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Mona G 08-11-2020 09:17 PM

Reba, I love how your border mimics the center shapes.
Both my husband and I grew up in Iowa.
It's sad to see all the damage. 2020 has been something!!!

Iceblossom 08-12-2020 03:05 AM

Mary, such a vivid description of the storm aftermath! I was watching some on the weather channel and it matched the commentary exactly.

Rebecca, I had an inkling of what was coming to me next -- beautiful! Still only an inkling of what I'm doing next...

I'll be staying safe at home today and making HST for the Frolic UFO and then finally getting my new glasses prescription this afternoon. Already picked and paid for frames, so still two weeks or so away from the new glasses but it will be good to have them.

It's 4:00 am, hubby has just arrived at work by now and it is cool and dark and quiet all around. This is my sewing time!

travelinggramma 08-12-2020 07:01 AM

Just read the Iowa account to DH - we are both humbled by the power of a storm. I do enjoy the weather descriptions from around the country!
Reba - you certainly raised the bar....awesome is the only word I can come up with.
Bugaroo - your center has been in transit from WY to AZ since August 3rd. I have it all planned out too! USPS is really getting bad.

jaba 08-12-2020 07:26 AM

TG, I checked on it this morning too! This slow boat to China mail is making me get a whole lot of nervous. When the post office opens this afternoon I will call her and see if she can find out where it is and let you know.
Feeling lots better today, thank heavens! And for info, no I am not still on chemo or radiation. What happens to me are strictly side effects from either or both of them. They tell me my treatment was so radical that I will have to live with the side effects forever. They have 1 option left for me to try but want me to stay "safe" until all this is under control. No hospital....no option. Hoping to get downstairs today and ponder on that center, my legs seem to be a little stronger and not the wobbly spaghetti feeling.

maryb119 08-12-2020 10:52 AM

That top is beautiful, Reba!!

Storm update... The governor estimates 10,000,000 acres of crops are damages as the storm moved across the state. Iowa is an agriculture state so this will hurt everyone. Still no power and long lines for gas and food. I have lived in Iowa all my life and never seen anything like this.

Mona G 08-12-2020 12:53 PM

Ice, I got your box of goodies the other day and finally had a chance to open admire. Thank you so much for the gifts.

jaba 08-12-2020 01:56 PM

TG, checked and they have the same info as we do. Left Casper and apparently sitting some where.
No idea on something for this quilt yet, you made it hard on me this time Macy. Still thinking about it

givio 08-12-2020 04:54 PM

Rebecca, Thank you for the round you did on my center! It looks like a lot of work! The reflection of the shape that SBG did with the dark red in the corners was a great idea and the reflection of the shape I did in the center is another. I'm looking forward to seeing all this in person! :-)

Iceblossom 08-13-2020 05:12 AM

Mona, I'm glad the greens got to you. I was only about halfway through my green box but was running out of time. Be sure to let me know if you would like more/what direction to go now that you've seen where I've been :p

Today I finished cutting the blue strips for the Frolic UFO, about to actually start sewing. I was about to start the other day but decided I needed to double check a few things which ended up as time consuming and unnecessary. But it is hard taking up an almost done project with a missing step, isn't so bad going up to a point and stopping but the way the mystery was I have things after the problem point as well as before. It was a pretty easy misunderstanding, 41 units instead of 41 sets of units...

carriem 08-13-2020 06:25 AM

Hello...an update from Iowa...we have power and I got things in the house taken care of yesterday (finishing laundry this morning), plus was able to get a few groceries and gas in a nearby town. Today I will be sewing some more blocks for my round on TG's center. Since I am 3 days behind I don't think I'll have it ready to mail Monday, but I'll be sure to keep you all updated on my progress.

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