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Celeste 10-11-2008 04:38 PM

I don't like the type of fabric that is shiny and nightgowns are made of... just THINKING of touching it gives me the heebie-jeebies!

ButtercreamCakeArtist 10-11-2008 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by nellie
i don,t think you,r weird i can,t open bisquit tube you know i ones that pop oh men i just get so scared to open them ,someone any one who close haves to open them for me ,i guess we all feel different about different things

Well, You are the only other person I've ever known that couldn't open those biscuit cans! If nobody else is home, I very carefully pull up a little piece to get a hold of, then put the tube in the sink. THen I get the little loose piece, turn around backward, and hold my ear with my free hand and shrug my other shoulder up over my other ear! Then, I close my eyes and pull. Usually I have to do this several times to get it to keep pulling and pop open. Most of the time it all pulls off without opening, so I have to start banging it on the sink. If it pops loud, it still bothers me. Sometimes it won't make any noise at all that way.
I have my 6 year old to open mine if she is here. I don't buy them very often, but I will let my 3 year old open them if I have to!

ButtercreamCakeArtist 10-11-2008 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by mary quite contrary
What about grates in a sidewalk?

Nope. I don't step on those things or manholes or anything. I was taught not to, but when my best friend and I were walking up the street when we were like 14?, she stepped on one that was loose and fell in it! Just one leg went in, but her other leg went out in front of her like she was sitting down. I thought she'd broken her leg. She had to go to the hospital and get a tetanus shot and stuff. It cut her ankle up some, but it wasn't too bad. She had a Sprite with the lid off, and it squirted up the street for probably 50 feet.

Mplsgirl 10-11-2008 05:08 PM

Okay, I have one more problem. Stairs with no backs to them? Like Bleachers? I have to crawl up them which reaaaaaly embarassed my kids when they were in high school. You should not be able to see the ground when you're walking up stairs.

mary quite contrary 10-11-2008 05:13 PM

Going up bleachers isn't sooo bad but coming back down that is the killer. I don't walk down the middle of a wide set of steps like any of the museums or monuments. I have to be on the side with a hand rail.

Mplsgirl 10-11-2008 05:23 PM

Yes, in DC I did the same thing. My daughter was in college at Galedette. Toured the city, never walked so many stairs in my life and just up and down finally gave me shin splints.

nanabirdmo 10-11-2008 06:14 PM

thank you all so much for sharing your own personal "creep-outs". this has turned out to be a fun thread. and aren't we all much relieved to get these things out in the open and realize that we aren't the only ones?
i was glad to find someone else who creeps out at the bisquits you are supposed to whap to open. i hate that. i actually had one explode on me. didn't hurt but scared the you know what out of me.

i just recently began to worry, maybe worry is too strong a word. "think about" sounds not so neurotic. library books. any of you who have read many of my posts know that i get a lot of quilt books from the library. now i know that we quilters are clean people. but i also get a lot of novels and i read while i eat. is that nasty or what?!? should i be concerned about where that book has been????

mary quite contrary 10-11-2008 06:19 PM

I've thought about the library books when I see spots on the pages. EWWWW!

GailG 10-12-2008 04:14 AM

I use the batting called "traditional batting." I like the feel of it better. And don't worry -- you're not the only one with weird dislikes. I hate to chew on pears. They make my teeth itch. :roll:

auntluc 10-12-2008 04:22 AM

Originally Posted by GailG
I hate to chew on pears. They make my teeth itch. :roll:

Let's see someone top this one. :shock:

bearpaw 10-12-2008 05:07 AM

Originally Posted by auntluc

Originally Posted by GailG
I hate to chew on pears. They make my teeth itch. :roll:

Let's see someone top this one. :shock:

I don't know if I can top it, but when I eat pineapple, my nose sweats. I told the Dr. this and he looked at me like I had three heads.

quiltmaker101 10-12-2008 06:44 AM

Originally Posted by Mplsgirl
Right! Do you remember what that movie was? I know what you're talking about! Talk about tramatization!

