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-   -   2014 Quilts For Quilters Swap - Signup has Closed (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/2014-quilts-quilters-swap-signup-has-closed-t236825.html)

Yosamitesa 12-16-2013 12:26 PM

2014 Quilts For Quilters Swap - Signup has Closed
Welcome to the 2014 Quilts For Quilters Swap!!! This swap is all about us!!! Fabulous quilters making and swapping a fully completed, lap-sized quilt with other fabulous quilters!!! This swap will be limited to the first 30 swappers that sign-up or January 24th, whichever comes first!!!

***Guidelines & Deadlines***
Sign up closes for this swap on Friday, January 24th, 2014 at noon (CST) OR once 30 swappers have signed up. Names will be sent out no later than Thursday, January 30th, 2014. Quilts must be delivered, fully finished, by Monday, August 1st, 2014. THIS IS A DEADLINE NOT A GUIDELINE Please do not participate if you believe you cannot fulfill this time frame commitment.
This swap will be a partnered swap. You will work with your partner to determine colors, style, etc. Size: 45” x 60” up to 60” x 60” – Please make sure it is not smaller than 45” x 60”. --Use only 100% cotton fabric.

Design and method will be up to the creator; however, since this is something that will probably be used, making sure that the quilt is washable on at least a gentle cycle. Good grade cottons only no homespun or non-cotton fabrics in this swap please. You should make something you would like to receive. Take your time; there is no rush to get it out fast. It’s better slow but steady and you will be pleased with what you send and your partner will be thrilled to receive it!

See http://www.quiltingboard.com/t-20154-1.htm for general swap rules.

* I am required to insist that participants send me a monthly PM or email to verify that they are still active in this swap and are working on their promised project. Also, participants must have weekly contact with their partner to verify that they are still active in this swap and are working on each other’s promised project.

* I am required to insist that participants notify me as soon as they have finished their quilt and are ready to mail it.

* Once I have received notice that both partners are done and ready to mail, I will send both a PM to let them know it’s time to mail.

* I am required to insist that all participants send me verification of shipment, to include tracking information.

* Participants are required to ensure packages will not arrive “postage due.”

* Any and all other fees, such as import duties, taxes, etc imposed by the recipient’s government are the sole responsibility of the recipient.

* Absent legitimate and reported mitigating circumstances, participants who have not fulfilled their obligation by Monday, August 1st, 2014 shall be deemed “late” and risk receiving Negative [Swap] Feedback to their account.

* Please keep in touch with your partner and me as required. Please let us know right away if something happens that will interfere with your ability to complete your project on time. *****COMMNICATION IS KEY!!!*****

* Swappers should treat each other as friends and focus on the fun. So … please be prepared to be flexible, patient and understanding if necessary and appropriate.

*** To participate, please PM Yosamitesa with the following information by NOON (CST) on Friday, January 24th, 2014. Please do not apply if you have not finished/fullfilled your commitments in prior swaps. Incomplete sign-ups will not be accepted. Members will NOT be allowed to pick their swap partners. These will be assigned at random by me.***

1. Board Name:
2. Real Name:
3. Email Address:
4. Address:
5. Phone #: (this will NOT be given to your partner, this is for my use only in the event that a problem should arise)
6. Are you willing to swap with someone outside the U.S.? (YES or NO)
We may have a few non-U.S. participants. Shipping is more expensive. I will only make US-non-US matches with willing participants.
7. Any allergens you have in your home (i.e. cats, dogs, smoke, etc.)
8. Any allergies you have (i.e. are you allergic to dogs, cats, etc.)


9. What type of quilt DESIGN would you most like to RECEIVE? You can be as general or specific as you want to be. Use OTHER to clarify your interest. (For example: "I've always wanted an Amish-style quilt")
Traditional, Modern, Pieced, Appliqué, Surprise me!

