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alica1367 08-31-2010 03:08 PM

I think I saw that spool cabinet on connecting threads as a kit.

lesleylove 08-31-2010 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by miholmes
I was kinda looking for a spot on here were we could post our ideas for sewing/quilt room storage / organization / functionality.

For example - When I purchased a bolt or warm and natural I posted here about ideas for storing it. I got a GREAT tip to buy 2 closet rod hangers and a piece of PVC pipe to put through the bolt.
It has been WONDERFUL and it was an easy and inexpensive tip.

While I really admire the people who have a lovely cabinet laden sewing room with storage and art on the walls and everything has it's place....I'm not there yet, and let's face it....we spend a lot of money on our quilting hobby (machines - FABRIC - notions - FABRIC - thread - FABRIC - more FABRIC)

So I was wondering if people would even use a section like this? If there was interest perhaps we could ask for a section, or just add to this thread. I think we all can profit from finding easily accessible - inexpensive - time saving ideas.

And why reinvent the wheel when someone else out there may have already found a solution you never considered? :)

great idea. and pictures would be nice too!!

penski 08-31-2010 03:37 PM

great idea i would love to read the differant ideas everyone has

Jeri 08-31-2010 03:37 PM

Pictures, Pictures, I need lots of pictures. My sewing room is a mess and I don't know where to start!!!

dljennings 08-31-2010 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by melslove
I think it a GREAT idea, i am all into organization!

i think its a great idea because i NEED to be all into organization lol

IBQUILTIN 08-31-2010 03:42 PM

wow, that was FAST, Can't wait to see what ideas show up. I have gotten so many from here already, that new ones will be welcome

Caroltee 08-31-2010 03:44 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I had a problem with all my fabric in drawers and never remembering what I had. “Out of sight out of mind” I went to WMart and got 2 book shelves for $25.00 and folded my fabric Then to keep them free of dust I got some light weight clear vinyl and 2 tension rods and used white duck tape to make a casing and now I can see what I have
. I will try to post pic?

Ramona Byrd 08-31-2010 03:45 PM

So I was wondering if people would even use a section like this? If there was interest perhaps we could ask for a section, or just add to this thread. I think we all can profit from finding easily accessible - inexpensive - time saving ideas.
I'm all for such an idea. I think it would be nice, no, wonderful
to make it a standing article in each edition of this marvelous

i'll start with my own finds..at Costco, in the cooking oil section,
they use heavy cardboard slices to keep the large containers safe. I've found these are perfect for putting fabric in my bookcase near my sewing machine. Each time I go there I head
straight there and get all I can grab. Then shop for a while and go back to see how many have been sold so I can get to a lower level for more cardboard. I usually get 10 or so each visit. And I had NO idea at all how much fabric I do have. I'm a little bit embarrassed at how much!! Not that it will keep me from buying more..

Quilting Nana 08-31-2010 03:46 PM

great pics
Thank you

Nancy O. 08-31-2010 03:47 PM

Caroltee, nice work on the organizing. Looks wonderful. Now I just have to make mine look like that. Thanks for the pics.

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