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thimblebug6000 03-16-2024 07:44 PM

Dedemac I also got a new bedstead and armoire from DD today, so lots of rearranging to get everything back in order. Tonight I am sitting with my feet up watching the food shows and removing stitches from the unneeded bedskirt. 😀

QuiltMom2 03-17-2024 03:38 AM

Quick check -in this morning. Quilt on longarm with last border (including corners) waiting to be done, 10 out of 17 Pokemons embroidered, scrappy pinwheel slightly over 40% assembled. Making progress!

Lena1952 03-17-2024 04:10 AM

On Friday and Saturdays QOV Sew days we made enough blocks to make 4 tops. 288 blocks not counting the extras made. 2 completed tops were also sewn from those blocks. While I didn't get much of my sewing done this weekend, I did manage to stitch a few wool applique blocks. Birdhouse and flower blocks left from some other project that I decided to finish and put into a small wall hanging. I have two Community quilts to machine bind today but it remains to be seen if that will actually get accomplished.

aashley333 03-17-2024 05:39 AM

Everyone has been so productive!
​​​​​​​After the morning storm rolled through yesterday, the sun came out and created a beautiful 85 degree day with not much wind. (Living near the coast makes it windy a lot.) I just didn't feel like sewing, so I fired up the hot tub and spent the day outside. Now, I'm fixin' to press the wide back piece for the nautilus quilt and spray baste the sandwich. And probably make another block for the pink shell quilt.

Iceblossom 03-17-2024 07:24 AM

Well if it helps aashley, I was not productive yesterday! I did cook some dinner and spend some time with the hubby and some thinking about my project. I've decided that much like I did on the Bonnie Hunter project, I will put on the mitered inner border first and then put on the outer border. I was concerned about all the skewed pieces and trying to make a nice smooth miter for the corner. Instead of adding the pieces to the borders, I will make and miter corner units first and then connect those and put them on square. I did stay stitch the outer edges, and cut out some foundation papers for the corners. Putting it all together might happen today -- but first we go bowling.

Peoria is a town that has a St Patrick's Day parade -- we will avoid the crowds and potential traffic issues but I am wearing some green for bowling :) Top of the morning/day to all of you!

ILoveToQuilt 03-17-2024 08:33 AM

Working on a string block quilt. I have been working on this quilt since 2018! Work on it some, put it away for awhile, work some more, put it away. I know it will eventually be completed. Eventually could be in 2024 or 2044, no telling when. At least I like the project.

Dedemac 03-17-2024 02:17 PM

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Originally Posted by Watson (Post 8641106)
I finally got a quilt on my long arm, did one pass with what I thought was good tension and discovered it was all eye lashes underneath.Grrrr.....So, I'm off to pull all of that out this morning and start again. I hope to get it quilted today.Watson

Relax and put on some nice music and grab a glass of wine or something and frog it. You only did one pass not the whole quilt.

Originally Posted by Iceblossom (Post 8641115)
Had a nice and productive day yesterday. Got the borders for the Bonnie Hunter top on, I had been deciding which way to put the outer triangles and eventually went with Bonnie's design. So before I put on the outer border I had to stay stitch the outside edge of that. It all went quite smoothly.

Today I will be working on putting on the Christmas String borders. I will have to add a few pieces (already cut, some already in duos) for the mitered ends. When I was making this I cut a lot of pieces that were just a bit too small to go in the spider webs, so I decided to add them to the border. The skews and slants are deliberate, I considered straight piano keys but decided to go more stringy.

It has been fun watching the Christmas string quilt grow and I have also followed the BH thread and watched all the progress. You are a better quilter than me to tackle all the bias pieces on her quilts, too many small pieces for me.

Originally Posted by aashley333 (Post 8641123)
Well, I hope I can post--the electricity is going in and out! Thunder and lightning, oh my. At least I already made coffee.
Yesterday, I found a wide back for the finished nautilus shell quilt, but it was only 66 inches! I'm sure I would have ordered at least 2 yards. Q finished at 72 by85 ish. Found another suitable piece and placed it in the dryer to smooth out creases before ironing it today.
The pics show the first block for the latest Pink Shell quilt. Gotta start somewhere! And I organized and labeled the fabrics in order to follow the cross stitch pattern.

aashley333 I would be able to do the cross stitch pattern but I think I would be overwhelmed with the seam allowances in the pixel quilt You go girl!!

Originally Posted by WMUTeach (Post 8641129)
Time to re-evaluate my list.

1. Make blocks for a quilt that I have been procrastinating about finishing. I have 68 blocks to make all curves and tried to cut ten blocks yesterday. Nope, to hard on my hands. Dropping down to cutting five and finish five.
2. Label on a quilt.
3. Finish some Boom Blocks. One more finished and 5 laid out to conqueror today! Off I go!
4. Sandwich a finished top - Not happening. The place where I go to layer my quilts told me yesterday that the spray bothered some of people in the quilting group with asthma and that I could not use spray baste. So sad. The site has moveable tables that make layering easy. Will have to investigate reserving a room for an hour now and again so I can use the facility but not harm others.

Not Re-evaluate - Change in direction!

Originally Posted by Cheesehead (Post 8641139)
Finished quilting and trimming the kitty quilt, it now needs a binding and quilt label. So happy to have one of the projects off my list for this VQW. The blocks were made by everyone in the Boom 30 swap, they did a fabulous job making the blocks.

Love the way you set the blocks, it add so much to the whole quilt and each block.

Sewbizgirl-- Awesome finishes

It's been a nice quiet afternoon here. DH has been off with the church high school group and I just started the corned beef in the pressure cooker, I warned him that when he left the living room would have a fabric explosion! I kept it to just the dining room table, when he left I grabbed the box of Pieced Squares" and decided to sort them and see if anything would work with the blocks from yesterday. Found a few but also found a few other abandoned block projects. These were just HST's not trimmed or squared. the red and tan and the smaller 4 patch block are 2.5 square. I've found and also set up 4 place mats that should match the table runner I made for a friend in 2020. Just have to finish squaring up all the HST's Happy sewing every one.
I enjoy doing miniatures.

Sync 03-17-2024 02:21 PM

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Well, yesterday was a very frustrating sewing day. Started to work on month 6 of Solare only to realize that I cut some of my pieces too small ...... ugh ..... had to dig through scraps from the previous months to find fabric to recut those pieces. Then as I was putting the inner star together - it's not fitting ..... another ugh ..... take them apart to find out the triangles in a square were too big - sigh - okay trimmed and was then able to put the whole block together. Finally, picked up the blocks for a short photo shoot. Came to the quilting board to check on the VQW thread and post my progress and when I pulled up the photo of my blocks ................... one of the blocks had a section that was upside down! I fixed that section this morning and now I have started on month 7.

Raggiemom 03-17-2024 03:30 PM

Well, I did some sashiko this morning before leaving retreat. Since I got home, I've done a couple loads of laundry and ran the dishwasher. And paid attention to the cats of course! It has been a wonderful and productive weekend for me. Hope it was for all of you too :) See you next month.

thimblebug6000 03-17-2024 03:46 PM

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Thanks for hosting again, I have been hand stitching a binding this afternoon, with the windows open, loving some fresh spring air!
There is still more machine quilting to do on this project but it has been stabilized to the edges, and I wanted some handwork 😀

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