10. What else do you want your swap partner to know about the quilt you'd love to RECEIVE?


11. What type of quilt DESIGN would you most like to MAKE for another? You can be as general or specific as you want to be. Use OTHER to clarify. (For example: "I love to make log cabins")

Traditional, Modern, Pieced, Appliqué, I'm up for making anything!

12. What else do you want your swap partner to know about the quilt you'd love to make?

**Remember, this swap is supposed to be FUN!!! Let’s keep it clean and positive. NO NEGATIVE REMARKS on this thread. If you have issues or problems, bring them to me ASAP!!!

Any questions or concerns please pm me. I'll be happy to assist any way I can.

Happy quilting everyone!!!!

oldcatlady 12-16-2013 12:57 PM

I PM'd you :)

Yosamitesa 12-16-2013 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by oldcatlady (Post 6459618)
I PM'd you :)

Got your information. :)

zzmom 12-16-2013 04:35 PM

I pm'd you too!

Nexxus831 12-16-2013 11:25 PM

I am sending a PM

Yosamitesa 12-17-2013 07:21 AM

zzmom and Nexxus831, I have you both. :) Welcome to a fun experience!!!

TwinRiverFarm 12-17-2013 05:03 PM

Sending my PM! Thank you for hosting this round!

Yosamitesa 12-18-2013 01:26 PM

TwinRiverFarm & TheMamaHauser, I have you added to my list. Welcome!!! :) We have 5 swappers!!! :) Who else will join us?

TheMamaHauser 12-18-2013 01:54 PM

Nexxus mentioned she was thinking about joining... she's the one who pointed the whole thing out to me and got me interested!

Yosamitesa 12-18-2013 02:32 PM

Originally Posted by TheMamaHauser (Post 6463018)
Nexxus mentioned she was thinking about joining... she's the one who pointed the whole thing out to me and got me interested!

LOL!! Too funny! I'm glad you joined. My first time hosting this, so I hope I can pull it off. :)

Nexxus831 12-18-2013 06:36 PM

Oh I have faith that you can Yosamitesa. I sleep with my quilt from this last years swap every night. I am glad that I could talk Themamahauser to join this swap she has amazing talent. I am sure this swap will fill up fast.

Yosamitesa 12-25-2013 08:53 PM

It got quiet. Hope all are having happy holidays.

emc1118 12-26-2013 06:20 PM

Sending pm...
The 2013 quilters swap was a fun time. Looking forward to 2014.

Short an Sweet 12-27-2013 06:02 AM

How many have signed up so far? I would love to do this one but we are moving and I dont have an address to send lol

Yosamitesa 12-27-2013 07:45 AM

Emc1118 I got yours.

Short an Sweet only 6.

emc1118 12-27-2013 11:50 AM

Originally Posted by Yosamitesa (Post 6476515)
Emc1118 I got yours.

Short an Sweet only 6.

If my memory is working right, and it often times does not; last year quite a few signed up at the last minute. (I believe I was one of the late signer uppers.)

Short an Sweet 12-27-2013 12:27 PM

my husband will b going up on the 5th to start work and will be looking for us a house, once I have an address I can sign up

Yosamitesa 12-27-2013 09:55 PM

Sounds good. If you need to sign up and get me an addy we can discuss!!! ;)

Short an Sweet 12-28-2013 02:15 PM

I sent you a PM, just let me know

Originally Posted by Yosamitesa (Post 6477615)
Sounds good. If you need to sign up and get me an addy we can discuss!!! ;)

IrelandDragonQuilting 12-28-2013 07:36 PM

Out of all the swaps, this one is simply the best! I have loved the last two. Unfortunately, I am working full-time and going to school full-time so my free time is incredibly limited, or I would most definitely sign up. I am going to be a lurker this year and enjoy watching everyone's creativity and talent! I hope everyone posts a lot of photos!!

TheMamaHauser 12-28-2013 07:48 PM

IrelandDrdagonQuilting, we just got stuck in Buffalo overnight because of the massive pile-up between here & Sheridan. Should have just stopped in Casper (like I wanted to).

