back.....just think how much it would cost to replace it all....my advice...pack it all up...put it away for a while...have a break....do something totally different, .....if you still feel the same this time next year then think again about getting rid....

chairjogger 05-04-2011 03:08 PM

Whooly cow! Have you watched The Holiay with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet. A perfect quote: "low point!"

Just breath.. Would love to get a job, but can't. You maybe need to get out of the house. but don't sell you tools. They are real tools right now.. Too emotional for you... Hold the door, walk out but don't sell.

My vote.. :0)

RkayD 05-04-2011 03:14 PM

You must be doing something right if you went so far as to get yourself a longarm. =) Sometimes just slowing down and not trying to get things done at break neck speed and learning to enjoy the process makes everything better. Honestly..I was the same way a few years ago ~ minus the longarm ~ I just couldn't seem to do anything "right" I stopped and took stock of why I love this Quilting thing. I came to the conclusion that its my right to choose what the rules are. Not everything I do is show quality but I sure do love the process. And anything that makes me this happy ~ is something I'm gonna keep on doing. I hope you find your happy place. =) And create something beautiful!

Dolphyngyrl 05-04-2011 03:18 PM

I agree, maybe you're just not picking the right patterns for you, or maybe you are just being hard on yourself, nobody's quilts are perfect. Maybe take a month or so off and concentrate on something else, then come back to it. Maybe you can show us some pictures, because often we see all our mistakes while others see the beauty, maybe your just not being objective about your quilts

peaceandjoy 05-04-2011 03:37 PM

I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so frustrated with what should be a pleasure for you. If we are all honest, though, I think just about everyone has felt this way at some point or another in their quilting journey.

It sounds as if you are your own worst critic - which is also quite common. Not sure I have any concrete advice I can give you, other than to put things aside for a bit, maybe flip through some magazines or inspiring blog posts, and give it another try when you feel less stressed about it. Don't feel you have to rush, allow yourself the time to enjoy the process. Cut slowly and carefully, and piece the same way. Savour the steps rather than rushing. If you feel yourself getting tense, set it aside.

With two machines plus a long arm, you've surely invested a lot in this hobby. Are you feeling like you should be able to create fabulous pieces as you have the right toys? I have to remind myself that everything takes practice, regardless of the equipment. I don't think I'll ever have a LA - no room, and don't want to invest that much in it. For me, sending my tops out to other folks is a better choice.

If you have project that you really, really aren't liking, give yourself permission to repurpose the supplies, or pass it on to somebody else who might like it. For me, that meant that the OBW that I wanted to try was never more than triangle strips lined up together. I'd tried the process and didn't care for it. I'll put a garbage bag over me so all of the OBW lovers can throw tomatoes - but I really just don't like them. I don't know why, I love stack and whacks and 4-patch posies, which are along the same lines.

If you can, I'd try to find somebody you can work with, hopefully in person, but if that won't work, hook up via e-mail, etc. Maybe you'll only be able to get together one afternoon a month, or even less, but you will enjoy the time and learn from each other. Is there a fabric store that you might be able to put up a post in, or pennysaver? Or, put up a thread here. I'm constantly amazed how many people mention, "Hey, I'm only an hour from you," or something like that.

Hope you are able to find a way to enjoy quilting again.

GGinMcKinney 05-04-2011 03:50 PM

I am self taught. My first attempt was a mystery quilt. I thought I had to cut it out in advance which took two full days, then I thought I was to sew the entire top the day of the mystery. I couldn't go to kitchen, restroom anything. Talk about stress. As the day wore on hubby brought me food, watched for new step as I went to restroom. Top was awful. I didn't cut correctly, fabric WOW was too sheer, just a mess. It is all in a project box. Maybe I can salvage placemats or table runners using the blocks. However, I learned so much. First thing I learned was to try the step on a few pieces take a break till the next step. Do not try to complete a queen size top in a day for your 1st quilt! I am saying the main thing is to enjoy & learn. I learn something new every day on this board, you tube, online videos etc. I took 1 class in a shop. Must be better before I will humiliate myself like that again. Take a break & try try again. Make smaller projects for a quick accomplishment. Go girl ! You know you want to or you wouldn't have machines & a stash to die for.

hopetoquilt 05-04-2011 04:08 PM

Think about what part of quilting you like. I have tried but don't like doing applique, Y seams or curves. I don't like doing crazy quilts,hand quilting or tying quilts or making anything other than actual quilts (I don't do bags, purses, etc.). I admire other's work ALOT but doing those things is not fun for me so I don't do them. I prefer more simple patterns with beautiful fabrics. I love doing hand binding and I am working towards doing more FMQ. Maybe try getting some precut fabrics (jelly rolls, layer cakes) or a quilt kit. That may inspire you and take some of the steps out!

bebe 05-04-2011 04:12 PM

with time u will get better
take a class watch lots of videos and practice a block w/ scraps before u cut into ur fabric
read books from library join a guild
don't give up :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

debcavan 05-04-2011 04:12 PM

We all learn a little at a time. When we do a particularly hard one, then when we go back to an easier one it is even easier than we thought because we learned so much on the hard one. Every two to three years I do an insane quilt like partial seams on a 1" diamond.

