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Rodney 04-03-2014 07:44 PM

I probably shouldn't even write this. I see where at least some of you are either done or near done. I just put my first blocks together today. It does feel good to be off to a real start though.

TwinRiverFarm 04-04-2014 02:25 AM

Don't fret, we have a long way until August! Some quilters have a stash that never ends, some need to shop for the right colors to start. Some have the perfect pattern in mind, some wait for inspiration and to get to know their partner. And some of us know that the garden will need tilling soon, so we had better get ourselves in gear and finish all indoor projects fast!

Annaquilts 04-04-2014 06:51 AM

Lovely! The pattern and colors are very catchy and playful.

Originally Posted by emc1118 (Post 6659167)
I have a few blocks to show. Balancing the colors may be the hardest part when all is said and done. The card fabric in the corner doesn't go with this top.

emc1118 04-04-2014 01:14 PM

Originally Posted by Rodney (Post 6659201)
I probably shouldn't even write this. I see where at least some of you are either done or near done. I just put my first blocks together today. It does feel good to be off to a real start though.

I'm at the same point as you. Nowhere near finished, barely started. I noticed a mistake from my pic so I will be resewing and sewing that block before I continue.

Nexxus831 04-04-2014 05:37 PM

Emc1118 I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Thank you I needed to see this I have not sewn anything but I have a reason. My hubby dropped at work last Friday at work. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital. He had almost NO blood left in his body. They are not sure how he was even functioning. He ended up having four pints of blood transfused and may need more. He was discharged on Monday with orders to find a primary care physician ASAP. The endo turned up nothing and he has a colonoscopy scheduled for the 10th as outpatient. They need to find out where the bleed is. His body is also not "rejuvenating" itself and his iron level was almost NIL. I am an emotional wreck it's so hard to see him so weak. We have young kids at home. It is effecting them also. I'm sorry I don't mean to blab just having an emotional wreck of a day. We did find him a primary care physician and they drew blood today to test his levels again. We will go back and see them after the colonoscopy to talk about results and where we go from there. I know there is a lot worse situations out there I am just having a moment. Prayers would be welcomed. Thanks for sharing the pictures EMC love it

emc1118 04-04-2014 07:16 PM

You have had a rough couple of months. Prayers coming your way. I hope all goes well with the tests and the results are full of good news. Don't worry about any sewing for me, that can come later. Take care of you and yours. Glad I posted the pics and you you liked the early stages. Take care Melinda.

Gannyrosie 04-04-2014 11:46 PM

Nexxus831, praying for you and him that all is just a bump in the road and he will get back to himself. As far as working on my quilt, well it stood all alone in my "Toy Room" all week. Yes the weather here has been beautiful, grass to cut, weeds to pull, and just enjoying the beauty of the day. For the last two days I"ve been spreading dirt. Ordered 12 yards and have about 2 to go, but will wait for the rain to come this weekend to see where I may need more. Ya'll keep safe, and hoping all is well with everyone.

Rodney 04-05-2014 01:40 AM

Melinda you, your husband and your family will be in my prayers.

CarolynMT 04-05-2014 03:43 AM

Oh nexx, I am so sorry to hear that. Will keep you and your family in my prayers. HUGS

TwinRiverFarm 04-05-2014 05:58 AM

Dearest Melinda, sending prayers, hugs and positive thoughts for you and your DH. Deep breaths, we are all here for you to vent anytime. NO APOLOGISING!

ljdugas31 04-05-2014 12:00 PM

Melinda prayers are being said for you and your husband. Sunday at church I belong to a prayer group so on sunday I hope you feel the thousands of prayers for you and your family!!People from all over the world will be praying for you. God is good all the time!!

Nexxus831 04-05-2014 12:16 PM

Thank you thank you everyone My hubby's name is Ed and mine is Melinda. Prayers are needed

Originally Posted by ljdugas31 (Post 6661250)
Melinda prayers are being said for you and your husband. Sunday at church I belong to a prayer group so on sunday I hope you feel the thousands of prayers for you and your family!!People from all over the world will be praying for you. God is good all the time!!

oldcatlady 04-05-2014 04:36 PM

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Melinda, prayers heading your way, hoping all will turn out alright.

Boop56, I did a practice block today. It's one of two blocks for the border. I'm trying to modify a pattern and having trouble with the math for the border :(

The block is 6 1/2" I hope you like the colors!

Tam...Moo 04-06-2014 04:46 PM


I wanted to let you know that I am sorry I have not posted pictures yet, out of town last minute for work but I will post pictures as soon as I am home.

lovngrandma 04-10-2014 05:36 AM

hello ladies I am sorry fo rnot posting pics r commenting , after losing my father in law in Jan, it was rough, then I lost my mother, 3 weeks ago, I am working on blocks now to complete my quilt for my partner and it should be a wonderful bright quilt she will like for a long time, i am using 2 different block designs and making it scrapy having some fun with it, hope she enjoys it, working hard to get it finished, will post pics soon,

QuilterMomma 04-11-2014 08:20 AM

Wow, lots going on with everyone. Sorry nexx on hubby, mine went thru same stuff and then shoulder surgery as well, then I ended up in hospital couple weeks ago. Our house is chaotic as well. Not much done on my progress, but once these graduations, three of them, and the house finished painted, will be able to work more on it. Since I missed a week at work, got to get caught up.