You should join in with us... (I'm sharing the peer pressure :) )

Yosamitesa 12-29-2013 04:53 AM

Short an sweet, I got yours!!!

Elisabrat 12-29-2013 06:58 AM

I would do this but promised myself to use up my ufo's. I have a bunch of Christmas blocks I could put into a quilt if someone wanted a Christmas quilt as a trade. I know ugh who thinks of Christmas at this time of year but its in my box of to do's I want to kill my ufo's this year. So that is the only trade I could do if you find someone wants a sampler style red/green/white quilt then I would go for this :) Santas and angels and the likes. If not it ok too. Last swap was with Twinriverfarm and boy did she make me a gorgeous quilt. It is being well loved by my DH he has claimed it and uses it nightly while we watch tv :) She did amazingly beautiful work. if you haven't signed up for this swap I say take a look at the last one we did. the quilts were wonderful!

Tam...Moo 12-29-2013 09:15 AM

I would love to have a Christmas quilt...since it is not due until August at would be a perfect time for a holiday quilt as you get ready to decorate. I too want to get my unfinished quilting projects done and have some lap quilts to donate to Meals on Wheels this year.

roseirish48 12-29-2013 11:15 AM

better sign me up Yosamitesa--will end you pm. i loved doing swap with you last year even with all the hassles i had with finding extra material due to cutting mistakes,etc. the quilt i got from you last year is seeing duty on the guest bed these days.

IrelandDragonQuilting 12-29-2013 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by TheMamaHauser (Post 6479191)
IrelandDrdagonQuilting, we just got stuck in Buffalo overnight because of the massive pile-up between here & Sheridan. Should have just stopped in Casper (like I wanted to).

You should join in with us... (I'm sharing the peer pressure :) )

Oh no I hope no one was seriously injured. I cannot succumb to the peer pressure, I would feel bad for my recipient because I cannot put in the time and effort :(

CarolynMT 12-29-2013 12:30 PM

Ok, I succumbed to the indirect peer pressure. This will be my first swap too, I would love to participate :)

Yosamitesa, I forgot to add that I am not opposed to doing a whole cloth :) It definitely will stretch my skill set!

Yosamitesa 12-29-2013 12:42 PM

I've got a bunch. Will update tomorrow. First time kid free in 3 years. Out with hubby.

Elisabrat 12-29-2013 01:43 PM

wow what are you doing here? you should be taking a hot bath, good music, candles, a glass of your favorite beverage and enjoying your peace and quiet! well if tam moo wouldn't mind a Christmas quilt then I guess I could signup.. pm you.

Short an Sweet 12-29-2013 03:16 PM

I, also am up for anyone UFO's the more off the wall the better lol ok so Im a little odd but whoever gets me feel free to use up ur UFO's

Originally Posted by Elisabrat (Post 6480490)
wow what are you doing here? you should be taking a hot bath, good music, candles, a glass of your favorite beverage and enjoying your peace and quiet! well if tam moo wouldn't mind a Christmas quilt then I guess I could signup.. pm you.

Short an Sweet 12-29-2013 03:21 PM

but you have till August, so if you used some UFO's then you would only have to spend a couple of hours a months on it, that's only about 15 - 30 minutes a week???? come on, come play with us, you know you want to

Originally Posted by IrelandDragonQuilting (Post 6480287)
Oh no I hope no one was seriously injured. I cannot succumb to the peer pressure, I would feel bad for my recipient because I cannot put in the time and effort :(

applique 12-30-2013 06:11 AM

I have been watching this thread with interest. It is getting closer to what I can do. I was looking for a partner who is on such a tight budget that they feel they can't really participate. I am a faux quilter. I can only piece and quilt by hand and the old hands are no longer cooperating. (Chemo left them numb to boot!) Applique I can do as long as it is by machine, so I guess I am classified as a topper. So I could do a top, add the batting and backing and my partner would have to do the quilting, or add borders or piecing then do the quilting.Too weird??

