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katyquilter 07-25-2011 01:47 PM

I have to make myself stay home .. I tell myself I have enough and then try to work on things I already have. Works for a while. I usually go a couple months before I get the urge to go out again, and then watch out!!

MadQuilter 07-25-2011 01:47 PM

I have a hard time not buying fabric. It is a pleasure for so many senses that I don't seem to mind pulling out the credit card. However, I took a hard look at my stash and had to admit that I am fast approaching the ludicrous level. NOW, the only fabric I am allowed to buy if IFF I need it (and I mean REALLY NEED not want) to complete a UFO, for backing (because I don't have many large pieces).

Last week I got to buy some fabric to complete a border on a Round Robin. It surprised me, but I actually figured out how much fabric the project needed and I managed to buy that much with a tiny fudge factor for shrinkage. Perfect!

You just need to be honest with yourself.

janell2009 07-25-2011 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by Treasureit
I have made myself a challenge to use up some of my stash before I go buy new stuff. Problem is...I can be sewing for many years before I need to enter a store again...that is no fun!

Ok so God has a different plan for you than shopping for fabric...Huggs...

Neena 07-25-2011 01:52 PM

Must have been the day for it...had breakfast with a friend and then off to a quilt shop for us...3 hours in quilt shop...budget blown for the next month...but ooooh I have some pretty Amy Butler fabrics and 3 new quilt books that were 1/2 off...can't resist a good deal...more for my money!...or at least that is what I am telling myself..and my husband..hehe

khurtdvm 07-25-2011 01:53 PM

If your downfall is your lunch hours, why don't you bring a small hand project in to work on during lunch? Or a quilting book from the library? Something to occupy you so that you don't have the urge to "just go take a look." ;)

MellieKQuilter 07-25-2011 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by khurtdvm
If your downfall is your lunch hours, why don't you bring a small hand project in to work on during lunch? Or a quilting book from the library? Something to occupy you so that you don't have the urge to "just go take a look." ;)

I have done that in the past... I will have to start that again. My hand quilting project is too big I think, but I have some Hexagons I can get to sewing. :)

carolaug 07-25-2011 01:59 PM

Best way...leave your credit card at home...bring cash only...that way you really have to think...what do I really want and also bring only what your budget can afford.

LisaGibbs 07-25-2011 02:13 PM

I am so bad grounded right now. First the bow purses got me bad and I had to have the pattern in both sizes. My quilt book club had a huge sale, had to take advantage of that in June so I could get a better deal in July. Working on the breast cancer quilt for grams and with boys I needed pink fabric for it, then the fabric I had to get for the BOM quilts I am finally putting together and need to buy what I can when I can find it (being discontinued and all). Of course, who can pass up on a 40% off coupon at JoAnn's when I finally found the triangle ruler I wanted forever.....I am just bad, bad, bad and so grounded so I guess that is how I am going to be saving in August--LOL

passionpiecer 07-25-2011 02:22 PM

I have to NOT go shopping or looking

CristyK1 07-25-2011 02:24 PM

You stop going to the stores. You stop looking online. If you have to get something at the store take only that much money, no credit cards or check book.

I am addicted to shopping and have had to stop spending. I've got to stay on my budget. So what I put above is what I do.

Originally Posted by MellieKQuilter
HELP!!! I am SOOOOOOO over budget in my quilting related purchases this month, and my trip to Joann's sure didnt help. (but I did get camo fabric for the bbq apron for my bf, fabric to make a purse, and interfacing for three purses, fabric for a four patch posey and materials for my WIP Dresden Plate Block quilt, and lots of thread and some quilt clamps).

My question to you is how do you stop!! I see something that I just have to have, since who knows if it will be there later! I just need to stop LOOKING. :) Which is IMPOSSIBLE. :):)

Any thoughts QB friends?

carolevidak 07-25-2011 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by kraftykimberly
I got nothing :-(

Lol - good one!!!!

