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-   -   Boom 23 - Early Birds 2 month group (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/boom-23-early-birds-2-month-group-t305868.html)

Janice McC 07-21-2019 05:35 AM

Boom 23 - Early Birds 2 month group
Early Birds, 2 month group - please note the number of F8s needed beside your name

GramE 19
hav4boys 19
jaba 19
Libster 19
Macybaby 19
Mona G 9
Moonrise 19
Queenbarbiej 19
Terriamn 19
Janice McC* 0 (making blocks only)

Important Dates!

All F8s due to me Thursday, August 8, 2019
I ship F8s to you no later than Monday, August 12, 2019

Early Birds’ blocks due to me Thursday, October 10, 2019
I mail blocks no later than Thursday, October 17, 2019

Board participation is an essential ingredient in making this swap successful. So much information about the swap is found there, much more than I can possibly write in a sign-up post. By joining the swap, you understand it is your responsibility to read all posts and in turn post at least weekly. (It’s helpful to subscribe to your group’s thread.) If something comes up and you cannot post, please have somebody email me. Absolutely no disappearing please! The Boomerang Friendship Swap is meant to be a fun experience, pleasant and light. Please be kind and positive. I will always accept constructive criticism at the end of the swap. Should you find problems with the swap or the blocks you receive, please keep the comments concrete. Concrete issues can be handled (blocks too small, wrong color thread used, block dirty, etc.), personality issues with other swappers are not in my wheelhouse so please keep those to yourself. Please be aware that we consider this a real commitment. If you sign-up for the swap and disappear or otherwise do not complete your obligation, negative feedback will be given. You will be expected to return to me anything that belongs to others in whatever shape they are in. If problems occur, please get in touch with me right away and I will work with you.


Please make sure to also refer to the basic policies that apply to all swaps through the board: Rules for Swaps and Similar Activities - Updated 8 December 2010.

Fabric, Completed Block and Package Preparation:

1) Use only 100 percent quilting cotton. Please pre-wash and press your fabric without any fragrance residue. (Please note that that some swappers may be smokers or have pets. If pets or smoke is a problem for you, this isn’t the swap for you.) Remove selvages before cutting into Fat Eighths, generally about 18” x 11” but no smaller than 18”x 10”, no exceptions! Please keep off-sized pieces for your own use. If you send me smaller pieces, I will return them to you at your expense.

2) Before mailing your F8s to me, individually seal them in a quart-sized or smaller ziplock-type bag, preferably smaller if you are in both groups, no hard zippers please. Label each F8 baggie with your board name easily visible to me along with any instructions or color requests for your fabric. (Do not specify a recipient unless a fabric is being directed to a particular person.) Labels are useful to help the recipient prevent fabric mix-ups, something that’s easy to do. Please then take all the individually wrapped F8s and put them in a single larger ziplock-type bag big enough to accommodate them onto which you have written your real name and address. (When you send your completed blocks back to me, please seal and label your completed blocks with the owner’s board name and your board name easily visible to me in a similar manner as you did with the F8s.)

3) Shipping: All mailings costs are your responsibility. When you mail to me, please do so in whatever manner you wish as long as you do so with tracking. Be sure to send me the tracking number as soon as you get it. I will ship with USPS Priority Padded envelopes only (unless other arrangements have been made), currently costing $8 each. Your total cost for the mailings I will make for you are anticipated to be $16. (There is no guarantee shipping rates will remain the same or that all blocks will fit in a single padded envelope if you are in both groups. I will contact you to discuss options if either happens.) You may pay it all up front or separately, it’s up to you. If sending cash, please send correct amount as I will not make change. Any overage you send will be put into my slush fund to help cover expenses. If the money/prepaid labels are missing, I will hold your package until I receive it. No checks or PayPal please

4) Please mail your F8s to arrive by Thursday, August 8, 2019. The sooner everyone gets them to me, the sooner they go out! Be sure to send me the tracking number as soon as you ship.

5) Carefully handle all fabric received and completed blocks, placing them somewhere safe until mailing time comes.

6) To help keep track of the fabrics and blocks made, I will establish an online Fabric Gallery.

7) Historically, F8s remnants are kept by the block maker.

