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omak 10-26-2009 04:28 PM

3 Attachment(s)
The results of a six-day journey through the technique, and I wanted to post the final results of my beginning experiment. You will see two blocks that I jeery-rigged to make something similar to the same size, which none of them are, but more on that later ... for now, peruse my samples, which I have placed three by three for ease of transmission, and note that I placed them in the same direction so that you could follow the colors through the path ... though, none of the blocks are probably in their original position ... shall we begin? (There are six pictures in all, since for some reason, I ended up with 16 blocks!)

omak 10-26-2009 04:32 PM

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And, the last ... wanted to point out that I began with a twelve-inch piece of fabric ... 15 of them - - well, actually, I guess 16 pieces. Each of the joins, not having that 1/4 inch seam allowance started eating up the fabric ... and, I am guessing that my final size will be nine inches ... but, consider this! I can create further differences by that angle I start making the first straight cut ... I would do this again, I just have to figure out on this one if I want to put a sashing between each other.

omak 10-26-2009 04:39 PM

Did you find the one that had two of the same fabrics in it, in two places?
That is what happened after I shuffled the deck, and before I figured out how to add fabric to a piece that had been too small, that I didn't know was too small before I started shuffling ... when I came to the second piece that was too small, I put it on the bottom of the whole pile ... viola! two of the same fabric in one block ... when I came to the third pile that had the same problem, I just left it, figuring if nothing else, I could use it as seed on a doll quilt or something ... and, then I came up with the jeery-rigging (is that how you spell that word?) ... but, I have looked and looked, I do not find any that are exactly alike. Keep in mind that even though I didn't have fifteen pieces in each stack, I only had ten stacks to shuffle, I shuffled every one of them, and ... it worked - - I do not have any two that are exactly alike ... some have fabric another doesn't have, but ... you get the idea <g>
And, I am seriously just considering turning the blocks on each other ... the sashing would not add to the mystique I am thinking .
Have a good time, kids! <wave>

omak 10-26-2009 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by charismah

:-) lol..so funny!
Well I am organizing them so I can use them I have plans for what I am doing with them and I have many projects for them... years of scraps...My BFF doesn't believe in saving scraps so I have kept hers over the years as well..which is not as much as my own stash but definatly adds to them. I have a system as to what I am going to do with them and I have started sketches of what kind of quilts I will use them in....one problem I am only using my good fabrics ....I do have some scraps of wal mart fabric that I only use in craft projects for the kids or whatever--thinking that could be my next challenge after the first of the year...just try to get rid of all of it ...we shall see.

I don't know when I am going to remember that H on the end of your name, but I wanted to encourage you in your using up the scraps quest.
One of the things I have found helpful is to immediately take the scraps from a project and start another one. Of course, I like really scrappy, so I dont care if colors clash ... and, if I have to think about where to put which pieces, I get so stymied that I just might as well quit!
Maybe I am afraid that if I use up all of my scraps, I will forget how to make a real quilt! And, so I buy lots of whole pieces because I want to someday make a scrap quilt that has all the same background ... I feel drawn to the churn dash .. and, I saw a book about making scrap quilts, probably should have even bought it, when the cover showed nine patches, where each nine patch was matched, but the neighbor was different ... instead, I goof off on something else <g>.
Are you familiar with these two sites:


the second one especially is a good scrap organizer and stash buster ... she has a whole ring of like-minded talent, so there are lots of links.
I will be watching <g>

sno 10-26-2009 07:54 PM

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Good Job Omak...I can not believe the time and effort you put into this...
And even though you had to do all the cutting and sorting, and still didn't get the star...I do like what you achieved...

I finished the first part of my project with the first set of stars...
The key to this was to start with 12 fabrics...and that way you get 11 different fabrics in each square...and I only had to do FIVE cuts...

I am going to try to post pictures...so we will see if this works...

Start with 12 fabrics...

sno 10-26-2009 07:57 PM

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2nd photo

Stack the fabrics one on top of the other

sno 10-26-2009 08:00 PM

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3rd photo

after the first cut...taking the smaller top fabric and putting it at the very bottom...

sno 10-26-2009 08:04 PM

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4th photo

after the 2nd cut..taking the smaller fabric from the very last square and moving to the top...

sno 10-26-2009 08:07 PM

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5th photo

After the third cut...

charismah 10-26-2009 08:08 PM

I thought you weren't supposed to sew them after cutting? ( I mean until you do all the cutting) Don't you do all the cutting first? I bought a pattern called pointless wonder ..I did it years ago..I should get that out? you make a star doing this and I thought you just cut rearranged fabric and then sewed them all together? maybe you are doing something else? I have no idea.

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