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-   -   2020 June through November Round Robin (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/2020-june-through-november-round-robin-t311231.html)

givio 08-29-2020 05:44 PM

Macybaby, Who would of thought? A tree! Well, you, of course. :-) What a clever one you are!
Bugaroo, I'm glad you joined too! I'm glad everyone joined. It's so nice to do a Round Robin. For all the years I've been on the Board, there was only one other one-- although I heard there was one before I joined the Board. I'm surprised there haven't been more, because it's really fun to do, and fun for people to watch as well.

lum 08-29-2020 10:52 PM

I have been lurking along and enjoying the pictures. You may want to take another look at the tail of the squirrel on the tree, I think his tail is backwards.

Macybaby 08-30-2020 06:19 AM

Originally Posted by lum (Post 8413993)
I have been lurking along and enjoying the pictures. You may want to take another look at the tail of the squirrel on the tree, I think his tail is backwards.

Lum, I think you are correct. I'm going to see if I can still flip it. I always find it interesting at how much we can look at something and not see things like that. I once made a quilt that made a kaleidoscope pattern, and I got one of the outer blocks flipped. I looked and looked, posted pictures, quilted and bound it, and then took another picture and that was the first time I noticed that one block was upside down. At that point it was way to late to fix lol!

Iceblossom 08-30-2020 06:21 AM

Macybaby -- That tree is fantastic! What a marvelous and creative turn!! Talk about "out of the box" and unexpected yet perfect.

(I didn't notice at first, but I think Lum is right!)

Bugaroo, the "ownership" thing... yeah, I'm feeling it too. I do have a connection with each center and then have to pat it on it's head, let it spread its wings and set it free into the world... or at least forward it on to be carried by Mary's hands until the next round until it ultimately comes home again. There's part of that in the Peaceful Easy Feeling, that it's ok if something is beautiful and our participation only temporary. I'm feeling good about it. I'm already standing on the ground.

I didn't realize this round robin was an unusual thing on the board. It is hard forming a group and working together for the first time, especially when we are scattered by wide distances. It's rather nice to be completely free to do what we want each round, the round robins I'm more familiar with have very definite rules for each round. I've had to come to terms with the ideas that I am basically a hobbit, I like to live a comfortable life with pockets, multiple meals, and one set of rules. I'm less comfortable free form.

As I've admitted from the beginning, I was in pretty bad mental health at the start of this. I'm doing ok now, and a lot of it is from this project and this thread. I does give me a purpose and I needed that. First two months though -- wooo, I had me some classic anxiety stuff going on in addition to my "usual" depression and the crazy world around me, I don't usually have that sort of reaction. Hope I can continue in the excited and having fun mode and keep out of the anxiety from here out.

I would certainly do other group projects in the future, but I don't know when/if my self imposed schedule would be clear enough. I'm planning on doing the Bonnie Hunter Mystery again this year, this ends just in time to clear for that. I had several projects planned for this year that I just wasn't able to get started on -- but they are starting to call to me.

Macybaby 08-30-2020 07:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
tail surgery has been successful!

Bug- I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty to fix this - I'm assuming that if it had been noticed before you sent it on to me, you'd have fixed it yourself!

geevee 08-30-2020 08:33 AM

This is such a great round robin to follow, so much wonderful and creative work you're all doing. Since I started reading this one (and only found it because it was linked through the border thread on the main page), I've been going through the older round/row robin threads, oh my - what trials, tribulations (and elations) they were, I felt like I lived every twist and turn of each of them. lol

Can't wait to see the rest of the progress on these, all of your work is just beautiful!

givio 08-30-2020 08:43 AM

With 37,000+ views it's safe to say that our 12 participants in the two groups of the RR are not the only ones looking in on this thread. It was enlightening to hear from Lum about the squirrel! And fun to find out we are providing reading material for geevee. :-) Thanks for posting, you quilting friends!

Mona G 08-30-2020 10:56 AM

I thought there was something hinky about that tail but I couldn't put my finger on it.

givio 08-30-2020 11:45 AM

Mona, lolol

Bugaroo 08-30-2020 02:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for doctoring on my poor squirrel. I made him up from looking through pinterest. I thought he was a bit wonky but just contributed it to his squirrely personality!

I finished Travelinggramma's today. I like the darker blues and bright green for contrast. The quilt is now 54 or 54.5 inches (I can't remember which at this moment). Does that sound about right?

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