8) You are required to keep in touch with your group by posting to the dedicated Boom 23 threads at least every week. This is a requirement. If you don’t wish to keep in touch, this is not the swap for you.

9) All blocks must be completed within the time frame for the group and mailed to me with a tracking number. Due dates are firm, not a suggestion.

10) All blocks must be 12 1/2” unfinished. Blocks must be well-constructed, sewn with complementary thread and may be regularly pieced, paper-pieced, appliquéd, whatever the block maker decides to do. It is up to each individual. Please do not request specific blocks as the idea is to let everyone, of every skill level, select their own blocks to showcase their talents and your fabric. Please make sure you use a significant amount of each person’s F8. It usually needs to be the primary fabric in the block, not a minor player. If in doubt, please contact the fabric owner.

11) Most importantly, have fun!

General block information:

All seams should be ¼ inch or a scant ¼ with at least 12 stitches per inch if not more. All fabric should be cut on the straight of grain to avoid wonkiness and fraying whenever possible. Complementary threads should be used in the block. Blocks should not leave your hands until you know you have made every reasonable effort to get them as close to the 12 ½ inch size as you can get. We all respect new quilter’s need to learn and that will be taken into account but if you cannot consistently construct a basic 12 ½ inch block, this is not the swap for you. Please note: when you measure, measure units with an acrylic ruler as you go so you can pick up errors before the entire block is made. When complete, measure under an acrylic square at least 12 ½ inches square, not on top of it, after pressing. Also, be sure to allow yourself enough time to complete your full set of blocks. In other words, don’t leave them to the last week! The results can be hit-or-miss. And please be sure to clean up the blocks. Turn them over, trim your threads and cut dog ears.

Important: No public complaints or criticisms for any reason are permitted. All complaints must be addressed by Private Message (PM) or email me at [email protected]. No Exceptions.

Time to have some fun, Early Birds!

GramE 07-21-2019 07:46 AM

Good Morning Early Birds! That fits me today, I was up at 5am making 112 cinnamon rolls for 13 breakfast guests. 5 Airmen, 1 Navy recruit set to leave soon, 1 college freshman leaving next weekend, and family. Not sure how I got 112 rolls, I thought I was making 80. Have 42 left, told hubby he was going to have to go up & down the block and give them away!

I am so ready for block making. I’ve sat out a couple and am itching to get back. I have some new blocks I hope go with the fabrics you are sending. Waiting for my envelopes to mail my blocks.

Yes Janice, surgery went very well. Funny thing though, as the nurse was prepping me, she asked if I wanted a selfie w/the surgeon. Wow, I think this selfie thing might be outta control. But I now have a selfie with my surgeon! Just have to wear a protective patch to bed til next Friday. I can see!

jaba 07-21-2019 09:33 AM

Cinnamon rolls sound delicious, wish I was there to eat some! I'm glad your surgery went well and hope you heal quickly.
I spent the day yesterday in the kitchen, 1 batch of nankin cherry jelly, 1 chokecherry jelly, 1 chokeberry syrup,1 raspberry jam and 1 raspberry syrup. It's been a couple of years since I had to make these, I forgot how long it really takes. Thank heavens it's done, just waiting for the apricots to come on strong.
Will double check my little baggies today so they are ready to go once I get my envelopes. Have a good day everyone....

Janice McC 07-21-2019 09:50 AM

Yay! Jaba and GramE found the new threads.

Libster 07-21-2019 10:17 AM

GramE, I could sure help you out on those cinnamon rolls! They sound yummy. Glad your surgery went well.
I have all my F8s already packaged and ready to go. I'm looking forward to Boom 23!

jaba 07-21-2019 12:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Mine package is ready to go tomorrow Janice, will send tracking number. Made a sample block to start my 2 color quilt.[ATTACH=CONFIG]615040[/ATTACH] I'm ready for some block making :)

Janice McC 07-21-2019 04:35 PM

I've gotten replies to my email from about half of you already. Terrific! Those who haven't replied yet, please check your emails. Thanks!

terriamn 07-22-2019 03:45 AM

Yum cinnamon rolls sound fantastic.