I keep to the basics. I try to cut accurately. I have felt pads every two inches on my ruler so it won't slip. I sew accurately by having 8 layers thick of painter's tape on my machine guiding my seam. It is one threads width shy of 1/4" away from my needle. I use the ruler I use to cut my fabric to measure that seam.

Go back to reasonable pattern for your next quilt.

Come back to this site with any questions. There are lots of smart ladies on this board

suern3 05-04-2011 04:13 PM

I just want to say that your post came at just the right time for me. I'm working on a quilt for my daughter that I have been looking forward to putting together. I love the fabric and the pattern. The pattern involves lots of pinwheels made from blocks with several pieces in them. Once I started putting the blocks together in rows the pinwheels did not match up well at all. I have done similar points before that worked out much better. So I took the blocks to my LQS for help since I couldn't figure out what I had done wrong. Well, I didn't make consistent 1/4 inch seams and probably my cutting was off, too. Then I squared all the blocks down to 8 inches because the pattern said 8 inch finished sqares. Yikes! I feel so discouraged, I was thinking I should just give up this idea. This is only about my 4th quilt. I know I won't be perfect but I would like to be not this bad. But it does help to read all of these responses, even if they weren't directed to me. My husband is also very encouraging and I'm feeling more like I will just keep trying. I'm not worried about a show quilt or selling anything. And I do love the fabric. I guess I will just keep practicing. Anyway thanks for sharing your post.

EasyPeezy 05-04-2011 04:17 PM

Don't be too hard on yourself. Hope things get better soon.

Dina 05-04-2011 04:58 PM

I am fairly new to quilting and have decided that I learn something new with each quilt. For example, if I EVER do a Trip around the World pattern again, I will make my squares more than 2 1/2 inches. I have made mistakes on every quilt.

Perhaps, after you finish this quilt and take a break, all will seem better. BUT if you aren't enjoying any of the process....take a longer break before you make any big decisions.

We are on your side....wish we were all closer to you and could visit...

dpparris 05-04-2011 05:02 PM

All I can do is send prayers and hugs.

manley 05-04-2011 05:21 PM

Honey, we all have those days. I thought I would never get back in the"mood" to quilt this winter. Seemed like everything I tried failed. You need to step away for a while. I would not quilt for a living either. My quilts are certainly not perfect by any means but most people love them. I'll bet you are a perfectionist (is that spelled right) and you are very hard on yourself. Take a break and just keep checking in on this board. There are so many good people on here that understand. You will be fine. :wink:

JUNEC 05-04-2011 05:35 PM

If you have all that beautiful sewing equipment - you must love to sew - take some time off - and after taking a deep cleansing breath- I would find a simple quilt pattern - pick a fabric from your stash that you love -a second deep breath and try again.

almostfree 05-04-2011 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by Kathios
Why don't you make a couple of really easy quilts for a child in crisis. The children don't check patterns and seams, they care about colors and texture. Sometimes I just sew together a bunch of 12 inch blocks, or grab a premade panel, and make a quickie--either envelope style or with binding. Then, while making the quilt picture in your mind a little boy running around his backyard with the quilt as a cape, or a little girl using the quilt as a tablecloth for her picnic. DO NOT think about your seams, if the colors are the right shade, etc. Relax and enjoy. That is what quilting is to me. If I attempted to make any of the quilts I've seen posted on here, I'd be on meds. Good luck, and check in with us in a couple of weeks.

This is great advice! Take a few weeks, relax, reflect and regroup. You have a lot invested, time and money, so you shouldn't give it up. Maybe you are expecting perfection of yourself; remember that none of us are perfect. And neither are our quilts.

lalaland 05-04-2011 05:47 PM

Do you like to sew? I'm not a big quilter, I like to sew for charity, I like to make clothes, I like to do easy home decor stuff, I like to make doll clothes, I enjoy making rag quilts out of flannel and fleece.............my point is, step back, take some time off, get a job if you really want to and focus on that. You might find, when the time is limited that you can spend on sewing, that you miss it and then look for a project that you think you would enjoy.

117becca 05-04-2011 05:56 PM

I'm so sorry you're feeling frustrated. Even here, it feels like winter isn't going to end...Now it's the rain....I swear I haven't seen the sun in a month! Get outside, work in the yard, dream about the flowers you can plant for the summer

Set it aside for a while and see what happens....You have lots of ideas, suggestions....

paloma 05-04-2011 08:17 PM

hang on snoppy take a deep breath then say to self who says things that my quilts are not good what is good all of us do our best .and even with miscues there is some who will take and think it is the most wonder thing so pjease just stop for a min and relax

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