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Daylesewblessed 04-11-2012 12:39 PM

Need Ideas for Quilt Using African Fabric from Uganda
1 Attachment(s)
Our church sponsors a village in Uganda, and a team makes a mission trip there twice/year. One member brought back 6 yards of beautiful cotton fabric from Uganda for my friend. She and I have decided to use it in making a quilt for the annual mission fundraiser.

This gorgeous fabric is bold, and we are looking for ideas to showcase it in a quilt without cutting it into small pieces. We are not very knowledgeable about the culture, but would like to make a quilt that is in harmony with it.

We are interested in hearing your ideas and also in finding any resources that might give us ideas for design with African fabrics.



cheezythequiltmaker 04-11-2012 12:41 PM

It would help if you post a picture of the fabric.


patski 04-11-2012 01:02 PM

the fabric is beautiful and that blue is so intense. Sorry I don't have a pattern idea but it truly is gorgeous

Daylesewblessed 04-11-2012 01:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is another picture. This time the fabric is positioned vertically.


yngldy 04-11-2012 01:14 PM

Maybe cut it into wide strips and put other strips in between with a light background and stars, or circles, or some kind of block on point using the colors in the main fabric. That way you show off the fabric instead of it being in little pieces and yet still have some kind of pattern. Hope I explained it correctly. Good luck.

landers1 04-11-2012 01:30 PM

Gorgeous fabric I would'n cut it

alikat110 04-11-2012 03:40 PM

Are the swirls sized small enough to do a BQ block pattern?

alisonquilts 04-11-2012 03:54 PM

As soon as I saw that it screamed "Storm at Sea" to me - even if you just used wide strips as the border of a bed-sized "Storm at Sea" quilt.

cmilton 04-11-2012 05:21 PM

I will be watching this thread. I have been collecting African fabrics and would love to find some great patterns to showcase them.

lakekids 04-12-2012 12:56 PM

I did a quick search and found some links:

HGTV has some videos on African Inspired Quilts but my browser kept hanging up when I went there. ( I am posting from work and sometimes the firewall prevents me from reaching certain websites).


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