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Bugaroo 08-17-2020 06:54 AM

Wow! I miss one day checking in and so much has happened!

I am ok with waiting for the PO. Surely with the tracking #, they can tell where it has stalled at.

Givo, again I would never have thought of the addition you made. It looks great and continues the pattern so well.

Carriem, I really like the small blocks you added. The colors blend well and I really like the addition of some negative space with small patterns as the center looks large.... great balance!

Jaba, love the a striped addition. The quilt is looking a cool and complicated.

About mailing, I am one of those who mailed early but it was requested that I do so. I agree we should not rush others in line but some times if that person is ready, it helps to have it a couple of weeks to mull over the patterns, design and colors. Communication on both ends needed though. Thanks for posting the mailing dates because it does get a bit confusing.

Iceblossom 08-17-2020 07:32 AM

Oh my, it's been so hot this year. The thermostat was reading 85 degrees in the hallway last night, hubby's bedroom in the front of the house was at least 5-10 degrees warmer, mine in the back maybe closer to 80 -- still too hot especially with 3 small panting dogs packed around me...

Went out and watered the front lawn this morning, got the back done yesterday evening. Speaking of backs, before I open up my Round Robin box today, going to my Tuesday group hostess to offer a couple more pieces for the comfort quilt back consideration, but most everything I had that was large enough has already been vetoed.

Macybaby 08-17-2020 09:54 AM

I'm glad to be a bit ahead, because I know as we get to the outer rounds, they are going to take longer to complete. I was very glad Bugaroo was ready to ship early so I can have extra time since what I've planned is going to take some doing. And when I'm done I'll contact the next person in line and find out if they are ready for me to mail or want me to hold off.

I picked out embroidery thread yesterday, and had 13 of the 15 colors I needed on hand. So I only need (have an excuse to buy) two more. Interestingly, the two I need are both in the same color family. I have a lot of reds, but it turns out I have very few that are on the rust/orange side. And I need fall colors!

carriem 08-17-2020 10:35 AM

jaba--I do like the border you added!! Keeping with the light/dark altering rounds. :) Thank you!

I had an appt get canceled today so I will work a little bit on sewing small squares together...I am still trying to be nice to my wrist, however I will admit the closer I get to being finished, the more I want to sew!! lol Tomorrow is my 3 wk check up with the doctor...she will get some x-rays and I wouldn't be surprised if an MRI is needed to actually see something, but not sure if that will be done tomorrow too or not.

sewbizgirl 08-17-2020 10:49 AM

The post office is in a slowdown. The Postmaster General is being hauled up before Congress to answer for it, was the latest I heard. Don't dismay that your package is lost if you don't get it in time. Just be patient and it will eventually come. A week seems like a month when you are anxiously waiting for something. I'm waiting on 4 deliveries right now....

jaba 08-17-2020 11:32 AM

Let me say 1st, I always mail to travelinggramma and would not think of mailing to her before asking if she wanted it or for me to hold it. She doesn't have a quilt right now to work on because of the delay of Bugaroo's, it's been 2 full weeks, so with me being done I thought she might like to have it in person to ponder the next round, pick colors, etc....at least Janet would have something to work on if she chooses to. We have discussed it and yes she would like to have it, hopefully it will mail in a shorter amount of time.
I talked with the main outgoing postal office in Wyoming this morning. It has left this state and currently they are trying to find out where it is sitting. I was told that the mail service is at a crawl and she said "and I mean a crawl", they have employees out with the Covid and with any temp they try to hire they have to be tested first so that takes 2 weeks. In other words wherever it is that facility has not posted that they have received it so it could be sitting in a pile just waiting. These are different times we are trying to work around and we have to adjust. Right now the post office has no idea where it is.
Our group of ladies have always asked each other if they want it mailed or not, so I actually see no problem with that. Maybe we just have ladies that are retired and have more time to spend on the centers, I don't know but what is the difference if we finish early or not?? Would that be a catastrophy? For me, I have good days and bad ones that can last 2 weeks at a time, cancer will do that to you, so I am just fine with Macy mailing to me when she is done with a round and ready to send it on. I don't expect her to hurry, there is no reason to, but if she's done, she's done.
I've had my say so I will shut up. I'll be sure and let everyone know when I hear back from the postal service.

sewbizgirl 08-17-2020 03:21 PM

Ouch, didn't mean to step on any toes... If I was out of line suggesting we all be working on the same round at the same time, I surely didn't mean to offend. Go ahead and do whatever you want, and the rest of us will try to catch up.

With the mail slowdown, this is a difficult time to be doing a RR swap... but who knew?

maryb119 08-17-2020 04:08 PM

The post office is slow but in my area, it can be blamed on the derecho and the continued power outage. The mail will come sooner or later. It seems longer when you are waiting for something.

givio 08-17-2020 04:25 PM

I think it's normal for everyone to work on the same round at the same time in a group. That's the way I've always done a RR.

I agree with Macybaby-- as the rounds get bigger they take more time. With the PO being slower than usual, we might want to re-think the deadline for mailing for round 4 and 5. After we finish round 3 and mail and receive it, we will have better experience for how long the PO is taking and how much time that leaves us to work before the next mail date. At that time we could discuss if we want to make a change to the mail deadline?

travelinggramma 08-18-2020 07:36 AM

Normally - in normal times - I would agree with working on the rounds together. These are not normal times.
postal service aside - Many of us are dealing with physical and mental set backs. I know my 93yo mother will arrive in a few weeks. She has a tendency of interrupting me and I have a difficult time getting back on task. I will gladly work out of line on row 4 while awaiting row 3. I can hold onto it or pass it along (if the next person is ready) depending on when row 3 shows up.
I ask everyone to take the time you need. Some of us procrastinate longer than others! There is no rush. Group 2 is fine. I am so very happy and amazed with all the work everyone has done.
Carrie - so sorry your appointment was canceled. You are doing what you need to do - resting it. If you push now, you will not recover properly.

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