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givio 08-08-2020 07:52 AM

IceBlossom, If you haven't seen the California Redwoods before, then you are in for a real treat. They are amaaaazing trees! I recommend that everyone goes to take a look at them! I went to the Jennifer Pheiffer park on Route 1. :-) Where did you research the BnB dog friendly places? I'm thinking about visiting my son out west next year and will probably take my dog. Any advice about doing that would be appreciated.

Iceblossom 08-08-2020 08:27 AM

Last time I was in the Redwoods it was pre-husband and my son and I were driving to Disneyland in February Early Spring Break in an El Nino year... 1999-2000 even?? -- we had great weather until we passed into California and it almost immediately began snowing! With twilight approaching and snow gently falling we headed through an almost deserted old growth forest and it was gorgeous. As it was getting darker and the snowfall heavier I realized my headlights were getting dimmer and made it to a town (where I think I will be sleeping on the way back) and found it was just heavy wet snow that had built up on my bumpers. I grew up in Alaska but mostly the snow I know didn't act like that! Talk about relieved to find out it was just snow and not an electrical problem.

My husband did go to visit his sister for a mini-family reunion last year, but this will be the first time for him on the car trip past Portland. So pretty much all of Oregon and Northern California will be new for him. We do plan on stopping at the Olive Pit (olives and pickles are keto friendly!), and I will be spending the night very close to Jordan Fabrics in Grants Pass... but mostly it will just be driving.

We just went to AirBnB.com and specified pet friendly in our options we created an account but I think if you google air bnb pet friendly there is a tab that will fill out that filter for you. You can also specifically look the Unique Stays, in that filter area.

They have put in Covid protections, we feel limited/no contact small owner managed spaces were our best bet for a number of reasons. We do have AAA and did look at standard pet friendly motels as well. As always in real estate and vacations there is location, location, location to consider and that impacts price. If you are willing to stop in a more rural area, it is amazing the offerings and the affordability of some of them. We had some problems finding our night back in Oregon along the coast where we originally planned, but since our route was very flexible we ended up moving inland maybe a 100 miles earlier for a much nicer accommodation within our price range in the Springfield (the real home of the Simpsons)/Eugene area. Go Ducks!

maryb119 08-08-2020 10:14 AM

Yay!!! Iceblossom, the package came today with SewBizgirl center in it. !!! it is even prettier in person! You are a tough one to follow. I am going to let it talk to me a couple days before I get started.

travelinggramma 08-08-2020 11:42 AM

Love all these road trips. The place in Arkansas must be the Marshall DryGoods - the place is awesome. Visited there last year on our return from NY. Thankfully I brought a list of items to keep me on track. And I have used almost all that I purchased there already!
I have been working on getting house ready again for my mother. Decided that a landline phone would be easier for her so called the company we have for internet to get a bundle. They tell me that they are not doing any installations due to COVID! So I left an email to the company headquarters, thanking them for their service and their donations of computers to the schools and then saying I wished they would treat the seniors the same way so I can have a phone for my mother.....Less than a week later I get a call from the local company to come do an installation. Is this the way we need to do business now? Just glad we will have a phone for her - at only an extra $25 a month!
Have been giving my seam ripper plenty of exercise lately - maybe the stress of things??
DH and I spent the morning Geocaching and trying something new called Adventure Lab. Fun to check out things and get a little exercise doing so.

Macybaby 08-08-2020 12:32 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Dh and I had fun out shopping yesterday, we even went to our favorite restaurant. This is the third time we've been there during the pandemic. It's a small Mexican grill, and they've taken out several tables.

I spent way more than I planned at the quilt shop, DH kept walking around pointing out fabric he thought was neat - he's a big enabler, but we had stopped at the sporting goods store earlier and he bought himself a nice tripod. Maybe he felt a bit guilty. We aren't spending funds we don't have, so it's all good.

Here is some of what I came home with - the ombre style print is super neat! No idea what I'll use it for, but I'm a big sucker for ombre fabric!

DH fell in love with the Peter pan panel, that will be a fun one to practice free motion quilting.

And then a couple of pictures of what I'm working on. I got the piano key border on my crazy quilt, (pic was taken before adding it), so it's ready to go. It's a king size quilt and it's going to be heavy!

Just got to get the lap quilt that is already on the frame quilted up.

sewbizgirl 08-08-2020 03:49 PM

Lovely fabrics and quilts, Macybaby. I found some things today too, but I'm too pooped to take pictures right now. Later...

sewbizgirl 08-08-2020 03:50 PM

Ice, you and your hubby are really going to enjoy that trip! Just keep in touch with your mailing partner and try to stay within the deadline. Thanks.

jaba 08-08-2020 05:26 PM

TG so glad you can get a phone for your Mother, I'm sure she will be happy too.
Macy, beautiful fabric! I love that black!! I got your package today but I haven't opened it yet. Will do it tomorrow, didn't want it to tempt me to try and go downstairs to start looking at fabrics. This hasn't been a great week here, just another chemo reaction but they are miserable. Since Tuesday the couch and my PJ's have been very good friends. Today pretty good but very weak on water and juice. Hopefully now it will get better day by day if I can start eating soft stuff again and gain some weight back.

travelinggramma 08-08-2020 06:51 PM

Jaba, so sorry you are going through this. I was praying for you. since i had not gotten the mailing info, I felt something was wrong. Don't push yourself.

Bugaroo 08-08-2020 06:55 PM

Prayers for those with friends and family hurt, sick, or just in need of a hug. Traveling mercies for those traveling short distances or greater. Regardless of our locations, its kind of scary out there. Be careful and safe.

So glad we can still fabric shop... that is an essential need! On the way home today, I stopped in Asheville NC at the Cotton Company... SO many fabrics there was barely any room to walk. I came out with $88 of fall prints. Goal is to make a couple of 3D table runners. Whether it happen this year or next, it was good therapy and I feel better!

My goal is mail the first of the week... packaging up tomorrow. Its a bit early but Macybaby is ready so all is good.

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