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LAQUITA 12-19-2011 09:14 PM

A Quilter's New Years Resolution:
I have decided that in 2012 I will finish my UFO's BEFORE I start anything new. This should keep me busy not only for this 2012 but 2013 & beyond........LOL

How about you?

BETTY62 12-19-2011 09:21 PM

I have decided to do the same thing, however, I'm glad it's a woman's right to change her mind. LOL

Quiltaddict 12-19-2011 11:25 PM

I'm being a bit more realistic than that cause I know I won't be able to go without starting some new projects. My resolution is to finish at least one UFO every two months. Hope I can keep do it.

lalaland 12-19-2011 11:54 PM

Good luck with that! Maybe you should do a blog to keep yourself on track. I've decided, since I have 2 weeks off for winter break, that I am going to try and finish a project a day - mind you, these are projects that are half done. Today I actually finished 2 projects, a minkee scarf and I covered a pillow. And I started to finish a hobo purse I started. I've decided that 10 projects is my goal, any more would be a bonus.

ckcowl 12-20-2011 02:23 AM

i plan on pulling out and working on one UFO between every new quilt---i have a couple UFO's that are pretty old- one which i really want to get done but do not know if it will ever happen-i'm not about to deny myself the joy of working on something new because of that project! but i do hope to at least try to finally finish it up---i've actually started early making a dent---sewing the binding on one now-and have a second one loaded up & started the quilting yesturday--with a 3rd top done-waiting for it's quilting turn---all 3 i finished getting the tops done in December! so--i'm on a roll! i hope to continue it! i have 3 or 4 WIP's waiting patiently for me to get back to---and of course i've started something new---but it's a hand project-so i don't know if i should count it (yet) since i only have one of those (at the moment :) )
ahhh-resolutions---hopes & dreams, goals for a productive year...nice to start on the right foot!


marybs 12-20-2011 03:13 AM

You guys are so good. I have hidden my UFOs and resolve to take more classes in 2012.

loves_2_quilt 12-20-2011 03:13 AM

I want/need to use up as much fabric stash that I can in 2012. This is the same goal as 2011 and I have used up a lot, but still have a LOT. I am allowing myself to buy the 4 Bs...backing, batting, border, and background fabrics. I will buy a small amount of fabric to go with something I have IF I am trying to make a quilt.

Shelbie 12-20-2011 04:10 AM

Two years ago, one of our members challenged us to finish all of our UFO's and we started a PIG group. I challenged myself to finish one UFO per month instead of the mandatory one per year as I had quite a few (and then some). I now have ten full sized finished quilts in my house and have given away just as many and my UFO's are no where near to being finished although the pile has decreased. I am now desperate to start some new stuff so my new resolution is to continue with my UFO's but to slip the occasional new project in just to keep it interesting. I also need to take another look at some of my UFO's and decide if I will ever finish them. If not, they need to move in with someone who will finish or re-purpose them.

Drue 12-20-2011 04:20 AM

I finished all of my UFO's this year. Then I started on some new projects. I do have one cutout and ready to go but my fav machine is in the shop for regular maintainance and hoping to get it back this week.
When you count UFO's, do you count the ones that you have purchased fabric for but haven't started ? If so, then I have about 15 more to do right now! LOL

toadmomma 12-20-2011 04:20 AM

I have decided to finish at least one UFO per month, as I have been stacking all UFO projects in one corner, some must be finished in order to stack more, but I can do a new project inbetween if I get one old finished, only I must finish the new start before I start a nother new project, also, I can only buy material to finish a project, backing, batting etc., but must use what I have first if it fits what Im doing, Wish me luck, I get too side tracked, Also must finish putting up shelves and organize sewing room, can never find anything.

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