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givio 09-04-2020 04:20 PM

Oh, Thank you, IceBlossom!! Your round really pleases me. I love those scrappy greens and can't wait to see them in person. :-) I think your round gives 'the eye a rest' from what's going on in the middle-- it's a nice compliment to the overall piece. Thanks!

carriem 09-04-2020 04:25 PM

Thanks for asking Travelinggramma! I am starting to feel much better. The injection site of the cortisone is no longer hurting and I was able to rake and clean up brush in the yard today, plus the typing I need to do for my DS biz and I am not in too much pain tonight!! YAY!! Lord willing I'll get a chance to do some fabric cutting and maybe sewing tomorrow...that will be the next test. I go back to see the doctor the end of October...if I am still having pain. If not, she said I can cancel the appt. I guess we'll see how long the injection works...

Yes I have Jaba's center to add a border to.

maryb119 09-04-2020 04:27 PM

Great border, iceblossom! Now I get to figure out what goes next.

sewbizgirl 09-04-2020 06:29 PM

Love the round, Iceblossom. That’s really a beautiful quilt.

carriem 09-05-2020 04:20 AM

Iceblossom, I agree your border is a great addition!

So, question...how do you all add the pics to your profile? I think it is fun to see the growing RR centers there!!

Macybaby 09-05-2020 06:54 AM

Hello everyone!

DH and I got the roof done on the shed and a good start on installing the garage door so DH can finish that and then paint the exterior without my help. I also think he can put up shelves and move stuff into the shed without my help too https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/smile.png.

So that gives me three days to sew! I got distracted and downloaded a few more embroidery designs. I'm thinking of putting an owl in up in the tree . . . it would replace one clump of leaves to keep things balanced.

givio 09-05-2020 07:24 AM

carriem, Are you asking how we added the picture that you see on the left when we write a comment? It's called an Avatar. To add one, click on the brown button with your name at the top of the page, in the header, across from the Quilting Board logo. In the drop down menu choose User Control Panel. In the left hand column of links, choose Edit Avatar.

carriem 09-05-2020 07:39 AM

Thank you givio! I am usually pretty computer savvy but kept wanting to go to my profile thinking it should be in there and couldn't find it!! As you can see, I got it figured out and added my last fully completed round pic...

edited: well...I added it...thought I saved it...I'll go try again

Iceblossom 09-05-2020 07:50 AM

Thanks all for the nice comments. I tried to get you a good picture but I need to figure out some better techniques, I'm getting lighting worked out more and more. Currently I'm standing unsteadily on a little step stool, I think if I get the actual 3-step ladder thing I can get a better angle with less distortion.

I'm still going to be checking in daily but am not planning on working on the project again until next round, and since I'll be on the road, not until the 23rd or after. Rebecca and I are coordinating her round getting to me and might appreciate a little flexibility.

Until after the trip, I have the Frolic UFO to work on, it's at the (for me at least) exciting phase of putting together all the little time consuming fussy sub-units into the puzzle and make something out of them. I've done UFOs before in various stages of construction but I think I rather like this having almost everything done perfectly and not having to redo anything.

I just like to spend some time each day with fabric and piece much faster than I quilt down. Really the only thing that keeps me from making more tops than I do is the getting them quilted part. I no longer have access to the long arm I was able to use for several years. On my domestic machine the queen sized projects I make are pretty demanding on me physically, but I'm able to deal with a twin sized and smaller. The Bernina is rather lovely for quilting actually but I can see where I would want a flush mounted table. I just really prefer moving the sewing machine head as opposed to the quilt, but that's not what my small house or budget say.

jaba 09-05-2020 07:56 AM

carriem, glad you are feeling better! Be careful to not overdo, those shots don't last forever.
TG, I've woke up dreaming about that tree. Hope I get some inspiration when I actually have it here because right now I can't imagine what to do with it. I have sewn a little, made a wall hanging and a table runner for fall, just finishing up the binding on the runner now. Haven't been to the sewing room in a few days but hopefully today I'll be able to feel comfortable with the stairs. When my legs get shaky I'm always a little leery that I'll fall so I don't even chance it. I have a mess to clean up though, material all over that needs re-folded and put away.

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