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Iceblossom 08-02-2020 02:10 PM

Mona, A random set of greens can be done between now and the post office! My green box has been gotten out and played with for awhile so it will be fun for me to see what's currently in there...

I saw your PM with your address first and then came here. Back when I used to do a lot of fabric swapping we called envelopes with fabrics "squishies" and it is generally known that the best days are when unexpected squishies come. You'll be expecting it sort of but a bit of fabric in the mail is rarely a bad thing...

sewbizgirl 08-02-2020 05:57 PM

Originally Posted by Iceblossom (Post 8407044)
All this wonderful work and everything so different! I'm still looking at books and trying to get ideas and plan ahead and such but it goes out the window each time I see the next rounds -- and I can hardly wait to see what Mary adds to Bonnie's center once she gets it even though it won't come back to me. I'm going to miss having this center around, it is just so awesome to show other people, but I know I felt like that with Rebecca's center and that I'll feel the same when the next one comes so it will be all ok.

Thanks for the kind words about my center... and the others. I'm sure I'll love working on yours too, once it finally gets to me.

Bugaroo 08-02-2020 06:46 PM

Macybaby and Travelinggramma, wonderful additions. I am just amazed at how the quilts so look like they are going in one direction... just to show up in a post all recreated and again transformed anew.

sewbizgirl 08-03-2020 05:14 PM

Pics of what I've been busy with lately... clothes for my GD. If you are interested, they are here:

maryb119 08-03-2020 06:08 PM

Sewbizgirl, I looked at the pictures of the little dresses. Great job, Grandma!! I am so glad they are all OK. Things can be replaced but people can't.

givio 08-03-2020 06:36 PM

SBG, You've got a lot done in a short time! Darling prints. We've had hot weather for so long that this week's forecast of some cooler weather sounds so refreshing to me. The sleeveless dresses might need grandma's skill with the knitting needles? Those shrugs you made were so darling. Do you think they will still be the right size? Did you ask for measurements?

We've been so busy at work, overtime this week again! I'm looking forward to Friday already, and it's only Monday. Ugh.

sewbizgirl 08-03-2020 08:56 PM

Thank you Mary and Giv!

The shrugs, along with several hand knit sweaters that were hanging in her closet, waiting for her to grow into them, are all burned up. She lost every stitch of clothing she had, including many dresses by me, and the sweaters. The sweaters make me the sickest... all that time spent for nothing. Of course it's nothing to compare with losing my loved ones. Thank God that didn't happen! I can knit more sweaters.

travelinggramma 08-04-2020 05:59 AM

SBG - your dresses are priceless. Start taking pictures and when she has her own children she can look back at herself in all the homemade outfits. Kids do not realize how much time and work and love go into them - but now my daughter looks at all the things her grandma made and wants that for her daughter! And of course I love making twirly dresses for my GD! My mother had crochet my GD and baby blanket and sweater which was way too big. When she was 4 she finally fit into her sweater and was delighted to wear her soft warm blanket

Keep the pictures and chat going - it does help those who are housebound. (and lurking)

Iceblossom 08-04-2020 06:03 AM

We had another lovely road trip day yesterday, we went to Ocean Shores and my husband has finally touched the Pacific Ocean for the first time after living here for some 17 years or whatever its been now. I kept telling him that the Sound, while salt water, is not the ocean. I didn't make it quite all the way to the water but I could see it and hear it and feel the strong breeze, it had already been a bit of a walk and the sand was difficult on my knee, so eventually I stopped at a handy log and waited as the hubby and dogs went on to the water.

Another part of the State the hubby hadn't been to, we also drove by the Whoops towers (failed nuclear power plant)

Dogs were lovely, weather was cooler than its been (so that was extra lovely, plus the car has AC), traffic was lovely. It was rather comforting in some ways to see even the rural areas and park trails with masks on. We are all trying to do our part.

Today is back to quilting, three of the ladies in my Tuesday group have husbands with end of life concerns. One of those is not in a good place and we hope to start on a comfort quilt project today so I'll be loading the car with more fabric than usual.

I think that means that I will be going to the post office on Wednesday instead of after group today, but I will have the packages with me. I will have the center going to Mary, and fabric going to both Rebecca and Mona. It's been awhile since I've been in the green box and I'm having fun slicing up a variety pack.

jaba 08-04-2020 10:53 AM

Sounds like a great day you had IceBlossom, my youngest son lives in Nooksack. It's beautiful weather there in the summer, love all the greenery. Winter not so much, don't like the "gloomy" skies :)
TG, I sent Bugaroo's center to you yesterday so you should get it soon. Hoping my next one will arrive from Macybaby soon. I feel lost without one here....

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