My fabric is ready to go, plan on heading home for a day or two this week and hubby will mail them for me

Janice McC 07-22-2019 04:38 AM

Morning, Early Birds! I've been up with the early birds this morning and have the Gallery set to go, the database is all ready, checked emails, finished some other little tasks and I'm ready for fabrics to start rolling in!

Those cinnamon rolls do sound wonderful. Any way of packing a few in with the F8s, Libster???

Janice McC 07-22-2019 08:05 AM

Gallery is up, btw. It's waiting for all your lovely blocks. One of Jaba's is in each group's photos already.

Queenbarbiej 07-22-2019 08:28 AM

I will repost my pictures reposted here on this thread. If anyone would like extra blocks made I would be willing to do it. Just pm me.

Janice McC 07-22-2019 09:23 AM

Are they meant to go in the gallery? If so, Please shrink the photos first. 200kb or smaller please. Thanks!

Originally Posted by Queenbarbiej (Post 8279769)
I will repost my pictures reposted here on this thread. If anyone would like extra blocks made I would be willing to do it. Just pm me.

Queenbarbiej 07-22-2019 10:17 AM

Yes Janice they are. I will make the smaller.

Libster 07-22-2019 10:33 AM

My F8s are on the way to Janice and my tracking number has been emailed to her. Let the fun begin!

Queenbarbiej 07-23-2019 03:33 AM

8 Attachment(s)
Here are some blocks I've made.

Queenbarbiej 07-23-2019 03:36 AM

8 Attachment(s)
Here are some more.

SuziSew 07-23-2019 05:19 AM

Great blocks Queen!

Macybaby 07-23-2019 06:25 AM

Those are nice blocks!

My fabric is cut and ready to go, just need to get to town to get the right change for return mailing. I plan on sending enough for both mailings at the same time. DH and I rarely use cash, and though we both keep some "just in case" it's normally in larger denominations than what I need for this. DH will get change the next time he's in town for something, so I should be ready to mail this weekend.

I'm sending assorted tonal solids - no duplicates - with instructions to use prints, but no neutrals (no blacks, whites, creams/beiges or greys). I want the patterns to be due to different colors/patterns, and not the typical "light/dark"that we think of.

I'll post some pictures of what I'm thinking to help give a better idea of the concept. Though you are free to do something else if you prefer.

Janice McC 07-23-2019 10:19 AM

Queenbarbiej, are all the blocks for the Early Bird group? Are they all going into your quilt or are some "practice blocks"? I want to add only those meant for your quilt to go in the gallery.

Same questions applie to the blocks you posted in the other group.

Queenbarbiej 07-23-2019 10:57 AM

They are all going into the quilts. I need to make more blocks. My dad's getting married I September. He had asked for a king size quilt for Christmas. This is their Christmas present. I'm making them a quilt now for a wedding present. I'm half way done with it. All the blocks for the 3 month group will be going into a quilt for my mother in law for Christmas.

Janice McC 07-24-2019 03:44 AM

Good morning, all. Quick fyi that I've already received one set of F8s and one third more of the f8s packages are in the mail and half of those will arrive today. Woo hoo! DH has a biz dinner tonight so I think I'll be playing with your fabrics!

Reminder: still need email response from marija, lstew2212 and smglover207. Thanks!

Janice McC 07-25-2019 06:36 AM

I’ve just had an email from smglover207 and she’s been busy but is still very much on board. Yay! Now I’m waiting on lstew2212 and marija to check in and reply to my group email. Lstew2212 and marija, check your emails please! Thanks!

terriamn 07-25-2019 10:55 AM

Oh boy you should see how pretty my clothesline is. Took one load off and the second is hanging. All 4 yard batches of fabric for future booms.

Queenbarbiej 07-25-2019 11:22 AM

Oh terriamn you are such a tease. No pictures.

Janice McC 07-25-2019 02:33 PM

Well, Terriamn, I suppose I’ll just have to keep running the Booms until you go through your stash. Ummm. What decade will that be, do you think? Roflol

Originally Posted by terriamn (Post 8280979)
Oh boy you should see how pretty my clothesline is. Took one load off and the second is hanging. All 4 yard batches of fabric for future booms.

terriamn 07-25-2019 03:34 PM

think I would have to live to be 300 to even make a dent in my stash

Libster 07-25-2019 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by Janice McC (Post 8281037)
Well, Terriamn, I suppose I’ll just have to keep running the Booms until you go through your stash. Ummm. What decade will that be, do you think? Roflol

Janice, promises, promises!

