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deedum 01-17-2019 07:11 PM

actually I am crunched for space. We moved our office area in my sewing room & made a den out of the office for more living sleeping space for extra guest. I hope to jump into to sewing up a storm and use as much as possible. Christmas gifts hopefully to be done early and ready. I just overbought when I was a newbie. What did I know, fun but didn't consider I would ever overbought and be so swamped. (well it seems like it). One thing for sure, I am not running out & buying gifts. It will be something made with material that I already have.

deedum 01-17-2019 07:13 PM

I think your probably right. I did roll the fabric in my closet. and left the rest on the comic boards. Hopefully I can really sew up a lot of the rolled fabric quickly. Sure do get alot more space this way.

carolynjo 01-19-2019 08:40 AM

I roll everything I can: underwear for family, towels, dish cloths, etc.

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