Tam...Moo 04-13-2014 05:06 PM

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Okay Brat, here is a photo of your quilt center. I am so sorry for the delay...[ATTACH=CONFIG]471534[/ATTACH]

Elisabrat 04-14-2014 05:20 AM

oh so cute! your top is done Tam Moo I am waiting to get my backing then its off to the quilter! I have been searching all over for it. I thought I had found some but got an email yesterday that that was not in stock so square one again.. argh. Should have it ordered and here by next week so all is good :) I will have that quilted in no time at all... secrets.. secrets.. don't you just love secrets???

Yosamitesa 04-14-2014 10:49 AM

Y'all are amazing!!! Tons of status updates already sent. Pictures posted. Partners communicating!!! I'm so happy!!! :)

applique 04-15-2014 06:09 AM

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Originally Posted by Yosamitesa (Post 6675115)
Y'all are amazing!!! Tons of status updates already sent. Pictures posted. Partners communicating!!! I'm so happy!!! :)

I apologize for answering my partner here, but I had pictures to show her and can't do them in a PM. I work part time at a quilt museum and the fund raiser I am involved in is a text and textile sale once a year. All year I gather donations and sort everything from cottons, wool, home dec, poly, knits, yarn, patterns, books notions etc. It is a lot of work especially since some of the donations are from people who don't sew and don't know the difference in fabric, so I take it all and then sort it. Most of the time it goes well with the exception of a few board members who arrive on the day of the sale to be in charge and are not quilters <sigh> and the stray volunteer who does not abide by the rules. Other wise it is like a giant treasure hunt and fun to watch. Where else can you get $300 of wool yardage for $25? Not to mention threads by the bag, yarn, floss and you name it. So now my life can return to normal (normal for me)! And here are the pictures for Anna.

Annaquilts 04-15-2014 06:17 AM

That looks like a lot of fun and a lot of work! I bet though you are glad it is over for now. I hope they raised a lot of money.

Originally Posted by applique (Post 6676344)
I apologize for answering my partner here, but I had pictures to show her and can't do them in a PM. I work part time at a quilt museum and the fund raiser I am involved in is a text and textile sale once a year. All year I gather donations and sort everything from cottons, wool, home dec, poly, knits, yarn, patterns, books notions etc. It is a lot of work especially since some of the donations are from people who don't sew and don't know the difference in fabric, so I take it all and then sort it. Most of the time it goes well with the exception of a few board members who arrive on the day of the sale to be in charge and are not quilters <sigh> and the stray volunteer who does not abide by the rules. Other wise it is like a giant treasure hunt and fun to watch. Where else can you get $300 of wool yardage for $25? Not to mention threads by the bag, yarn, floss and you name it. So now my life can return to normal (normal for me)! And here are the pictures for Anna.

ArizonaKAT 04-15-2014 07:52 AM

I've been stalled . . . I have half of my tiny little 7" blocks finished. I need about 25 more. Spent the last month trying to get the darn quilting machine to work. Every time I adjust something, another thing screws up. This is a singer for goodness sake. I take singers apart and put them back together as a hobby. It should be a simple thing to fix. I give up. I'm calling a repair man. :-(

Yosamitesa 04-15-2014 01:27 PM

Ok...so update on my life...lil miss Rusha was diagnosised with pancreatitis a week or so ago. She stayed at the vet. Brought her home last Monday. Friday she stopped eating. Took her this morning for an ultrasound. Got the call from the vet...it isn't good. She has a huge mass in her liver and her skin is turning yellow. I will be with her tonight at 6 when they put her to sleep. :( Please send good fur baby thoughts for her through this. :) Quilty hugs!

KGoodhand 04-15-2014 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by Yosamitesa (Post 6676989)
Ok...so update on my life...lil miss Rusha was diagnosised with pancreatitis a week or so ago. She stayed at the vet. Brought her home last Monday. Friday she stopped eating. Took her this morning for an ultrasound. Got the call from the vet...it isn't good. She has a huge mass in her liver and her skin is turning yellow. I will be with her tonight at 6 when they put her to sleep. :( Please send good fur baby thoughts for her through this. :) Quilty hugs!

My thoughts and hugs go out to you and Rusha.

jaba 04-15-2014 04:58 PM

Me also Yosamitesa, I've been in your position with 2 dogs and it is so hard. I truly know where you are at and I'm sure there are others on here also. Sending peaceful thoughts your way.

Yosamitesa 04-16-2014 06:33 AM

Thank you. It was a rough night. My lil man doesn't understand why Rusha isn't home and why she isn't coming home. Told him she was in heaven with Granddaddy. He told me NO! Go to the vet and bring her home. My heart hurts. It isn't broken because I know she is in a much better, easier, painfree place. Just sad. Sitting at work going through the motions...that being said...