Janice McC 07-26-2019 06:24 AM

Lol, Terriamn and Libster! Well, I’ve got to run at least a few more because I’ve got fabric in my stash earmarked for Booms, too.

Mona G 07-26-2019 09:00 AM

I am getting my fabric ready today as I have an unplanned afternoon off - not feeling the best so decided to come home early from work.
I am sending everyone a different color and asking that they only use that color or fabrics that read the color they received, as many or as few fabric as they choose can be included.
I am going to put this small quilt together with the QAG method, my first attempt.
I have three quilts waiting for the binding and hope to get at least all of the binding sewn on the front so I an start the hand sewing.

Libster 07-26-2019 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by Mona G (Post 8281387)
I am getting my fabric ready today as I have an unplanned afternoon off - not feeling the best so decided to come home early from work.
I am sending everyone a different color and asking that they only use that color or fabrics that read the color they received, as many or as few fabric as they choose can be included.
I am going to put this small quilt together with the QAG method, my first attempt.
I have three quilts waiting for the binding and hope to get at least all of the binding sewn on the front so I an start the hand sewing.

Mona, I'm asking so I understand what you want exactly: Are you asking for different shades of the same color we receive to be used in the block we make for you?

Mona G 07-26-2019 09:41 AM

Yes, one color blocks.

terriamn 07-26-2019 11:26 AM

Fun, Mona I have fabric set aside to do this exact same thing. I loved how Traveling Grandma’s turned out when she sent out a similar request

Janice McC 07-26-2019 02:48 PM

Mona G, that sounds fun. I look forward to seeing your fabric. Today I’m QAYG with wide sashings. The blocks are quilted so I’m on the short between-the-blocks sashings. I’ve done a couple of quilts this way and each time it gets easier with better results. I hope you’ll like the process. I love it because it opens up the option to quilt a piece I would normally send to the LA.

Libster 07-26-2019 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by Janice McC (Post 8281500)
Mona G, that sounds fun. I look forward to seeing your fabric. Today I’m QAYG with wide sashings. The blocks are quilted so I’m on the short between-the-blocks sashings. I’ve done a couple of quilts this way and each time it gets easier with better results. I hope you’ll like the process. I love it because it opens up the option to quilt a piece I would normally send to the LA.

Janice, don't you love it though?! I actually enjoy the quilting part too now.

ibex94 07-26-2019 05:19 PM

Loving the fabric choices and hearing all the great cooking news from everyone. Have a great boom! This lurker is cheering you on! Now if I could just finish my Boom quilts so I can join in again...

Janice McC 07-29-2019 04:53 AM

Tomorrow, I'll post a list of packages received. I'm expecting 6 more today. :)

Ibex94, when you do finish them, be sure to post pix for us! :)

Originally Posted by ibex94 (Post 8281535)
Loving the fabric choices and hearing all the great cooking news from everyone. Have a great boom! This lurker is cheering you on! Now if I could just finish my Boom quilts so I can join in again...

Macybaby 07-29-2019 05:07 AM

I'm looking forward to working on the blocks - I've been in a bit of a piecing "rut" for a while. Though I have gotten almost caught up on quilting my tops, and I'm having fun with the embroidery machine.

GramE 07-29-2019 07:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
After 2 days of straightening and cleaning the sewing room, it was very inviting this morning. Now just need to sew on the last round by hand this evening. I included a small piece of this blue in my packets but if you only need 2 colors the main fabric and white is fine. While I was waiting on my envelopes to mail my fabric, I got a text from my sister saying she had moved. So I thought this quilt should be for her, and blue is her color. I might do another of this with the focus fabric around the edge. The blue and the white seem more prominent in this one.

wow that pic looks large, I need to check my settings.

Libster 07-29-2019 07:36 AM

Gorgeous block, GramE!

QuiltnNan 07-29-2019 07:48 AM

Originally Posted by GramE (Post 8282502)
...wow that pic looks large, I need to check my settings.

Really, don't worry about the pic being big. Those of us who may not have the best vision love them this size.

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