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Miss Mona 07-30-2010 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by Suzan Larrimore
When you position your ruler place your hand toward the bottom of the ruler. As you cut and pass your hand stop, walk your fingers slowly up and reposition them then continue to cut. It also helps if you leave your pinky finger off of the ruler and on the fabric. It stabilizes the ruler. Hope it helps. When started quilting I could only cut one layer at a time. With practice come confidence. You'll get there.

This is the way I do mine but also if the blade is titled the ruler will move. The blade should be straight up and down.

bearisgray 07-30-2010 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by PatriceJ

Originally Posted by clem55
what is the difference in asking that question in Main or here? It seems there are questions here all the time! I'm not that versed on all the rules about posting, but Chit Chat seems to be for everything.

The Main section is for topics related to quilting. Chit Chat is for things not related to quilting. A quilting question could be easily passed over if it's listed in Chit Chat. a lot of people never go into that section.

there are descriptions, content policies, and directions at the top of each section. makes for pretty interesting reading. ;-)

We're supposed to READ that stuff? And learn terms and things about how this board works? Do people actually do that?

Seriously, folks, it is worth taking the time to read the info available at the top of each section.

KarenSimon 07-30-2010 01:51 PM

I use the invisigrip and am happy with it. My rulers never slip.

Dora Taggart 07-30-2010 01:57 PM

I have a Gypsy Gripper that I put on the ruler...here is the web site.



PennyLynn 07-30-2010 02:44 PM

I also found that if my cutting area is to tall the ruler slips, you should be right over what you are cutting and that helps me.

clem55 07-30-2010 03:13 PM

Thanks for the info on posting everyone. I guess I should read the rules,I usually just go to unread topics and start reading. LOL

pieces 07-30-2010 03:15 PM

Try holding a few fingers off the ruler, opposite of the cutting edge, helping to hold the ruler . I also have little circle of sandpaper on the backs of all my rulers.

Joanie2 07-30-2010 03:31 PM

For me I've found that it's how my hand is placed on the ruler. I am left handed (not that it's makes any difference) but I keep my thumb and first finger on the board and the rest of my hand on the fabric. This give me a good grip and prevents a lot of that slipping from the ruler. Additionally any new rulers I buy will be Creative Grid because they seem to hold onto the fabric better. My older rulers have either the Invisi-grip or small sandpaper dots. Hope this helps a bit.

pjustice63 07-30-2010 03:45 PM

I love the little sandpaper discs that stick to the back. I know they have them at Joann's.

LoisN 07-30-2010 03:50 PM

A workshop teacher once gave us little 2"x2" squares of rubber shelf liner that you can buy at Walmart, etc. You just put it under your ruler and it really helps a lot. I got careless and now have 2 triangles, but all is well.

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