PaperPrincess 07-25-2011 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by sueisallaboutquilts
The online sales are a killer for me!!! In this heat I'm content to stay home but getting online......... and on top of it everyone on the board tells me where the latest sale is, shame on all of you!!! LOL :D

I agree. It's all you who are leading me astray!

cjomomma 07-25-2011 02:46 PM

Honey I'm feeling your pain. Here's what I do when I get that urge to buy fabric. I buy a FQ or 2 and then leave the store. It's satisfies my need to buy and I don't go over budget. :-)

sherriequilts 07-25-2011 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by MellieKQuilter
HELP!!! I am SOOOOOOO over budget in my quilting related purchases this month, and my trip to Joann's sure didnt help. (but I did get camo fabric for the bbq apron for my bf, fabric to make a purse, and interfacing for three purses, fabric for a four patch posey and materials for my WIP Dresden Plate Block quilt, and lots of thread and some quilt clamps).

My question to you is how do you stop!! I see something that I just have to have, since who knows if it will be there later! I just need to stop LOOKING. :) Which is IMPOSSIBLE. :):)

Any thoughts QB friends?

What you said about "stop looking" is the only thing that works for me. If I look, I buy! So I've been saving on gas and not buying since I am not looking (much) anymore!

luvTooQuilt 07-25-2011 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by happymrs
I don't purchase much anymore. I have so much stash, beautiful stash, so try to work from it, as much as possible. I go to quilt club once a month & usually buy a few fqs, but not a lot else. DH is retired now, so we live on less, but you know, mainly, I want to put my stash to good use, & enjoy it while I can, & I hate to think of leaving it all to someone else someday!
Something that helps me too, is I go spend time in my studio, going through what I already have. That's a real wake up call! So you all might try doing that sometimes. You just might be amazed at what you already have in your stash, & start thinking about not buying a lot more, all the time. This has helped me ALOT..

Leaving it for someone else?? MY stash???? Oh now if thats not a wake up call I dont know what is!!!!! Wowsers!

thequilterslink 07-25-2011 03:47 PM

I ran into Joanns today for some fusible fleece, well i got that and 3 yards of fabric and a button. I can't help you.

Just Jan 07-25-2011 04:53 PM

I have a couple suggestions. (I, too am a fabricoholic.) One thing I saw posted here and disagree with... NEVER say you won't buy any for a year! Stick to the principles of AA...One Day At A Time. Just say,"For today I am ok, I will not buy any fabric today!" Then tomorrow say it again and so on. A year, or a month or even a week can seem daunting; back it down to one day at a time! Its much easier. You might even need to get a sponsor to help you over the rough spots when you want to backslide. (Just kidding.)

But when you have the overwhelming urge to buy and decide to make a trip to the fabric dept., try this tip I learned from my sister... Just buy 1/8 yd pieces. You will be amazed at what gorgeous scrap quilts you can make with just 1/8 yard pieces! And for just the price of one yard you get 8 pieces of fabric to fondle! ;o) Seriously this really works!

But I must confess, tonight I back slid. On my way home from work I stopped at Hobby Lobby and purchased 1 1/2 yds of fabric. One yard of chicken fabric I had seen a purse made from, and 1/2 yard of a vege print I wanted for a border for my vege quilt. (And both were 30% off.) I also saw some gorgeous new Xmas prints that I really wanted, but I walked away! I'm trying!

Cyn 07-25-2011 04:54 PM

Sorry I can't help. I have the same problem :)

Prism99 07-25-2011 05:19 PM

In order to not buy, I have to not look. I make it a point *not* to stop at quilt stores or JoAnn's anymore. Helps a lot!

great aunt jacqui 07-25-2011 05:53 PM

There was a fabric moratorium started in november. We pledged to use our stash. It was flexible, you could buy fabric for backing or to finish a UFO. But we made up our
mind that we did not NEED more fabric, the $I saved was phenominal. As tme went by it was easier and easier. Reality is that $ is tight everywere, some live on budgets and fixed incomes. I will no doubt continue this practice.