Elisabrat 12-30-2013 07:30 AM

I found that I have not one but three Christmas ufo's. One is red/green/cream sorry not white.. then one is aqua blue/ red/green/white more modern moda pattern I think and another that is blue/white with hints of red and green more vintage like. I am willing to make a nice quilt out of these blocks if someone is interested. I can perk them up with a lovely border and well think they will be a pretty addition to someones holiday décor lol.. ok ufo's trying a hard sell here lol. I have to get that box under control or go nuts! wait there is a Halloween set also that I could use.

Short an Sweet 12-30-2013 08:24 AM

I LOVE Halloween... I am working on a quilt that will have a checkerboard in the middle, the white squares are glow in the dark fabric and the black squares will have Halloween embroidery done in glow in the dark threads....

Originally Posted by Elisabrat (Post 6481728)
I found that I have not one but three Christmas ufo's. One is red/green/cream sorry not white.. then one is aqua blue/ red/green/white more modern moda pattern I think and another that is blue/white with hints of red and green more vintage like. I am willing to make a nice quilt out of these blocks if someone is interested. I can perk them up with a lovely border and well think they will be a pretty addition to someones holiday décor lol.. ok ufo's trying a hard sell here lol. I have to get that box under control or go nuts! wait there is a Halloween set also that I could use.

Rodney 12-30-2013 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by applique (Post 6481568)
I have been watching this thread with interest. It is getting closer to what I can do. I was looking for a partner who is on such a tight budget that they feel they can't really participate. I am a faux quilter. I can only piece and quilt by hand and the old hands are no longer cooperating. (Chemo left them numb to boot!) Applique I can do as long as it is by machine, so I guess I am classified as a topper. So I could do a top, add the batting and backing and my partner would have to do the quilting, or add borders or piecing then do the quilting.Too weird??

I'd be happy to partner up w/ Debbie. I really want to see applique up close. It's one of the things I'm interested in learning more about. Seeing the back side will help me learn more too. :) I also qualify in the tight budget department but a lap quilt won't be a problem.
Debbie, I have neuropathy in my feet from chemo so I have some understanding of what you're going thru though hands would be far worse. I hope your treatment is successful and that you're doing well.
One thing though, I'm a beginner at quilting so while I'll do my best perfection isn't going to happen. I've seen a lot of truly beautiful quilts on this board and I'm just a bit intimidated.

CarolynMT 12-30-2013 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by Rodney (Post 6481953)
One thing though, I'm a beginner at quilting so while I'll do my best perfection isn't going to happen. I've seen a lot of truly beautiful quilts on this board and I'm just a bit intimidated.

Oh my gracious, do not be intimidated :p everyone is different, with different skills :) I am sure your work is fantastic!

One thing I learned over the years "No one is going to value your work if you do not value it first!" Try not to be too hard on yourself. :hug:

Yosamitesa 12-30-2013 02:47 PM

WELCOME!!! I have a ton of sign-ups to go through. Will update later. :)

Yosamitesa 01-02-2014 07:40 AM

We have a lot of returning members from last Q4Q and we have a TON of NEW swappers!!! WELCOME one and all. It is not about skill level here, it is about having fun, maybe learning something new, receiving a fantastic quilt and making new friends along the way.

We have 12/30 spaces filled, so there are 18 spaces left or 22 days left to fill this swap!!!

Here is a list of swappers so far!!! (If you need to drop out, let me know before January 24th)

The Mama Hauser
Short an Sweet

CarolynMT 01-02-2014 08:16 AM

I am so excited :) Just got a new book on quilting for the long arm, and it has some absolutely stunning patterns in it I would love to try out :) Plus trying out the quilting motifs as well. It is great to be able to do something for someone new. :hug:

roseirish48 01-02-2014 03:50 PM

cant wait to get my name and finding out what my partner likes,wants or needs. been looking at my collection of quilt magazines and have found couple I would love to do for my partner if they will fit the bill.

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