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Kassaundra 05-19-2017 07:09 PM

Terri, I thought my eyes would be black but they aren't, my nose looks bruised all over and swollen, but not dark bruising yet, it may get there as it progresses. They didn't "pack" it w/ gauze, but stitched in internal splints to support the new septal path they are tubes. They will be removed in 6 days. I have to wear a gauze mustache for a few days to "catch" the blood.

Alzhiemers SUCKS. My Gma (raised me so my mother) was stolen from me w/ it. My heart breaks for those helping their loved ones through it. Treasure the lucid times, try and find humor when you can in the not so lucid times, have someone you can cry and vent w/ for the heart breaking times.

sewbizgirl 05-19-2017 08:05 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Gee Kass, that sounds awful. Stuff up your nose for 6 days. And the gauze moustache... Just glad you aren't in as much pain as you expected. Less pain med is good. Otherwise you might sew your fingers together. :p

Terri, don't be too hard on yourself. It's really disturbing to see our parents revert back to childhood. Give yourself some space to feel how you feel. I hear you on that fear that you will be that way in a few years. I share that fear. While my Dad was living with us my son used to joke that he'd be the one changing my diapers one day... and he's probably right. UGH. My memory is already SCARY BAD.

Here's the finished T shirt quilt. Glory Hallelujah.



Kassaundra 05-19-2017 08:12 PM

Since I can't seem to fmq even when doing qayg sober, maybe I can high on pain meds??? lol lol lol

"Hello my name is Kassaundra, and I am not an addict I swear, I'm just trying to fmq" lol lol Absolutely no offense meant to any AA or NA just my twisted high sense of humor.

Libster 05-20-2017 02:42 AM

Kass, I'm glad your surgery is over and you're feeling better than expected. No way to go but up now. I'm with you on the pain meds, I still have half my prescription left from my surgery. I hate taking that stuff. Just be good to yourself and don't over do it for a while.
I'm working on Joely's quilt now, but it sure is hard with all this miserable heat. AC and 2 fans don't seem to help a whole lot when you have 2 four foot long light bulbs hanging right over your head. Hey, I can see though!

Kassaundra 05-20-2017 03:47 AM

I seem to have taken a set back, been up for hours hard time sleeping, and now am fevering. I have prophylactic antibiotics since the sinus cavities were so infected, hope the fever is just from all the trauma the Dr had to make.

Janice McC 05-20-2017 03:58 AM

Well, if anyone knows when to get back in touch with the doc, it's you. Sorry to hear you're r having a bad time of it now. Hope the fever disappears soon.

Originally Posted by Kassaundra (Post 7827614)
I seem to have taken a set back, been up for hours hard time sleeping, and now am fevering. I have prophylactic antibiotics since the sinus cavities were so infected, hope the fever is just from all the trauma the Dr had to make.

Muse&Sew 05-20-2017 06:01 AM

Kass so glad that your surgery went well! Sounds like it was a hard surgery. Hopefully now life will just get better and better.

Janice I love your quilt blocks with the green. Very pretty.

Sew biz great T-shirt quilt. You always amaze me.

Bless everyone with health issues. I guess they teach us what we're made of.

terriamn 05-20-2017 06:34 AM

Kass dang it, set backs are not welcome. Hope you are feeling better quickly.

Sewbiz congrats on finishing the t-shirt quilt looks great.

Went to quilt store yesterday and spent wayyyyyyy to much money. Bought a large kit with a panel in the center, thought it would be a great pattern for future panels among a few other things I just had to have. My great buy was at the thrift store, for $.75 a little lace panel hanging from a very nice little quilt hanger. just priced them at quilt shop and that same size was $12.00.

sewbizgirl 05-20-2017 09:22 AM

Prayers for you, Kass... sorry you are having a fever. Maybe it's God's way of keeping you from doing too much, too soon. Rest, and as Janice said, you'll know when to call the dr.

Terri, I have lots of panels and never know how to best use them in a quilt. What is the name of the pattern you got (or kit)? Maybe I could just find the pattern or 'wing it', if it looks like something that will work for my panels. :o

Kassaundra 05-20-2017 11:12 AM

Oh I am resting a lot I have little choice in the matter. I felt better yesterday then today. But so far none of the side effects are anything that is not expected.

I have seen several panel ideas I like. One is kinda expected done in a version of attic windows. The other is combining whole panel and a OBW, the examples I have seen are using more of the same panel for the obw, but if you don't have that many I would use a print w/ the same colors as the panel to make the obw. Google panel quilt images and you can see all kinds of cool ideas.

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