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Mary Hen 07-30-2010 04:26 PM

Have you tried the small sandpaper dots on the back of your ruler. I have a ruler with a lip and sandpaper dots.

icon17 07-30-2010 08:11 PM

Me to so got this: "InvisiGrip" By Omnigrid its clear works great!

Originally Posted by Ida
I am a new quilter. I am still having problems with the ruler moving and then my cut is way off. I tried the "clear fabric grabbers" which are just supposed to stick on the back of the ruler. Still moved.

Can someone please tell me how to cut my fabric without the ruler moving? I am finishing a quilt I started when I took a class in 2003. I threw up my hands then, and don't want to give in to that again. HELP! I may be in the wrong area.

zyxquilts 07-30-2010 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by Ida
I am a new quilter. I am still having problems with the ruler moving and then my cut is way off. I tried the "clear fabric grabbers" which are just supposed to stick on the back of the ruler. Still moved.

Can someone please tell me how to cut my fabric without the ruler moving? I am finishing a quilt I started when I took a class in 2003. I threw up my hands then, and don't want to give in to that again. HELP! I asked my question in the wrong forum before. Sorry.

I didn't read thru' all the replies, so forgive me if this is a repeat.... :wink:
When you are holding your ruler down, ALWAYS keep your little finger OFF of the ruler & down onto your mat. If you're using a long ruler, you might also need to pause & move your ruler hand to make sure it doesn't pivot around your hand when the cutter gets farther along.

Good Luck Ida! :D

wvdek 07-30-2010 11:52 PM

My quilt teacher taught me to use my ruler eeons ago. I use the little round sandpaper thingies you can get at JA's or Wal-Mart did carry them in the notion section. FOr my 5" x 24" i put one in each corner and then spaced two more per side. Been using this way for going on 4 -5 years without a problem.

But, more importantly is the way you place your hand or I should say, your fingertips. Spread your fingers apart and using your fingertips only, place on ruler, bring your blade in from just outside the ruler at an angle straightening as you cut a few inches, stop cutting, walk your fingertips up the ruler, continue cutting, doing so all the way up the ruler. When you are used to this method, then you can start walking your fingertips up the ruler at the same time you are cutting. Also, make sure your ruler botom and ruler top are on the same cutting line before you start cutting.

Too much pressure is placed on the ruler when you lay your hand flat and press down making a pushing motion when you least expect it.

ConnieF 07-30-2010 11:56 PM

yes invisa grip is great

crafter005 07-31-2010 01:53 AM

It does get better with time but I did learn some new things as well.

Since you are a new quilter, here is a link with tips and tricks (Mark Lipinski) that might help you out. Some of the more experienced quilters might get something from the site as well. Hope this helps.


Julie in NM 07-31-2010 04:02 AM

I bought plastic stuff a JAs...thick stuff used for table coverings. Bought 4 inches...it's really wide. Cut strips and they cling to the back of the ruler. Cheap fix for a frustrating problem!

Holice 07-31-2010 06:36 AM

I use the sand paper disks on some of my rulers and InvisGrip which is a clear heavier contact paper type material.
It works very well. It comes in the roll and completely covers the back side of the ruler (with about 1/4" less all around)
I find the clear plastic dots a bit high on the back.

Holice 07-31-2010 06:37 AM

The InvisiGrip cam be taken off. It clings rather than sticks to the back.

quilt3311 08-01-2010 03:57 AM

I would suggest the Martelli Ergo cutter. It helps keep the blade lined up on the ruler. Less chance of running the blade at an angle.

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