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craftiladi 09-15-2010 12:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by craftiladi

Originally Posted by craftiladi

Originally Posted by barbgooch

Originally Posted by chamby
Thank you so much for your answer. Are you talking about the shop type light or the long kitchen type with the cover over the bulbs?[/quote

I'm talking about the fixtures that have the plastic light diffusing covers over the entire fixtures, if that's what you are thinking. The fixtures are the same for both. Shop lights don't have the covers. As craftiladi mentioned in the post after mine, you can get full spectrum bulbs that would help with the shadowing.

Yes Barb thats exactly what I got, the defused cover. Its not up yet so I can't comment on the results yet, but I will try to remember to come back to this thread after its installed.

Ok light is up and I love it. If the person putting the light up for you will hold the light vertical or horizontal so you can see which way cast the least shadows before bolting it into the ceiling that is very helpful.

Big favor please. Could you please take and pic of you light and post so that I may see for reference? Thanks so much.

Charlene this pic is from my kitchen, its the same light as discussed above , just a better pic then the one I took from my sewing rm.

brushandthimble 09-16-2010 02:57 AM

I have two of those lights in my studio. Depending on where I sit, I do get a shadow or glare. Mine have been up for about 15 years now. I do need to replace the bulbs (tubes).

Mimito2 09-16-2010 05:53 AM

for shelves in my sewing room I went to Lowes and bought 8 ft long 1x12 and 3 closet shelf/rod brackets. (they look like shelf brackets except they have a brace triangle with the closet rod u on the front) Mount the brackets on the wall first (level)on studs, then screw the shelf on from underneath. I put 2- 4 ft by 3/8 inch wooden dowels (lap them by 3 inches and tape together) in the rod brackets and "thread" my spools of ribbon/trims onto it. As the spools empty I wind flat folded trim back on them.

Judiw 09-16-2010 06:00 AM

My 4 bulb kitchen light has a white cover (diffuser) . Do you think there is a difference between the clear and white? The one in the picture looks clear. I don't notice shadows in there but it is not close work like sewing.

craftiladi 09-16-2010 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by New knee
You might want to line the pizza box with acid-free paper. Bounty makes a paper towel for use in the microwave that is acid free. Cheap, cheap!!

please, please inspect any cardboard that has glue or stored for any lenght of time....why? cockroachs...enough said.

skjquiltnut 10-03-2010 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by sahm4605
When I got a small roll of W&N from Joanns I hung it in my sons closet (he just turned 1 on sat). I have one of those closet systems that you can get at home depot or lowes that the shelves are adjustable. well I took the cloths rod ran it threw the tube roll and then with ribbon hung it on one of the shelves. so not only is it hanging but I can roll out as much as I need and not worry about it getting in my way. And I can take it down with ease.

I am so there! but unfortunately am imaginationally challenged :roll: Could we see a picture of this cool idea?

skjquiltnut 10-03-2010 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by miholmes
I was kinda looking for a spot on here were we could post our ideas for sewing/quilt room storage / organization / functionality.

For example - When I purchased a bolt or warm and natural I posted here about ideas for storing it. I got a GREAT tip to buy 2 closet rod hangers and a piece of PVC pipe to put through the bolt.
It has been WONDERFUL and it was an easy and inexpensive tip.

While I really admire the people who have a lovely cabinet laden sewing room with storage and art on the walls and everything has it's place....I'm not there yet, and let's face it....we spend a lot of money on our quilting hobby (machines - FABRIC - notions - FABRIC - thread - FABRIC - more FABRIC)

So I was wondering if people would even use a section like this? If there was interest perhaps we could ask for a section, or just add to this thread. I think we all can profit from finding easily accessible - inexpensive - time saving ideas.

And why reinvent the wheel when someone else out there may have already found a solution you never considered? :)

Great idea!

Scissor Queen 10-03-2010 04:51 PM

Two of the best things I did in my sewing room was take out the ironing board and the cutting table and replace them with dressers. The cutting table dresser is already the right height, I just added a plywood top to make it big enough. The ironing dresser was long enough and wide enough for my big board top but it wasn't quite tall enough so I had my son build a riser out of MDF and a square fence post cut into 4 inch sections at the lumber yard. Both of these increased my storage tremendously.

miholmes 10-03-2010 06:02 PM

I have this shown in this thread: http://www.quiltingboard.com/t-62316-1.htm

Originally Posted by skjquiltnut

Originally Posted by miholmes
I was kinda looking for a spot on here were we could post our ideas for sewing/quilt room storage / organization / functionality.

For example - When I purchased a bolt or warm and natural I posted here about ideas for storing it. I got a GREAT tip to buy 2 closet rod hangers and a piece of PVC pipe to put through the bolt.
It has been WONDERFUL and it was an easy and inexpensive tip.

While I really admire the people who have a lovely cabinet laden sewing room with storage and art on the walls and everything has it's place....I'm not there yet, and let's face it....we spend a lot of money on our quilting hobby (machines - FABRIC - notions - FABRIC - thread - FABRIC - more FABRIC)

So I was wondering if people would even use a section like this? If there was interest perhaps we could ask for a section, or just add to this thread. I think we all can profit from finding easily accessible - inexpensive - time saving ideas.

And why reinvent the wheel when someone else out there may have already found a solution you never considered? :)

Great idea!

chamby 10-04-2010 10:52 AM

Originally Posted by Scissor Queen
Two of the best things I did in my sewing room was take out the ironing board and the cutting table and replace them with dressers. The cutting table dresser is already the right height, I just added a plywood top to make it big enough. The ironing dresser was long enough and wide enough for my big board top but it wasn't quite tall enough so I had my son build a riser out of MDF and a square fence post cut into 4 inch sections at the lumber yard. Both of these increased my storage tremendously.

Please post a pic so that we can see what this looks like.

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