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jaba 08-15-2020 09:38 AM

That's what the PO told me. She said with the hour cuts and less employees or new employees that have never done the job are pretty much lost. They hired some new she said because of the employees who needed to stay home or are sick, etc. She said it was probably sitting because they don't have enough time to get all the mail sorted and sent out in the bigger post offices. Could take at least 2 weeks if not 3 was her best guess. Still makes me nervous but not anything to do except wait or replace.
Made 3 different borders yesterday and don't like any of them once they were next to the center. Will look at it some more today, any suggestions out there????

sewbizgirl 08-15-2020 09:45 AM

TG, I would wait longer. Everything is slowed because of the virus. The PO is operating with less staff, I've heard. Don't panic. With your tracking number, your postal worker can trace exactly where it is. Maybe do that and see if it's moving. I'm sure it will arrive... it's just the times we are in!

sewbizgirl 08-15-2020 09:49 AM

Hello Granky,
Givio is keeping an album of our progress. The latest additions are at the top, and the earlier ones towards the bottom. Look here:

givio 08-15-2020 12:12 PM

Definitely give the PO more time. I ordered something online and priority mail took 3 weeks to get to me when it used to be 2 or 3 days. With the political fight going on about funding for the PO there might be PO workers 'showing an example of what you'll get' if the stimulus bill doesn't include the billions of dollars they want. I'm sure there are plenty PO workers that do the best they can. So many people use UPS, FedEx, Amazon, etc now. The PO lost a lot of business since the internet took over postal letters and greeting cards. Most people send an email over snail mail now.

granky 08-15-2020 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 8410238)
Hello Granky,
Givio is keeping an album of our progress. The latest additions are at the top, and the earlier ones towards the bottom. Look here:

Thank you! I will definitely watch the album, although it's nice to see what is being discussed at the time of discussion. (Beggars can't be choosers, so I'll watch the album....!)

sewbizgirl 08-15-2020 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by granky (Post 8410297)
Thank you! I will definitely watch the album, although it's nice to see what is being discussed at the time of discussion. (Beggars can't be choosers, so I'll watch the album....!)

You can subscribe to this thread in 'thread tools'. Then you won't have to miss anything posted in real time.

givio 08-15-2020 07:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Mary, I asked my 6-year-old granddaughter what she thought I should add to your top. She exclaimed, "Pink!" So she influenced me to change up the colors on my round. I hope you like it.
SBG I've sent you the tracking number.

sewbizgirl 08-15-2020 11:10 PM

Wow, what a lot of precise work, Givio! You have given me a tough act to follow. Can’t wait to see it in person. Have no idea of what new direction to take it in... https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...s/confused.png

Macybaby 08-16-2020 03:47 AM

Givio, that really looks neat! I love how the dark makes it look like it's in shadow, and the pink triangles cause my brain to stop and think - wait, this isn't what I thought . . .

Mona's quilt arrived yesterday and I've got it hanging on the design board.

I was trying to figure out our schedule - I think some of us have gotten quite ahead. Let me know if this is correct

Center to be mailed 7/1
round one to be mailed 8/1
round two to be mailed 9/1
round three to be mailed 10/1
round four to be mailed 11/1
round five (last round) to be mailed 12/1

I sent off my center, then did round one on Bug's quilt, then round two on Carrie's, and now I've got round three for Mona, so that one has to be completed and mailed by 10/1. I got worried that I needed to get it done and mailed by 9/1 !

granky 08-16-2020 04:40 AM

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 8410325)
You can subscribe to this thread in 'thread tools'. Then you won't have to miss anything posted in real time.

Thanks! did that........

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