My DH bought me fabric for xmas and b'day. And yes if I find a deal at a swap shop I will buy it. few or no money.
But no more yards and yards at 8/9$ a yard.
There are no quilting police and there are no moratorium police. It is just a mindset we allowed ourselves to fall into.

Stitchit123 07-25-2011 05:53 PM

I haven't bought ANY fabrics in over 80 days ( the exact # is on my caledar at the other house) I DO NOT open any E/Ms from fabric stores- I delete delete delete-I have found alternate routes to veer away from those stores that carry fabric I sent my brother into Hancocks for a spool of Teal thread and I stayed in the car --I will make it to the end of the month on only 1 tank of gas instead of 3= A cool $100.in my pocket and Lord only knows how much I saved by not buying fabric It was rough going at first but I can go into my fav W/M and not go into the fab dept I was only going to abstain for 100 days to win a bet But I will go longer than that because I don't really need more than 14 pickup trk loads of fab If I DON"T HAVE IT I DON"T NEED IT is my new motto

Nanamoms 07-25-2011 05:54 PM

Ha, I don't go to the fabric stores. I shop on the Classifieds here!!! Always find something I can't resist! see, yall are the enablers!!

tdgiffin 07-25-2011 06:08 PM

How about setting aside a weekly budget for a fabric allowance? Make a list for exactly what you have to have, not your wants. Keep the list in your purse. For me, I have to stay totally out of craft stores, or I will definetly find something to buy. I am on a strict budget now, and I will only buy something if I have the cash saved for it. That is how I control my spending.

Saying you will just stop altogether is a bit extreme. This is a reasonable compromise. If it is not on your need list, don't buy it!

deedum 07-25-2011 06:16 PM

Yes, I have the same problem, I set a budget for the month and just blow thru it! Teehee, it is fun though! So now I have an envelope system that I put cash in for the month. I just save it and go thru other money, gee, no help here. On a good note, I got my Hancocks flyer today :)

Iraxy 07-25-2011 06:24 PM

When I go to the fabric store, I take cash with me. No credit card, no check book. Before, I would go there knowing that I had my check book and could write a check if I went over whatever cash I had. Now, I only take my cash, my calculator and my % off coupons. I will be retiring soon and will have to curtail the spending so I might as well start biting that bullet now so I won't be whining later:). I did one day have to run to my car and dig around the seats for some extra change and my emergency $5.00's.

jillnjo 07-25-2011 06:28 PM

I have found that if I get so much fabric, with time I don't care for it like I imagined I would when I bought it! I satisfy myself with a couple fat quarters and get out! It's so fun to be ready to start a new project and go out and purchase just what I need-that way I know I'm going to use it. I don't like to have several projects stacked up to do. I'd much rather choose a NEW project when one is finished. I lived with frugal parents and a husband who is gracious, but I know my bounds!

jrharry 07-25-2011 06:32 PM

Instead of going to a quilt shop at lunch time shop your stash and then take some quilt books to work and look through them and figure out what you can make with what you have. I use to do this and we also use to take hand work in the lunchroom too. Kinda gives you a lift in the middle of the day doing something that you enjoy and you would not believe how much you get done 1/2 hr a day.

Tweety2911 07-25-2011 06:41 PM

Whoa is me also....just can't keep out of the shops, they always have something new and beautiful. My car has a mind of its own and pulls into the direction of these shops :-)

Leota 07-25-2011 06:54 PM

you request gift cards from these places for birthday and Christmas and any other gift giving event and that way
you are limited in what you are spending...

mzmama 07-25-2011 07:07 PM

Can't help you, I'm in therapy

BellaBoo 07-25-2011 07:08 PM

Why stop if the money and storage room are available?

Phannie1 07-25-2011 07:14 PM

yea, right. I to buy when I go "looking." We only have on quilt store in the Brunswick area and it is on the island. I do not get there often but when I do it is alway 80 to 100 dollars. (I got a new machine the last time I went to Jacksonville, Now I have to start sewing to make the machine worth it.)

