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sewbizgirl 05-18-2017 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by jaba (Post 7826770)
sewbiz, don't know what you used, but that t-shirt quilt should not stretch once you get those blocks done and the quilt sewn together for quilting. I have made several and really have never had that problem. Did you back all of your t-shirt fabric with a iron on stabilizer? That is a must do for sure.

I used French Fuse tricot stabilizer, yes, iron on. That's what everyone told me was the proper one to use for T shirt quilts. What do you use, Jaba?

The Frence Fuse is lightweight, which I like, but it's still a knit so it has some 'give'.

terriamn 05-18-2017 04:31 PM

Kass best of luck tomorrow. Sending prayers for a complete recovery

Marietta, glad you received your MRI results but don't you hate waiting. I'm happy to work on your same fabric, several of us have done that a few times.

Sewbiz my BIL is doing fantastic, doc's are even shocked at how well his body has responded to the chemo. BUt he cries at a drop of a hat. Not sad tears but happy tears of great memories.

My sis and I went to Mom's room and she wouldn't go to the dinner. Mom wasn't happy when we both said oh yes you are and off we went. The dining room was packed with residents and family, they had live music and served dinner and a wonderful desert. Whole time mom was crabbing about not being hungry, bad food etc. oh yes and she ate everything on her plate and darn near licked her desert place clean. How frustrating.

sewbizgirl 05-18-2017 06:37 PM

Yes Kass, we are praying for a great outcome from your sinus surgery. I know you have been feeling poorly for quite a while. Hope this is the turnaround point for you.

Great news about your BIL, Terri. Hope he continues to do well.

Your mother... LOL. Isn't she special? My Dad had pretty bad dementia the last two years of his life, and he could be a REAL PILL. They say the brain becomes full of holes like swiss cheese with dementia. I think the parts that are left must be the crabby parts. I loved my Dad, but he wasn't himself those last two years. It was tough.

Janice McC 05-19-2017 07:25 AM

Kassaundra, you're in my thoughts today. Am sending you healing thoughts and I'm wishing your surgeon a totally uneventful day. Routine. (((Kass)))

Originally Posted by Kassaundra (Post 7822617)
My sinus surgery is finally scheduled a week from today. I will be off work a minimum of 2 weeks. Hopefully I'll get some quilting finished while I'm off. I don't expect to get much done the first week, but hopefully by the second week I'll be up to doing some quilting. I won't be able to get distracted w/ yard / garden work so we'll see.

Janice McC 05-19-2017 07:47 AM

Terriamn, wonderful news about BIL. So happy for your family! The thing with mom, that's the way my husband's aunt was. Crabby. She used to get upset bc the other residents wouldn't converse with her or pay her attention. But we said why not start talking to them and she told us she "couldn't be bothered" to speak to them. Sad. No wonder nobody paid her much attention. A funny story about her. she desperately needed a walker but refused to discuss it. So, hubby bought one (he was her legal guardian) and we delivered it to her room when she was out at lunch. We returned to her room with her for a visit and she saw the walker and started pitching a fit. So, we told her she'd had it for "a while". Well, ten minutes was a while. Her Alzheimer's was advanced enough that she wasn't sure if we were telling the truth. So we told her to take a spin with it in the hallway. She refused but we insisted. She walks the hallway and now is almost certain she's never used it. Hubby told her she MUST use it for her safety and she started to cry. I took over and walked up to her and said "You are a Smith and Smith's don't cry". That was practically a law in her family as a child. She stiffened her back and whimpered her way down the hallway. Within a few days, she thought she'd had it for years and she loved it, with its little basket that she could carry her purse and tissues around in. We learned to work the Alzheimer's to get her to do what was necessary and to heck with the fibs.

Kassaundra 05-19-2017 02:01 PM

Terri great news about your BIL.

Janice AMEN the fibs don't count when you are trying to help a loved one w/ alzhiemers /dementia or mental health issues.

It has been a looong day. Surgery went well, but there was more to do then he even thought. Normal surgery usually lasts 15 minutes, mine was going to last 45 minutes, but ended up lasting 70 minutes. I had a hard time waking from the anesthesia, long enough they were starting to get a little worried. But alls well that ends well. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.

Janice McC 05-19-2017 05:11 PM

Kass, glad your surgery is over and done with. Sorry to hear it was "eventful" after all but now it's time to rest up and heal. Take care of yourself!

Originally Posted by Kassaundra (Post 7827391)
Terri great news about your BIL.

Janice AMEN the fibs don't count when you are trying to help a loved one w/ alzhiemers /dementia or mental health issues.

It has been a looong day. Surgery went well, but there was more to do then he even thought. Normal surgery usually lasts 15 minutes, mine was going to last 45 minutes, but ended up lasting 70 minutes. I had a hard time waking from the anesthesia, long enough they were starting to get a little worried. But alls well that ends well. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.

sewbizgirl 05-19-2017 05:11 PM

Been thinking about you Kass... hope you begin to feel better right away.

I am putting the binding on the T Shirt quilt... YAAAAYYY! So glad to be done with that. Now that it's (nearly) finished, I actually like it. It's so cuddly and fat. I used a lightweight-- 5 oz.-- puffy poly batting and it did great filling it up without adding weight to it. It came out around 60 x 80, so I guess that's a full size. Will have a picture for you shortly.

Kassaundra 05-19-2017 05:16 PM

I actually don't feel as bad as I thought I would, and only taking half doses of the pain meds at that. These first few days to a week I won't be able to bind my Provence, just to much weight to heft around. But if I feel as good (well good may be an over statement, at least not as bad as I thought) tomorrow I may be able to putz around w/ the citrus quilt.

terriamn 05-19-2017 06:53 PM

Kass hoping you will be feeling better quickly. With sinus surgery did they have to pack your nose and will you have black eyes?

Janice thanks for sharing your story it made me feel better. I am devastated, seeing her decline and her struggling to understand what is going on. Am not proud of my reactions, it freaks me out that this could be me in 20 years. Usually I'm the rah rah person and can lift my mom's spirits, this time I'm very uncomfortable and sure she can sense it. Going to have to work through this and get on track quickly.

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