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Maire 10-12-2012 07:06 PM

I love the sewing retreat, and yes all the things you mentioned happen, but even so they are so much fun, so newbies to retreats don't get frightened off, you'll love 99% of it.
My biggest problem is the heat, I try to find the coldest spot in the room because some just keep pushing the heat up too high, the people quirks I can put up with but being too hot just ruins it for me. I always wear lightweight summer clothes no matter the season.

sailsablazin 10-13-2012 04:34 AM

Originally Posted by Jan in VA (Post 5576056)
Can I meet you at the next retreat and be your tablemate?! We'd hit it off great!:thumbup: (Well as long as you bring chocolate and I bring Coke.:D)

Jan in VA

I'll bring the cookies and veggie pizza....can I join your group also?
Loved your story. I have never been to a retreat...wish I could find the time.

jcrow 10-13-2012 06:46 AM

I think I might have come off as being too hard nose on this subject. It's just all the retreats I've been to, over 15, have been gabfests, people walking around looking at what everyone else is working on (my favorite thing to do), sit in a group and take a break and tell stories and laugh, sit and sew for hours and talk, go on walks, groups go to new quilt shops, more talking to new people, more sewing, more visiting, more viewing what people are working on, show and tell, a little sleep, some eating and lots of talking, some walking around the place as a group and visiting, exploring the place we are staying, sewing some more and visiting.

Get it? Mostly visiting!!!! We all sew at home by ourselves. The whole purpose of a retreat is to sew with others and to visit with others and to talk with the others and we do plenty of talking with the others. At every single retreat I've went to, there has been talking, non stop, and people tune it out easily enough and sew away or they listen and sew. But the whole reason to go to a retreat is to be with other quilters.

Not to sit in silence! But to enjoy each other and get to know each other and make good friends and then become good friends forever. Which happens every single year. We have two retreats a year. One in the spring and one in the fall. It holds up to 25 people. We have ironing boards in closets at the retreat there, held for us. This place holds retreats for quite a few quilters and I live in the same town as where the retreat is held. I go and visit the other quilters when they are there and see what they are working on and they are just as warm and are gabbing away just like we do. So, I know they are just like us. So, I figure that's what retreats are about. A group of women quilters getting together to sew and have fun!

bakermom 10-13-2012 07:57 AM

jcrow, you've described what i pictured a retreat being. never been to one but it's on my list. i think it should be less formal/structured that a class would be. more emphasis on fellowship and sharing than nose to the grindstone type sewing. guess we all have different expectations

Tothill 10-13-2012 09:30 AM

I have never been to a quilting retreat, but I have been to a sewing retreat with Sandra Betzina and Ron Collins, as well as several 3 days workshops with Ron Collins. I attended the Ron and Sandra retreat with a friend. We sat together and got along well. She was not impressed with some of the other attendees, but I met some great women and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I really enjoy meeting other women with similar interests.

I have taken other workshops with various instructors from a local quilting store. With workshops I find that the instructor sets the tone. Jan Bones is a great instructor who keeps control of the class environment.

I do not share my supplies. I have had to scrimp and save to buy them and cannot afford to replace them. I am willing though to show how something works and will ask others if they like their tools and notions that I have never seen before, but I would not ask to use them.

I try to be sensitive to those around me. I can put up with just about anything except strong scents. Even scented laundry products can make me feel ill. This is my problem and has only come up once at a class. I explained that the problem was me (it was not my table mates fault I react to Tide detergent) and had to move to another table.

I always have my cell phone with me, but on vibrate or silent. I do not take calls in the work room. One year DH called repeatedly, so I left the room and called him back. He had just got a call that his dad had cancer. We decided I would stay until the end. When I reentered the room I guess the bad news showed on my face and several asked if all was okay. I just gave a general we got bad news reply.

Another time DH called, DD had hurt herself and had a concussion. We decided to wait for the doctor and decide if I had to return home.

My big issue is I cannot share a bed or room at night. I do not even sleep with DH due to sleep problems. It is not that I am shy, unfriendly or snobbish. Others are welcome to join me in my room, I will share treats and drinks, but I need to sleep alone.

I would love to go to quilting retreats to meet other quilters, so learn new techniques (most are new to me) and have some time away from my usual responsibilities.

If you have a chance to go to a retreat, go.

BertieD 10-13-2012 09:46 AM

And don't you find it rude that the students are talking while the instructor is trying to instruct?

BertieD 10-13-2012 09:48 AM

Don't stop going to retreats because you talk -- sit on someone's deaf side, lol! Seriously, lighten up people!

BertieD 10-13-2012 09:57 AM

Yes, Cowgirlquilter, retreats really are worth it -- even considering some distractions, lol!

Raine 10-13-2012 04:32 PM

Your funny........good for you. To bad the new machine whining, cell phone talking always cold, could not have found equal partners with the same concerns.....wonder how that would have turned out. LOL, LOL Thanks for the chuckle. Sad but true.

tmw 10-13-2012 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by SewExtremeSeams (Post 5576470)
:D I read your post because it was authored by you. You know, when E F Hutton speaks everyone listens:D:D

I just turned down a retreat: Reason being I didn't want to lug my sleeping stuff AND my quilting stuff.
The time it takes to load at home, unload at retreat, load after retreat and unload at home... I could have had a V-8 or gotten a whole lot of sewing done. Do I sound older and getting practical in my old age. Yup! And I ain't changin'! :D

this cracks me up. too funny.

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