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jaba 04-30-2017 05:51 PM

Looks nice Kass, it blends together beautifully. I'm on a wait list for this last April Boom, need more blocks and terriamn and I are trading some. That will sure help me out. I've had a sewing marathon for the last 2 days...all of a sudden I have 2 graduation quilts to make. Everything else is on hold until I get them done.
when grandson asks his Dad if he thinks Grandma will make him a quilt to take to college....Yep I will. Michigan State, green and white with a Spartan logo coming up. Need and want to give his girl friend a gift also, that means Washington State at Bellingham. I'm going to be busy for a few days.....Cut out the Michigan colors yesterday and sewed them into disappearing 4 patch blocks today, logo tomorrow and applique, hopefully rows sewn together and border and then it will be ready for the longarm.

sewbizgirl 04-30-2017 06:03 PM

7 Attachment(s)
Jaba, you are so quick! Those two new quilts won't even slow you down.

Here's a sneak preview of some blocks I've quilted today. Seems I've used all the yellow in the first quilt, so this one won't be Strawberry Lemonaid II, but rather Chocolate Covered Strawberries. Ha! Definitely more brown than the other quilt. These are all ready to be joined.








jaba 04-30-2017 06:33 PM

Love the chocolate covered....Won't slow me down, it will make me have sleepless nights until they are done. The binding is what takes time and I don't want to do them by machine...they will take a few nights to get sewn.

marietta 05-01-2017 02:02 AM

Happy May everyone! Lots going on since I was last here.

terri ~ Great quilt, I have no name suggestions for it, except maybe "Wow" lol
Libster glad all went well with surgery
sewbiz ~ love the Strawberry Lemonaid, and the Chocolate one looks like its going to be just as great
Kass ~ very stunning quilt

Bought a new computer, well overdue, And have been learning my way around it. Good thing I have a bit of time on my hands these days lol.

I have a baby quilt to finish then can get started on making extra blocks for my two different boom quilts. Altho since I haven't picked out any fabric for the next boom :) I may very well send in the remaining fabric for my friends quilt.

It was a sad weekend for hubby and I, on Friday we made the rough decision to have our blue heeler Suzy put to rest. It was for the best for her, but hard on us. Saturday evening while we were moping around the house, I told hubby lets go...we went and rounded up all the grands at one of our daughters houses and spent the rest of the evening with them chasing lightening bugs. Making memories spending time with those you love having fun, Life goes on.

Janice McC 05-01-2017 04:11 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Good morning, Boomers. Sewbizgirl, your new chocolate strawberries will be wonderful. Thanks for sharing your quilting pix. Helps us newbies immensely.

Since we're talking about finishes a bit, I've pulled out my Boom 14 blocks and they're up next for quilting. I'll make 2 more and then QAYG, but this time with sashings and a border, maybe. I'm working that out in my head. For those who don't recall, here are the blocks:
I hope to get this one done in May. We'll see!

Please keep posting your pix. Very inspirational!

terriamn 05-01-2017 05:17 AM

Marietta so sorry about Suzy but you were so wise to make great memories instead of sitting around being sad. Hope I remember that when Rio's time with us ends.

Sewbiz your QAUG blocks are great.

Janice are you going to show us pictures of your first QAUG?

yesterday was a bust, no sewing. Had bad allergy attack probably from the 17 bags of mulch we spread on Saturday. Dosed myself with enough essential oils hubby said you could smell me outside. Much better today. I have to make 3 mug rugs and make a Snowy Day Sampler block then I will be ready to work on Jaba's blocks when her fabric arrives.

Not a lovely day in Minnesota but so far the snow that was predicted hasn't hit. We are right on the edge of he system and will be thrilled if it misses us.

Janice McC 05-01-2017 05:38 AM

I'm sitting in a drs office with mom or I'd post it here. Two pix are over on the UFO challenge board on 4/28. http://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltin...t284858-3.html

Originally Posted by terriamn (Post 7814993)
...Janice are you going to show us pictures of your first QAUG?

Janice McC 05-01-2017 07:24 AM

3 Attachment(s)
I'm home so here you go. The Cyrano the Cat claimed the quilt before it was bound.
I used two different blues for the sashing since I didn't have enough of either one alone. I won't do that on future pieces. Also bound it by machine and it's a bit rough. These blocks are some of my very first ones from the early 2000's. DON'T look too closely at the points. LOL.

This was an extraordinarily easy technique, at least for me. I find quilting a larger piece next to impossible on my domestic. Overall, I'm very satisfied with this.

Originally Posted by Janice McC (Post 7815013)
I'm sitting in a drs office with mom or I'd post it here. Two pix are over on the UFO challenge board on 4/28. http://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltin...t284858-3.html

terriamn 05-01-2017 09:02 AM

Janice your quilt turned out great. Talk about motivation, you are helping motivating us.

finished 2 mug rugs and a gal I quilted a rush job for is treating me to some free shopping this afternoon. Going to go shopping but instead of paying for my purchase will suggest she sew me up some binding strips for our charity quilts from her mighty stash

terriamn 05-01-2017 11:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
OH my had a very fun time, Blue Bamboo's speciality was Asian fabrics and batiks, most of the fabric was 60% off and they even had some for $3.99. My friend filled two of those large IKEA bags, darn near had heart attack when her total was rung up. But she got some fantastic deals.


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