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GrammaO 01-06-2011 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by Jan in VA

Originally Posted by joan_quilts
When I am teaching people how to quilt, I tell them they have to make sure they are cutting accuaratley, have to know the 1/4 inch seam rule, and the rest is preference. I can show them short cuts, but as long as you are happy with your work, that is what matters.

Now that's a teacher. :D

For the 'new' quilt police, next time she does this, lean back a smidge, look her straight in the eye, slightly raise your eyebrows, do not break contact, do not speak first, wait her out, see what she does.
I'm betting she will find that quite uncomfortable and hopefully make the connection that HER behavior is making you uncomfortable as well.
Nothing is more ridiculous or annoying than a newly taught proselytizer.

Jan in VA

"proselytizer"! I love that word! I have no idea what it means, but I like it (now I have to go look it up :-) See how much you learn on this board!) I also love this piece of advice. It can be applied to almost any situation and I will definitely keep it in mind next time anyone thinks that they are no longer teachable because they already know everything.
Have you introduced her to this board? She will quickly find out that a) there are many, many ways to achieve quilting results and b) there are thousands of women on this board who have tried most of those ways and few will say there is one 'right' way to do it.

JinaBean 01-06-2011 10:01 AM

Oh you have to love the quilt police. My mother, and mother-in-law are both over my shoulders. It's nice to have the experienced people to turn to, but it's scary when they look at my work. Sometimes they'll ask me questions and I'm afraid of my answer. I've decided to make a quilt without pre-washing my fabric. My mother-in-law is very concerned for the outcome of my quilt, and keeps questioning it. Once it's finished we'll see how it turns out I guess!

CarrieAnne 01-06-2011 10:22 AM

I dont believe that there IS a right way to quilt. Quilting started outas a way to use up fabric pieces, make something pretty, a frugal hobby. I am sure the lady in the cabin in the woods, quilted a bit diffrent from the rich lady somewhere else. SO, who was right? WHY do we have to be right, lol?
Actually, I pretty much do most things wrong, but it works for me. Ex MIL was super frugal and taught me, not the way most people do it. But its nice, pretty, andworks for me.

LaurieE 01-06-2011 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by Margie

Margie, I tell that to my daughters all the time especially when they have to deal with an unfriendly person.

In regards to your friend, there are some people in this world who just have to practice one-up-manship in order to feel good about themselves or what they have done. Don't let it bother you.

crashnquilt 01-06-2011 10:51 AM

It never ceases to amaze me how many people think that because they take A class, suddenly they are experts. We have a person much like that in our family,BUT, that is a whole other story!

You might mention to your "Quilt Police" person that most all quilting classes are taught BY OTHER QUILTERS! Yep, people just like all of us! Only difference, they are getting paid for their knowledge from the school of hard knocks. Do they still make mistakes? YOU BETCHA! Only difference is they tell everyone about their mistake and show a road much easier.

I have taught several classes and the very first thing I tell the class is I AM BY NO MEANS OF THE WORD PERFECT. If you have a thought of how something can be done easier PLEASE say something. Then I say "Basically I'm here to show you what NOT to do and why."


My sister and I went to a quilt retreat. Several of our friends were there but one of our friends brought her daughter. This was her first time to piece a quilt. Just like all new babies, all mother hens were taking her under our protective wings. Our baby finished her top and decided she wanted to go ahead and quilt it herself. My my my how fast they want to flee the nest. We all got her started and she was having so much fun every now and then she would giggle and say, "I thought it was illegal to have this much fun without alcohol!"

Having her in a good way, mother hens went back to our own projects. Suddenly, some old CROW came up to her and was literally staring over our chick's shoulder. "MY GOD! You should be SHOT for quilting this so poorly!" said the old crow in a tone for EVERYONE to hear. Our new quilter immediately went to tears and sobbing. Since I was at the same table with our new quilter, needless to say I really felt like I needed to chime in on this. My not possessing the best of manners or etiquette decided to yell at the old crow, "YEAH, WELL WHO DIED AND PUT YOU IN CHARGE BECAUSE I DIDN'T GET THAT MEMO!" What folks weren't setting with their mouths gaped open were really having a pretty good laugh at the expense of "THE OLD CROW". Well, crow quickly turned on her heel to seek out the host of the retreat. Me, being the person I am, followed her. Now, this next thing was better than any Mastercard moment you could ever imagine. Crow goes up to the host, in a fit of rage starts telling him how rudely she had been accosted. I was proud to hear that she could repeat my statement word for word. Not missing a beat, our host said "Okay, so.....who died?" I nearly fainted from laughing so hard.

Yes, you may go to the bathroom now.

GrammaO 01-06-2011 11:09 AM

Great story! Love it!

leaha 01-06-2011 11:23 AM

oh that is a really great story!!
I tell my class, "that in quilting nothing is written in stone" there are several to do every thing, and find the way the best suits you! Then I show them the way that I find best for me. If any one in the class has another way of doing it I ask them to show it. Then each can try different ways out and find the one they like best for them.

Quiltforme 01-06-2011 04:51 PM

Just ask for her badge number and report her to the local guild :)

QultingaddictUK 01-06-2011 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by crashnquilt
Yes, you may go to the bathroom now.


quilt3311 01-07-2011 05:00 AM

I'd smile sweetly and say OH, thats interesting, I may try it next time I do X. Then do what works for you. You might want to tell her, Oh thats interesting, the "professional quilters" on the board suggest we do X this way. ha.

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