I have 13 folks who did not check in by the 15th!!!

If you have not sent me a status update I need to hear from you ASAP!!! This is a requirement for the swap.

By the 15th of each month, each person sends me a PM letting me know how far along they are with their quilt for their partner. I suggest that you put a reminder in your calendar with the following text in it, which is what I need to hear from you:

o 100% complete and ready to be shipped!
o 90%: need to finish quilting and binding, then she’s ready for lift-off!
o 75%: sandwiched and about to quilt
o 50%: nearing completion of the top; about to sandwich
o 25%: fabric cut and piecing in progress
o 5-10%: know the design; have most of the fabric; dragging my feet getting started, but I WILL complete and be ready to ship THIS QUILT BY August 1, 2014!

Rodney 04-16-2014 07:15 PM

Sorry about Rusha. It always hurts to lose a pet even when you know the decision was the right one.

applique 04-17-2014 04:23 AM

Just waiting for this cold snap to go then digging out the paints! I need some skies, mountains, plowed farmland and lots of other fun stuff. Some for this challenge and some for fun as I am getting very low. Come on spring!!

CarolynMT 04-17-2014 05:20 PM

OH I am so sorry, I totally missed the date.....between taxes, MQX, and a software build going out I totally lost what day it was. I will send in my information now.

I have the top done ;) backing needs a washing, and waiting on thread to come in, Had to order correct thread. It is the next thing going on my LA :)

dabbler312 04-18-2014 07:39 AM

April Progress Report
4 Attachment(s)
I've been busy on many projects the past few weeks and have today to finally lay out my rows and put the top together and send it out to have it quilted - jaba hope this will be okay for you - it's the growth of a quilt. I chose the Lucky Star pattern because I felt that it must be a lucky star that keeps pairing jaba and I up on swaps - I feel blessed with my on line quilty friends.

The first photo is the initial fabric selections.
The second photo shows the star pairings.
The third is a pile of 30 star blocks.
The fourth is a sample what they look like when they are nestled next to one another - only a teaser for I want the final quilt to be a surprise when she gets it.

jaba 04-18-2014 09:16 AM

So excited, it looks amazing!!!! So many different batiks, it will go with anything. Can't wait to receive it!!!! Have half the binding sewn just need to finish another side and it will be ready to come your way. Thank you Dabbler, I'm going to love this for sure!:thumbup:

roseirish48 04-18-2014 09:46 AM

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even though i havent finished the quilt for this swap--or the other 4-5 that are in various stages--a past co-worker brought a little something she found at an estate sale she attended. Thirty-seven Dresdan plate quilt blocks all ready to join and quilt. they are 17" inches square done in 1930 prints on muslin. Cant wait to get them done up

Rodney 04-18-2014 11:43 AM

Nice get! I love Dresden plates! Is it my eyes or is this a wonky one?

sewmany 04-21-2014 03:13 PM

Dabbler. They are really pretty blocks and fabric.

i am going to surprise my partner and hold on the pictures.

it is moving slowly. Thought i work on in during this 3 day weekend but was hit with the flu.

jaba 04-21-2014 04:35 PM

I love the sneak peaks Dabbler, can hardly wait for the whole quilt. Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

roseirish48 04-21-2014 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by Rodney (Post 6681601)
Nice get! I love Dresden plates! Is it my eyes or is this a wonky one?

they are beautiful blocs. I laid one block acros my ottoman ad took picture with my phone camers so perspective is off

mumukate 04-23-2014 05:11 AM

Good morning everyone! YAY...I have all roseirish48's blocks put together!!! Can't believe I got 10 blocks done this morning...I'm on a roll! Now to square-up and start putting blocks together. Had to replace fabric for setting triangles as I didn't order enough & they were out of stock. I like the replacement better!!! Hubby said he likes it so much he's not going to let me give it away! LOL (he's jk) Had to promise I'd make one for him. Everyone have a great day!

roseirish48 04-23-2014 05:29 PM

worked on last 2 blocks today--still have last one only half done. once i finish it, then need to set top and determine how i am going to do corner triangles.i will finish this quilt---i will finish this quilt---i will finish this quilt--but it would be so much easier if i actually was working with a pattern.

Yosamitesa 04-25-2014 10:43 AM

Still missing a few updates...please let me know!

CarolynMT 04-26-2014 03:57 PM

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Ok ;) I got my piece "Queen's Romance" on my long arm yesterday, was all set to start quilting it this morning. Had my tea in my cup with a lid (cause cat loves to share and I dont :p ) everyone was fed and watered. Just about stepped down to get to work and the power went out :p sigh, whole city was out for like 2hrs. So I ended up folding all my tiny scraps that were long enough to ruler fold into 2.5 x 2.5 bundles (nice strips) and bagged up the others for cutting in to precut sizes.

I did get down into the long arm room today after my nap :p and I started on my partners quilt :) I will not show all the quilt, because it is a big secret, but since she just had surgery recently ;) I thought she might like a sneak peak. So here is one of the blocks quilted up, and I have to say, I am totally in love with it.....


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