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LindaC 03-20-2012 03:42 AM

Originally Posted by moonrise (Post 5075074)
I've been sewing for almost 12 hours straight! ;) Grown-up blocks are going out this morning to:

yosamitesa - First time I tried this pattern. I like how it turned out! Hope you do, too. :)

WandaLou - Another "first time" block. Hope you like it! :)

NDQuilts - One of my all-time favorite patterns. Hope you like it, too! :)

jahaper - I went with a simpler block to help show off the fabric better. Hope you enjoy it! :)

QuiltingNonie - I started on this one, not really knowing which direction I'd go. I think it turned out nifty-looking! Not sure if it has an actual block name, but it was fun to make. Hope you like it! :)

yayaquilts - I liked QuiltingNonie's "invention" so I made your block using the same basic idea. Hope you enjoy it! :)

abbysmom - I wasn't sure what to do with your F8 at first, but an idea popped into my head, and I ran with it. Hope you didn't want your scraps back, because all that's left is an 1/8" strip. LOL! Yours is "unique" ... hopefully in a good way. ;)

If anyone wants to peek, there's a link in my sig line that'll take you to my Photobucket account. But if your name is listed above, peeking will ruin the surprise! ;)

I'm headed to bed shortly, but everyone have a great day! :thumbup:

great blocks

LindaC 03-20-2012 03:49 AM

F8's received today from

MdmSew'n'Sew 03-20-2012 05:06 AM

Six more squishies arrived yesterday - so in addition to Moonrise and Yosemitea, received on Saturday, I now have F8s from Yayaquilts, Abby'sMom, Jahaper, WandaLou, QuilitngNonie and NPQuilts - the creative juices are being stifled until I finish cutting and wrapping my F8s to send out - hoping to finish tonight so I can send out tomorrow - except for LindaC, that one will go out with her March doll quilt that will be finished by this weekend - I'm trying to be earth-friendly and only have to send out one package to Ireland for now - if only I would remember to play the lottery (and WIN!) then I could retire and quilt full time ... someday ... sigh.

LindaC 03-20-2012 05:18 AM

Originally Posted by MdmSew'n'Sew (Post 5075400)
Six more squishies arrived yesterday - so in addition to Moonrise and Yosemitea, received on Saturday, I now have F8s from Yayaquilts, Abby'sMom, Jahaper, WandaLou, QuilitngNonie and NPQuilts - the creative juices are being stifled until I finish cutting and wrapping my F8s to send out - hoping to finish tonight so I can send out tomorrow - except for LindaC, that one will go out with her March doll quilt that will be finished by this weekend - I'm trying to be earth-friendly and only have to send out one package to Ireland for now - if only I would remember to play the lottery (and WIN!) then I could retire and quilt full time ... someday ... sigh.

I do the same numbers in the lotto here and I keep saying they will come up the week I don't do them

LovingIzabella 03-20-2012 05:38 AM

I keep hoping to hit the lotto too :)
Yosa your completed block and my F8 will be on their way home to you today. I was not feeling well last night so my darling Izabella addressed the envelope. So when you get it and say wow she looks like she writes like a 6 year old, well yup that's because my 6 year old did it for me LOL I think it is cute.
Moonrise you are on a roll and I love the blocks you did! I especially love the way Yosa's block came out. I find that technique beautiful but I have yet to be able to do it sigh...

Yosamitesa 03-20-2012 06:22 AM

Ok...now y'all are taunting me...I can't look. :( Boo hoo hoo! Oh well...means MUCH more fun when they come!!!

I have blocks going out today, as long as I don't need an ARK or a tornado shelter today to get them mailed out...

jahaper - I fell in LOVE with your fabric when I opened it!!! I sort of had an idea but needed a little guidance. After hunting through my books, I found the perfect pattern for it (one I had never made before). Then off to my stash I went to get fabrics that I knew would make your fabric look even more elegant. Once I got it finally together I wanted to keep it!!! However, it is neatly tucked away in your envelope ready to come home!!! :D

goldendog55 - Your fabric is fun and playful. I hope I kept with the "theme" for you and the kids that will enjoy it. This was the first time I had ever made the block and must say, it was a pleasure to make!!! My 2 year old found the "leftovers" of your fabric and he won't put it down. He hugs it every chance he gets.

yayaquilts - Your fabric sat very near and dear to my heart. In college I dated a guy who was a firefighter/paramedic who worked for the fire marshal's office. Today we are still great friends as well as all of the firefighters, paramedics and fire marshals I have met because of him. All firefighters hold a spot in my heart, for because of them we can be safe!!! I followed the same pattern as goldendog55 because I felt it would help "showcase" the spectacular firefighter courage!

NDQuilts - I was absolutely stunned by your fabric. I couldn't have received a better fabric to showcase a print!!! I saw it and new the coordinating fabrics to put with it. I went through my books and the internet until I found a pattern I hope does it justice. It is a very simple pattern, but I think your fabric pops!!!

I hope you ladies enjoy when they come to you!!!

moonrise - still working on getting your block "perfect"(first time making this block), but hopefully the pieces will fall in the right spot tonight. :)
Abby's Mom - I really enjoy your cheerful fabric. I grabbed my stash, found the perfect fabrics and showed hubby. He saw me looking through my patterns and pulled one out and said "Use THIS one!!!" So...you are getting the pattern my hubby picked and will be sewn today.
quiltingnonie - I actually have the coordinating line for the fabric you sent!!! I love that line!!! ;) Awesome pick. I will hopefully have yours finished tonight and in the mail tomorrow. :)

Can't wait to see whose I get today!!!

QuilterMomma 03-20-2012 08:31 AM

Oh my, you ladies are rock'n and roll'n here. So excited, maybe we can get them done before the deadline! My F8s are going out today. I still have to finish stuffing the envelopes.
I have receid f8s from:
Abby's mom
So that puts it as 7 more to receive. I will look forward to looking in the mailbox for a change.
I will get on your blocks as soon as I finish the Western Star Quilt I am working on that has to be done by this weekend so I can mail it to the son in law for his birthday. Once that is done, will get on these and then the rest of the swaps I am doing. Then back to the UFOs. I will hit 10 again this month which makes me excited because by the end of the year will have most of my UFOs done with just a few left. I so want to start a new quilt, but staying the course. The swaps are my "new quilt" fix.

wanda lou 03-20-2012 09:12 AM

Veronika I got your fabric today and fell in love with it.

buslady 03-20-2012 09:52 AM

Just called hubby to check the mail. Got 3 the other day, forgot my pkg at home and cannot remember who they were from, but will update tomorrow. DH just called, YOOOO HOOOOO!!!! 10 more squishies in the mail today. Now, how am I going to finish out my workday? I want to go home and sew!!!!!!!!!!! You all are making me panic! So many finished and in the mail already, and I haven't even mailed my F8 out yet. Gotta stop at the store on the way home and get some of that saran wrap or whatever it is that many used, that is some cool stuff! Will list my "received" tomorrow. Having fun in Michigan!!! Oh, DH was impressed that I got mail from Germany!!!

QuilterMomma 03-20-2012 10:14 AM

My German envelope went to school with my daughter to show in her German class. Asked her to read the label on it and she replied "I am only a first year student, I can't read that yet. Let me give it to the teacher." So funny. I agree with you buslady, I want to go home and sew. Will be doing some bindings in the office today during lunch, can't escape.
It just occurred to me, that our group is called "Fire", we are quick like "Fire", and my fabric looks like "Fire". Is there some kind of theme going on here?

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