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grammy Dwynn 01-13-2010 06:40 AM

Both of my DD's showed no interest in sewing, while growing up. But older one has now purchased a sewing machine and is 'learning'. Younger (who is closer) still uses me to do her mending.

I have taught the closest grands how to do some basic sewing/quilting.

Oldest DGD was spending the night (she was 7 at the time). She wanted to make a quilt and enter it in the local fair. Her experience at that point was a few straight lines at the machine. Well, grammy does some talking and thinking. I had her make two nine patches. Taught her about colors and what 'goes' together and 'feeling' the seams so they sit together nicely. Then 'we' turned those two nine patches into a pillow. She stuffed it and whipped stitched it closed. She was so proud of herself . . on fair day we go in hunting for her pillow ... BLUE RIBBON!! Two years later she still has the pillow.

Jingle 01-13-2010 01:11 PM

I have one daughter that has cross stitched, crochet and is now quilting other, younger daughter cross stitched, finished 1 very small picture. My two GD ages almost 23 and 16 tell me they will not quilt. Oldest Daughter (their Aunt) says they may when they get older, both are still single.

amma 01-13-2010 01:17 PM

I am it in my family :D:D:D I am hoping to some day find someone else who is interested!!!

2 Doods 01-13-2010 01:24 PM

I wish! DD said I can teach her children (someday-when she has any-sigh) because she isn't interested. She about knocked me over when she took up knitting. She only wanted to try it because I had taught her roommate. DD has decided to do some scrap booking too. She was never one to sit and do activities when there was something more fun-like jumping out of planes or para-sailing...I guess she got an adventure gene instead of a crafty one :lol:

2 Much Fabric 01-13-2010 01:30 PM

I would LIKE to pass it on... but the younger generation has too short an attention span. At least, in my family...

butterflyquilter 01-13-2010 06:37 PM

I taught 2 of my sisters how to quilt. I also taught my daughter to quilt. She started when she was 6 and is now 12. She got her own sewing machine for Christmas 2009. She has made about 10 quilts already, ranging in size from 24" x 30" to lap size. I also taught my Girl Scout troop to quilt--they made 12 quilts for Project Linus. I taught my 4-H group to sew. They all made pillows. I think it is great when kids want to learn.
It thrills me when someone asks for my help either sewing or quilting.

BKinCO 01-13-2010 07:30 PM

My three sons have no interest...maybe they'll find girls that will want to learn??? OR better yet, they'll already know how!!!

But, I grew up in a sewing home and having a sewing machine around is second nature to me!

nellebelles 01-13-2010 11:31 PM

My mother and sister both quilt, and my 8 year old granddaughter would love to learn. She spends the time at my home going through my stash and planning out quilts she wants to make. She also designs quilts on pieces of paper, and is very clever with her instructions. She has great abbreviations for the colors in the quilt, too. She has a little notebook that she keeps her designs in, and when I see her, she rips them out and gives them to me to keep. I had a recent foot surgery and so wasn't able to get down to the sewing room for the last few months. DH is newly diagnosed with leukemia and will be starting chemotherapy soon, so it's not likely I will get to spend much time with her, teaching her to quilt, not for awhile anyway.. My daughter, her mother, isn't really interested in learning to quilt--at least not yet. My GD, Emily, has her own little sewing machine, but doesn't know how to use it. My youngest daughter might be more interested in quilting someday too, once her baby is a bit older. My oldest son made quilted potholders when he was in highschool, and he did a fantastic job! My DH has learned to quilt in the last year or so--and I think he does a better job at some things than I do.

Ninnie 01-14-2010 04:14 AM

None of mine are interested in quilting. Wish they were.
Still hoping that one day I can leave all my stash to one of them LOL
But, they do love their quilts, always wanting another one.

ginnie6 01-14-2010 04:54 AM

well my Grannie taught me to sew. So far out of 4 dd's only 1 has any interest in sewing. Both the older girls can fix seams, hem pants, take up pants (not good but...) but ONLY when they have to! DD #3 is a total clutz with any needle! lol! DD #4 though.....is going to be the one! She's 10 and has already designed and made most of her first quilt. She found a pic online of a quilt she liked, drew out what she wanted, picked her fabric, helped cut it out, and sewed the rows. I put the rows together and will more than likely do the actual quilting for her though. She is always in there making something on the sewing machine! For Christmas I got her her very own little sewing kit and she was thrilled with that!

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