I think it was a really bad movie with Anthony Hopkins and Ann Margaret.

The fear of clowns (or strong dislike) is probably from the movie "It." Clown in the water run off under the curb?

quiltmaker101 10-12-2008 06:52 AM

Okay, I will play too!

I hate to touch rubber bands because of the smell it leaves, but I am not creeped out by them.

I do not like the feel of styrofoam or wool. Can't hardly stand the smell of burned popcorn or hard boiled eggs. Very sensitive nose: I can smell skunk 20 minutes before anyone else can. Also, I can't stand the sound of a metal pot rubbing in the enamel sink bottom.

As far as being creeped out, cockroaches are at the top, I think. Also looking down from a high spot, like in a high rise or at a gorge is not fun.

If you run a daycare for 6 years by yourself, you will get over a lot of creeps in the bodily fluids department real quick.

GailG 10-12-2008 09:24 AM

Bearpaw, those doctors don't know anything. :D

ButtercreamCakeArtist 10-12-2008 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by nanabirdmo
thank you all so much for sharing your own personal "creep-outs". this has turned out to be a fun thread. and aren't we all much relieved to get these things out in the open and realize that we aren't the only ones?
i was glad to find someone else who creeps out at the bisquits you are supposed to whap to open. i hate that. i actually had one explode on me. didn't hurt but scared the you know what out of me.

i just recently began to worry, maybe worry is too strong a word. "think about" sounds not so neurotic. library books. any of you who have read many of my posts know that i get a lot of quilt books from the library. now i know that we quilters are clean people. but i also get a lot of novels and i read while i eat. is that nasty or what?!? should i be concerned about where that book has been????

Yeah, I know what you mean about the library books. I have found things that appeared to be boogers in one. I'm a germophobe, but I'm not as bad as I used to be before I had kids. I don't allow shoes in my house, etc. Just think where those things have been!

bearpaw 10-12-2008 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by GailG
Bearpaw, those doctors don't know anything. :D

Thanks Gail :D

sandpat 10-12-2008 03:48 PM

No..you aren't too weird. I don't like the poly batting at all! The cotton is ok.. I just won't get started on all the weird things I do or don't do :roll:

Janstar 10-12-2008 04:14 PM

I'm with you guys about clowns, ventriliquist dummies. I close my eyes when they come on. I can't stand to watch snakes in the movies or on videos. I always lift my feet up off the floor and shut my eyes. My DH usually changes the channel, thank goodness. Jan

salisaquilter 10-13-2008 04:42 AM

[quote=Mplsgirl]Im new here, so I don't want to be pushy, but this is a fun thread! Will this keep going or how does that work? Pleeeeeese tell me there is someone else out there who doesn't like bridges. [/quote

I am with you girl. I was on a draw bridge with my brother when about 10 and the bridge went up and we where hanging on for dear life..... The draw operator was drunk and did not see us... I am fascinated with those hanging ones but hold my breath when I have to cross one. so I will hang with you on those bridges. lol

2wheelwoman 10-13-2008 06:36 PM

I'm new here - but if I had any doubts whatsoever about the group I'm joining, this thread eliminates them. Everyone seems perfectly normal to me!

I totally agree with the raw chicken/turkey queeziness. Awful, clammy, horrible feel to them. I have to use tongs, forks, whatever, so I don't have to touch them. And, I'm definitely with ya on the bridges too, as well as tunnels. In earthquake country here, I always envision having one of them collapse and trap me.

Nobody has mentioned the number one thing that creeps ME out though, so maybe I'm the weird one. I get the willies every time I see one of those "dancing person" hot air things, like at car dealerships. There's something about all that flopping around and those arms flapping that just makes me shiver. The only one I've told before is DH, and he just shakes his head at me. But, I HATE those things.

Mplsgirl 10-14-2008 05:04 AM

2wheelwoman: Yes! Those floppy things are awful!

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