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-   -   Boom 11 - FAST & FURIOUS (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/boom-11-fast-furious-t236363.html)

Janice McC 12-09-2013 05:17 AM

Boom 11 - FAST & FURIOUS
F8s must be IN MY HANDS by January 3, 2104 or sooner
Completed blocks must be IN MY HANDS by March 3, 2014 or sooner

Ok, ladies, here are your 16 Fast and Furious group members:

Libster (Alternate host)
Abby's mom
Janice McC

*Thank you to Nancia for the group names!!!

Please post to this thread from now on. Thanks!

Detailed emails will go out to everyone later today but it's time to get started cutting and packaging up your F8s for your group! Keep emailing me your fabric pix!

General Rules:
ALL SKILL LEVELS ARE WELCOME! This is a 2 month swap. You may work at your own pace once the F8s are mailed so long as you make all mailing deadlines.

1) You will receive a list of Board Names of those in your group with the same time frame.
2) You will choose a fabric (or fabrics). Cut your fabric into Fat Eighths (F8s are 18” x 11”). You will need one for each member. (Please do not use Eighths (9” x 22”) instead of F8s. F8s are a better size that allows more block options.)
3) You may advise members of colors you’d prefer they use, or not use, on your block but please do not request specific blocks. This is meant to be a “friendship” swap where your friends pick a design and sew a beautiful 12 1/2” unfinished block for you based on their creativity with your fabric.
4) Send ALL F8s to me in a tracked pkg along with a pre-stamped return Priority envelope or proper postage cost in well-concealed cash. Upon receipt of all your group member’s F8s, I sort and ship you ALL of the F8s you’ll need to complete blocks for your group. I will provide you tracking info also.
5) You will sew a block for each member out of the F8 you’ve received from them. When you have finished ALL blocks, you ship them to me in a tracked pkg, once again with return postage, and I'll sort them and ship to you. I’ll provide tracking info.

Please make sure to also refer to the basic policies that apply to all swaps through the board: RULES FOR SWAPS AND SIMILAR ACTIVITIES - Updated 8 December 2010. Please pay attention to the mailing requirements. The Quilting Board requires tracking for every item sent and you must supply me with the tracking numbers. I will supply them to you for the packages I send out.

1) Please prepare your fabric: prewash, press, de-selvage, cut your fabric into 18"x11" pieces, wrap or baggie them individually and label each one with your board name and any color instructions. (Be certain that the fabrics used to complete the blocks you make have also been prewashed prior to making the block.)
2) When mailing your F8s to me for distribution, please make sure they are individually sealed in a Ziploc bag or tightly wrapped in Saran Wrap. Label each F8 with your QB name, the member for whom the fabric is meant along with any instructions. Peel-off labels are useful to help the recipient prevent fabric mix-ups, something that’s easy to do. Pls seal and label your completed blocks in the same manner as you did the F8s before mailing them ALL back to me for distribution. (You may advise the member of colors you would prefer they use, or not use, but pls do not request specific blocks. Block choice is the maker’s.)
3) Please mail your F8s for arrival on or before January 3, 2014. The sooner you get them to me, the sooner they go out! Be sure to send me the tracking number as soon as you mail.
4) Carefully handle all fabric received and blocks, placing them somewhere safe until mailing time comes.
5) To help keep track of the fabrics and blocks made, I will email a spreadsheet to record progress.
6) Please keep in touch with your group members by posting. I’d like everyone to post at least every two weeks with a status of how you are doing. You may post more often (daily?) but just be sure to keep in touch so nobody is left in the dark.
7) All blocks must be completed within the time frame for the group and mailed to me with a tracking number. Please remember that everyone is permitted the full time period to finish. So long as the final mailing date hasn't come and gone, please don't urge a member to hurry. Encouragement is good, pushing isn't. Faster members must be patient and wait for the remainder of the group to finish. I will give reminders as deadlines approach.
8) All blocks should be 12 1/2” unfinished. They may be regularly pieced, paper-pieced, appliquéd, whatever the block maker decides to do. It is up to each individual. Again, the feeling is to get a true friendship quilt out of this. Please do not request specific blocks as the idea is to let everyone, of every skill level, join in and try new things and grow.
9). Please clean up the blocks you’ve made before mailing them to me. Trim your threads, cut your dog ears - remove any excess work from the back. We do not want to have any unnecessary bulk that makes them harder to quilt.
10) Most importantly, HAVE FUN!

Also important information:

You MUST be in good standing with previous swaps. Anyone with unfinished blocks from a previous Boom will not be permitted to join.

YOU are responsible for the cost of all mailings and tracking.

PLEASE do not send fabrics or blocks with perfume or overwhelming fragrances on them due to allergies. There are swap members or family members who have severe allergies to certain things so please stry your best to not send anything that could cause an allergic reaction.

NO public complaints or criticisms of other swappers, items received or other type for any reason are permitted. ALL complaints must be addressed by Private Message (PM) or email to me at [email protected]. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Janice McC 12-09-2013 01:14 PM

Email me your fabric pix please! Thanks.

seasaw2mch 12-09-2013 01:56 PM

Well if it weren't for the ice on the back roads here, mine would be in the mail today, guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow.

I'm ready for the Games to Begin!!!! LOL

Libster 12-09-2013 03:13 PM

Janice, since there are 16 participants in this group, do you want us to send you 15 or 16 F8s?? (The 16th being a F8 for ourselves) Will it be easier on you if we send all 16 to you? Mine go in the mail in the morning.

Libster 12-09-2013 05:13 PM

"Hello" to all my past Boom buddies and to my new friends-in-waiting. We'll have some fabulous blocks from this group. Shall the fun begin!!?

moonrise 12-09-2013 06:11 PM

My F8s are going in the mail in the morning. I sent the tracking number via e-mail. It'll probably say it's from PayPal since I used them to print the shipping label. After I sealed up the package, using the last of my packing tape, there on my desk laid the envelope with the postage money in it. Grrr! I had to cut the package open, stick the envelope inside, and then tape it back with scotch tape. Doesn't that figure? LOL! ;)

I posted a photo of my fabrics ("Phantom of the Opera" theme) in the signup thread. :)

ljdugas31 12-09-2013 06:15 PM

I am mailing mine out tomorrow!

Janice McC 12-09-2013 06:28 PM

Hi Libster, I'd suggest just sending 15. A good question - another one I didn't think of. This will be a great learning experience on so many levels for me.

Originally Posted by Libster (Post 6448485)
Janice, since there are 16 participants in this group, do you want us to send you 15 or 16 F8s?? (The 16th being a F8 for ourselves) Will it be easier on you if we send all 16 to you? Mine go in the mail in the morning.

Janice McC 12-09-2013 06:59 PM

Some FYIs:
1. An email to those participating in both groups has gone out re: mailings, please look for it.
2. Important questions please address to me in email, not PM or on this post. I'll find it more quickly on email.
3. I plan to review posts and emails at least 2x a day in the beginning and especially around deadlines. Once first thing in the am and again in the evening. I may check in more frequently but you can count on early am and later pm for sure.
4. A checklist will be mailed to everyone no later than noon tomorrow. A Hard copy will go in every envelope as well for those who like paper better than keyboards!
Thank you!

jaba 12-09-2013 07:26 PM

Mailed mine today ladies, 15 of them, kept one for myself LOL, enclosed a note with each one for you to read, nothing new just the one about a cream fabric with it please but if you have any questions you can always ask on this thread or send me a PM. Oh yes, I'm ready to make some blocks!!! Can hardly wait to see your fabric choices this time around.

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