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judi wess 10-08-2010 03:42 AM

Yes, you are one of us, pure creative genius. My "I can't live without that fabric" is starting to pay off. Even the "it is a basic, so I should have it in my stash" stuff is finding it's way into quilted items.
Glad to know the name of "that really great shop in Franklin". Have been hearing about it for a long time.

CarrieAnne 10-08-2010 04:36 AM

You sound normal to me!!!!!

nab 10-08-2010 05:06 AM

You are so much a quilter. What would we do without our stash?? For all you Walmart shoppers the word here in Montana is that they are getting rid of their fabric departments or will only sell fabric in prepackaged form. I know some quilters, with the economy the way it is, cannot afford to shop for fabric in the more expensive quilt shops, which makes Walmart a cheaper way to keep up your love of quilting. You need to be very careful of the different quality of fabric, but Walmart does have some good fabrics. I am not a Walmart lover, but I do find some nice fabrics there. As a matter of fact a good portion of my stash is Walmart fabric. I just plain love fabric and quilting books.

champagnebubbles 10-08-2010 05:14 AM

You are Related to me :)

Beth 10-08-2010 05:16 AM

I am doing a shop hop next week and there is not one thing I can think of that I need. But I am taking a few hundred dollars just in case something jumps into my hands.

lillybeck 10-08-2010 05:31 AM

Guilty, That is my first stop also. It is probably a good thing my budget is so tight right now.

bob1414 10-08-2010 06:03 AM

Yup........most of us do that, I think.

lizpatterson1 10-08-2010 06:12 AM

Yep, I do the same thing and have to check out the magazines. I have finally controlled myself to buy every magazine since there's so many site with free patterns now.

jackiesmith 10-08-2010 06:12 AM

I have only been "quilting" since April and I already have enough "stuff" to open my own quilting store - not to mention the beautiful Bernina my DH bought me - I have to continue quilting for the rest of my life just to justify all previous and future purchases (sure to be - many future ) Oh the pressure of it all!!! LOL I am having the time of my life - I can't believe that this has been going on around me forever and I just found out - I knew I was in trouble when I started dreaming about making quilts (other obsession - purses) Who Knew? !

pieces 10-08-2010 06:21 AM

yes, we as quilters are fabriholics! We are as you said like kids in a candy store, except we are kids in a fabric store. LOL

Woodster 10-08-2010 06:57 AM

Originally Posted by sueisallaboutquilts
I'm just like that only I don't wait to get all my work done hahaha

We're all in this together! Sisters UNITE!!

Woodster 10-08-2010 07:00 AM

Originally Posted by OmaForFour
I don't always get all my work done either! LOL
The Walmart where I live doesn't have a fabric dept, but Marden's does. I also have an LQS one mile from my house! There is another one about 7 miles away! I also go online a lot.
I do LOVE this quilting board, but today for the first time I didn't get my morning email and I am worried. I checked it out and I am still listed so I don't know what happened. Will have to contact the admin and see.

I had that happen - you need to sign in again. Mine happened when my husband gave me his desktop "brain" as mine had been repaired 3 times before finally giving up the ghost.

sheila bee 10-08-2010 07:21 AM

i go to fabric stores and wal-mart(just 4 fabrics) and i love to go to mary-jos and just run my hands down rows and rows.....LOL

pawebdoctor 10-08-2010 07:54 AM

You are not alone!
And usually when I compliment someone on their clothing... I am thinking I know exactly what I could do with that shirt, skirt or whatever... I'D CUT IT UP AND USE IT IN A QUILT!!!

bethanywoman 10-08-2010 08:15 AM

I also buy fabric with the rule, if I don't buy it NOW it may be all gone...but I have made an adjustment, if I find coordinating fabrics that I buy several of, I store them together in a gallon zip lock. I used to merge them in with my others and still do some but the ones that go together I try to use this method. I have "lost" so many in the past because I couldn't find their friends mixed in my stash. Remember quilting has no rules - it is for pleasure and improvement of your skills.

Nanax4 10-08-2010 08:22 AM

Kinda funny about the poster saying she buys the fabric and worries about where to stash it later.

My friend does that-stashes it in all kinds of weird places. Our rule is that if she dies first I'm to go to her house and check all the hidey holes, including the trunk of the car, & under the seats.

starshine 10-08-2010 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by stitchinbee
Ok, I find that every time I walk into Wal-Mart, I go straight to the fabric and craft section to look for new gadgets, tools and notions. In my down time (everything else has been done.. chores, etc.), I search for fabric / fabric combinations. I also delve into my graphics app and design quilts. Sooo... My question is do the rest of you quilters do the same thing? I will go into a fabric shop and just purchase fabric because I like it (like a kid in a candy store), with absolutely no quilt / home decor idea or design in mind. I always think, "I will find something to use it in". My fabric will sit there until suddenly something pops into my head. I normally let the fabric inspire me, versus planning something out. Sorry so long.... just wondering if all of this is common. :)

If I see a fabric I LOVE, I will buy it then. Reasons being-don't know if the fabric will be there in the future(store might run out and not reorder or if manufacturer quits making it and they couldn't reorder), or it may be some place I'm visiting and a good chance I won't be there again. I will buy at least the minimum cut. More if I Really, Really Love.

Also if it is on sale and especially a good price and it looks like it would work very well with many things I'll buy it to have on hand.