QuiltnLady1 07-25-2011 07:18 PM

I am going on fabric buying withdrawal. I will probably stop buying everything except batting and backing -- and even that would be under consideration since I have LOTS of batting and I have enough fabric that I don't want to cut that I can use as a back. I went to Joanns Saturday -- everything I bought was on sale at 40% or more and I STILL spent over $80 -- I only got 1 yard of fabric, the rest was notions. It's not just fabric, but simple notions are getting way too expensive. Other than the supplies that I consume and need to replace, I will be staying away from the quilt shops, and I will ignore ads. I think I have all the rulers I need to make everything I will want, so it is time to stop.

There -- I said it, now I have to stick to it!

Stitchit123 07-25-2011 07:45 PM

QuiltnLady it gets easier after you throw out your 2nd week of ads and delete all unopened fab E/Ms --I'm 80+ days without buying fabric... If I can do it anybody can

Rn8or 07-25-2011 07:51 PM

Hunting and gathering is half the fun of this!

BellaBoo 07-25-2011 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by Phannie1
yea, right. I to buy when I go "looking." We only have on quilt store in the Brunswick area and it is on the island. I do not get there often but when I do it is alway 80 to 100 dollars. (I got a new machine the last time I went to Jacksonville, Now I have to start sewing to make the machine worth it.)

Oh, I use to live there! I miss Brunswick. We crabbed fished every day off the pier on St. Simons. DH was stationed there for school when he was in the Marine Corps. We were so young and all the military wives met everyday to find something to do. (Not quilting then) and we always ended up on St. Simon. Fun times spent all day and then back home when the DHs were let off base for the evening. We had cookware parties, everyone got the same set of stainless cookware. LOL.

wvdek 07-25-2011 08:10 PM

I know where you are coming from because I have been there myself. For those who keep buying, I think we are trying to fill a need for something we are missing in our lives and fabric gives us that pleasure and fills the need.
On the other hand, I had not made a fabric purchase (with the exception of 2 1/2 yds for my ironing board cover) for over 9 months. It was not hard - I simply don't have the money (and will not lie, sneak in, or hide the purchase from my DH or take away from the household budget), don't have the time to make anthing (I am in school full time), and I have more than enough stash to take care of things for quite sometime.
This week I started on my watermelon quilt and I did have to buy a combination of 1 1/2 yds of tans because I did not have enough on hand. It was easier than I thought as I found a new LQS and FQ's were $2.25 ea. The quality of fabric was excellant so I got 8 pieces. I did not need to have anymore.
Today I found another new LQS which is fantastic. She has a wonderful place with all current styles and brands at a reasonable price and, I am so proud of myself - I bought nothing because I needed nothing. I loved many fabrics, fondled them, oohed and ahhed over them, but walked away without buying.
Sometime ago I had to do some 'self-talk' and start asking myself why I was buying, when would I be using the fabric, will I like the fabric in 2, 5, or 10 years whene and only when I get around to making the item, and the big one - Can I afford it??? If you even hesitate for a moment on this one, you do not need to buy it. I have no problem walking away now and I can now enjoy without the guilt and the expense.

Quiltgranny 07-25-2011 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by loves_2_quilt
I don't go fabric looking unless I HAVE to have something to complete a project. In 2011 I am allowing my self the 4 Bs...backing, batting, background, border only. If I can't make it from my stash I will have to do something else.

This is just great!! :thumbup:

M.I.Late 07-25-2011 08:25 PM

Ration, ration, ration. (I'm already over budget)
Sales, sales, sales. (Don't go without coupons)
Wait, wait, wait... (Wait for the new ad to come out)

Well, thought that might work for you. Doesn't work for me either.

plainpat 07-26-2011 02:40 AM

One thing that has helped is keeping stash sorted according to color.It works for me.When I'm going shopping, I look at colors needed...whew! I don't need any thing at all.

A couple yrs ago I stopped buying "one use wonders" in quilting rulers & notions.If something is needed for one quilt, I pass on by & make do with something already in my sewing room.

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