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joanelizbay 07-13-2013 07:54 AM

Read this today and it brought a tear to my eye.
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ArlaJo 07-13-2013 08:01 AM

My niece recently had a new baby and I made a quilt. She was thrilled and said thanks and told me the new baby had been using the one I made for his brother 18 years before. That's how I want my quilts loved.

barri1 07-13-2013 08:04 AM

I think I am feeling as sad a you are..

MadQuilter 07-13-2013 08:19 AM

That story illustrates why some quilters do not get the expected (or anticipated) heart-felt thanks for their gifts of a quilt and why some of them end up under the dog. Different people have different tastes. I would think that grandma was a true quilter who had the need to express her creativity in scraps. Would she be disappointed? Sure. But she would probably shrug it off and still keep making quilts.

It is a good example of how we need to evaluate whom we give quilts to if we want the quilts to be appreciated and used.

delma_paulk 07-13-2013 08:21 AM

Just a few weeks ago I purchased an old, very used quilt for $1.50...... priceless treasure, well worn and still lovely, in the double wedding ring pattern. It is now on my couch for "couch potato days" for any and everyone to use. I feel as you do, hoping my children and grandchildren will cherish the hours and days I've put into those quilts.

My veteran brother in law asked me to make him a quilt a couple years ago......was happy to do so. Made the red and white pinwheel pattern with blue stars sewn on the edges for his service to our country. He said he was going to be wrapped in it when he passed; made my heart sing; he lives in an assisted living colony with his wife and has shown everyone there this quilt, he seems very proud of it and I feel blessed to have given it to him.


irishrose 07-13-2013 08:29 AM

How sad that the grandson let that happen. He's the one who has memories of his grandmother. I would have purchased the GFG, if not all of them.

owlvamp 07-13-2013 08:30 AM

I totally understand how you feel. When I go to thrift store with ex daughter in law I am so sad of all the afghans and home made items i there that it makes me very furious. I told my children and grandchildren not one piece of mine better make it there. It hurts to think people don't care enough for it.

omaluvs2quilt 07-13-2013 08:50 AM

So very sad indeed. Although any quilt I give is gifted without intentional expectations, a part of me always goes with them and there's that little twinge of hope that they will be used & cherished. I treasure my connections to the past, but I think its becoming more rare all the time in this throw away world. We just have to remember the joy we had in creating our treasures and the love we gave when we gifted them.

justflyingin 07-13-2013 08:56 AM

I hope someone picks them up who appreciates them.

It is sad that she doesn't appreciate them, but I kind of understand her having the yard sale and getting rid of them if she doesn't appreciate them. It kind of goes together--many have that mentality--that they are just "so much junk" and that they have to keep everything cleaned up and simplified/minimalistic.

Here's hoping that someone "quilt worthy" finds them and rescues them.

nanna-up-north 07-13-2013 08:57 AM

I would have purchased every one of those quilts. I would appreciate them, care for them, display and use them. That's too sad a story.

My DH likes to tease me and say he will sell my quilts in a garage sale when I'm gone but my daughter has a fit every time he says that. He really is proud of my quilts and shows them off when visitors come by. I think it's his connection to his family because they were all quilters.... no one in my family quilts but me. He loves my quilts, sleeps under one and sometimes two every night....... I can die in peace...... my quilts are safe.

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