Marvlin 10-08-2010 08:32 AM

Well..........are quilters normal? We have a beautiful, colorful design somewhere in our brains and we can't describe it to another person. Then we go anywhere that sells fabrics and buy beautiful, colorful fabrics, but they are for another picture we are painting in our heads, and of course we can't describe this picture either. But...............when we go to work our beautiful, colorful canvas becomes a piece of art. Now............if we don't continue to add to our stash we might not have the piece of fabric that would finish our canvas of colors. So my motto is if I like it now I will like it later also. So if the price is right and fabric speaks to me I am going to buy it. I think that is normal..................almost.

Marvlin 10-08-2010 08:36 AM

Well..........are quilters normal? We have a beautiful, colorful design somewhere in our brains and we can't describe it to another person. Then we go anywhere that sells fabrics and buy beautiful, colorful fabrics, but they are for another picture we are painting in our heads, and of course we can't describe this picture either. But...............when we go to work our beautiful, colorful canvas becomes a piece of art. Now............if we don't continue to add to our stash we might not have the piece of fabric that would finish our canvas of colors. So my motto is if I like it now I will like it later also. So if the price is right and fabric speaks to me I am going to buy it. I think that is normal..................almost.

Marvlin 10-08-2010 08:39 AM

Work............................goodness I gave most of that up years ago. Doesn't seem to bother me much. I am old enough to stay in my sewing room, kitchen and rarely my den. So I keep those as clean as any quilter can. The rest of the house gets attention about twice a month, that is, if I'm not to busy in the sewing room! ! ! ! !

Lucky Lindy 10-08-2010 08:44 AM

This is the perfect place for you...when you aren't at WalMart or at the sewing machine!!!! You fit in here like a glove!!!!

jdeery 10-08-2010 09:33 AM

My husband hogs the bathroom with his magazines, so I decided to put a few quilt mags, in for me. It's only

SandraD 10-08-2010 10:35 AM

It's a good thing though (guilty here too). However, just yesterday, I was at a store that just happened to be next to a Hancock Fabrics, so I popped in and I got 6 FQ for 29 cents each! And 3 yards of gorgeous fabric for $1.95/yard. So, it's good to shop....you never know when you're going to score!

bluteddi 10-08-2010 10:53 AM

I was told that you ARE quilting when u are shopping for quilt stuff..... smile... good thing.. I tend to quilt alot this way...

I prefer to buy fabric I like and then let the fabric inpire a quilt after it has set in my stash for a while.

penski 10-08-2010 10:53 AM

yes i do the same thing

suzieQ 10-08-2010 10:57 AM

ooo you are me i go to fabrics before grocers suzieQ

katiebear1 10-08-2010 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by sueisallaboutquilts
I'm just like that only I don't wait to get all my work done hahaha

I hear you sister!

costumegirl 10-08-2010 11:50 AM

Gee - we are all addicts and doing the same things!! :) Isn't it fun!!!! :)

Karen Caisse 10-08-2010 12:09 PM

I have never regreted buying fabric when I see one I fall in love with - but I do regret not buying enough of it so now I always buy 1.5 to 2 yds or more! I've currently got a quilt that I need to find more fabric for to finish it the way I designed it. And this is not the first time! And housework? What is that!!!! LOL Karen

overdew 10-08-2010 12:22 PM

Self-discipline, Girls, self-discipline! Please don't throw me out! I'm probably the worst. I fear my fabric shall outlive me. I won't be able to sew it all up.

sewsista 10-08-2010 12:42 PM


ewhughe1 10-08-2010 12:55 PM

You gave the definition of a "real quilter" You've got the bug. Might as well go with it and enjoy

ewhughe1 10-08-2010 12:58 PM

Oh my goodness! I am doing the same thing. I cut my work days down to 2 instead of 5 and that is exactly what I am going to do along with crochet, tatting, and needle work, but quilts first! Is there a diagnosis for us? Blessed would be appropriate!

PamS 10-08-2010 02:21 PM

You mean like this?

mac 10-08-2010 02:42 PM

Yes, you are a quilter just like the rest of us. That is how you know you are a quilter. I used to do all kinds of crafts until I started quilting seriously. After that I started craving fabric, books, patterns, notions, and everything else I could get my hands on for quilting.

I've never been in a fabric store where I didn't buy something. Somtimes I can get so stimulated with all the colors in the fabric store, that I have a hard time settling down.

My car can travel directly to a quilt shop or fabric store even though I've never in my life been in that city or used a map. This just amazes my husband and everytime I do it, he just looks at me with these big eyes like I must be possessed.

When you are really additicted to quilting, you'll start going on quilting retreats where you can sew all day and someone else fixes all your meals.

You start to gather around with other quilters in little gangs and go to quilt shows and shop hops. When you go to a quilt show, instead of looking at the quilts first, you'll start with the vendors first because you don't want to miss anything new that might be gone after you walked around and saw all of the quilts.

It is CRAZY, but it is a good crazy where you will be happy amongst all of the of the other crazy quilters, just like yourself.

By the way, I've been quilting for over 30 years and my husband has seen me around with many quilters. He says we all look alike and that he can pick a quilter out of a crowd. He says we all have a certain look about us... He is pretty good too.

quilthappygail 10-08-2010 03:27 PM

Add me to the group. I have only a small table to sew, cut.press and create on. But don't turn me loose in any place that has fabric and related items. I will buy and worry where to put it when I get home. Love every day of it. And housework that is only done when I see dust bunnies and have no clean spot to put a quilt.lol

Latrinka 10-08-2010 03:54 PM

You took the words right outta my mouth! No, you're not the only one! LOL

stitchinbee 10-08-2010 04:22 PM

Ok, now my interest is piqued, gotta find a Quilter's retreat. :)

grammy 10-08-2010 04:23 PM

Ditto!!! Join everyone else with this obsession.

Patticake 10-08-2010 04:34 PM

This sounds just like me! :-P

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