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sewbizgirl 09-13-2019 01:02 PM

Poll Question: What's your favorite part of making a quilt?
We all have our more favorite and less favorite parts of the process of making a quilt. What do you enjoy most, and why? (Please don't answer with what you don't like, so this doesn't become a gripe thread!)

I have found I really love trimming and squaring up the quilt once it's quilted, before the binding goes on. For me, it's like the reward at the end of the road, and my inspiration for getting the quilting part done. I just love trimming away all the junk and having a nice clean edge. That's when the quilt starts to look like a quilt.

I've even been known to trim one or two sides before the quilting is done on the other sides...

bakermom 09-13-2019 01:17 PM

Two things,finishing the top,( seeing it laid out before sandwiching everything together) and hand sewing the binding down. I know that's not something many like to do, but it gives me a feeling of satisfaction to do it.

pewa88 09-13-2019 01:22 PM

My favorite part is the piecing. I really enjoy taking those cut pieces and putting them into a block or unit, especially if it is a "new to me" pattern.

tallchick 09-13-2019 01:24 PM

I love the piecing of the quilt, I learn something every time I start a quilt. I enjoy taking my time and being as precise as I can in cutting an sewing, it’s very Zen for me.

Jslady 09-13-2019 01:25 PM

I enjoy finding a new quilt pattern for me to try. Choosing fabric in many colors is second. I like the whole process of quilting, but I really look forward to a new project.

Macybaby 09-13-2019 01:27 PM

my favorite part is when I've got the sections done and can start putting the top together. I just love being able to see how the pattern is coming together. I make a lot of quilts were I have an idea in my head and a plan, but I never know just how it's all going to look until I get to that point.

QuiltnNan 09-13-2019 01:43 PM

designing the top and then piecing it

LavenderBlue 09-13-2019 01:47 PM

Cutting and piecing are my favorite parts. Layering the sandwich is my least liked step.

AprilM 09-13-2019 01:47 PM

Well, so far nobody has mentioned this... my favorite part is the free motion quilting - although i will admit that it takes me a little while to “psyche up” for it!

AngelaS 09-13-2019 01:48 PM

I love picking fabrics. I also love sewing pieces together and making pretty piles of finished blocks.

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