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Elisabrat 09-11-2012 09:57 PM

Marybeth you are a speed demon, Jaba I made ham and beans tonight too, must be fall for sure. I am already searching the next swap or challenge in the block of the week etc .. am going to get ten more done before I sign up however. I wonder everyone say in the boom 6 and boom 7 was there a theme? will there be theme if there is another one? and how often are they done per year? inquiring minds and all that :) Upsides here Kelly is a lucky duck she gets her machine back this weekend! and Jaba you got your block done, and hey a hike outside isnt such a bad thing is it? see its all how you look at it says she who has this hunch back thing going like straightening up is way too much work grandma mosses sheesh.. and I am going to be 51 in a couple weeks. remind me its not 101 when it hits ok? I usually forget they are even here .. seriously. .another day all in all. Think they were great when we were oh say kids or turning 18 or 21. then its just a number if you ask me ..unless your younger than your a kid still :)

tomorrow is a new day and I hope it greats you with a smile :)

nancia 09-11-2012 10:13 PM

elisabrat-- i know how you feel! i've told people i was 17 and 'some months', which is very true. however, i'm looking a little rough for 17, so i've started saying i'm 84. i look DARN GOOD for 84!!:D i'm 61.5, a vintage age. lol. i feel 18 on some days and 101 on others. but as long as i'm this side of the ground it's all good!!

marytoddliz 09-11-2012 10:45 PM

LOL, yep I agree, every day we are above ground is a good one. I was going to go watch a movie with hubby, but he is watching Chinatown, for the millionth time! I have only seen one movie that I could watch that much and it was with my Daughter when she was so young. It was Dirty Dancing, we wore one movie out and bought it again. I could almost recite all the talking parts!

But I still watch it when I can!

OK I am going to bed now with a good book, trying to change my schedule is really a lot harder than it was when I was working. Now when I am done running I just take a nap, so at night I am still not tired, but I have to get up too darn early... So sorry don't mean to whine, I love doing it else I wouldn't! I do it for my Sister who died at 38 with Breast Cancer. The grieving part was tough until someone told me that they have runs to raise money for help getting mammograms and breast exams. it became a part of who I am, but I think I will do just as good on the little runs as far as raising money goes, and a lot easier on my body parts!

good night sparkling Diamonds!

Fraew 09-11-2012 10:55 PM

Supposed to be finishing chickens, but distracted by Boom! A great distraction. :)

Mail headed your way tomorrow goldendog55. Sneak peak in my sig.

marytoddliz 09-11-2012 10:56 PM

Linda/brat... There was not a theme, at least that I was aware of. I was in boom 6 and boom 7, we had names like we do now, but no theme, it has always been Swappers choice, although it is funny you do see some trending, like this time I am amazed at the number of requests for all black or all white. I went and bought a yard of solid white fabric, just to have some extra for the swap.

I think their are about 2 swaps a year. The Swaps run about 4 months and a month to rest and a month to gather enough for the groups. But this is only my third time.

I hope you have fun with you Family!

sustraley 09-12-2012 03:03 AM

Can't believe there was nothing in my mail Tuesday. Hopefully I get something today.

TwinRiverFarm 09-12-2012 04:12 AM

It seems to be the weather. I have hibernated inside because of the heat and humidity. Now the breezes call me outside. I did manage to get blocks finished for daisey and marcialee yesterday. Marcia, we have to talk. I was fondling your material and trying not to get the drool on it, when suddenly, I just knew your niece really, really wanted a quilt from something else. So your fabric has disappeared into the depths of my stash. Now don't worry, I have some bright yellow with bowling gnomes that will be perfect. And I will send f8's to everyone else, since I am not the only one who is drooling here. If you don't like this plan, I will divorce DH, get you to adopt me and then remarry him (took too long to train) and ask you to make me the same quilt as my gift.
I agree, the empty mailbox is depressing now. Let's just start all over!

jaba 09-12-2012 07:12 AM

Everyone wants marcia's fabric it's so beautiful. Would still like to know the maker and where to find it, also daisey's. I had to do the purple swap too, favorite color, but I've never done the 10 1/2" sq. swap, for that matter never bought them either, now I'm going to have to find a pattern. Is this the kind that works good with the slash cut quilts?
nancia I'll look and see what western/cowboy type stuff I have. I think I have gotten some FQ's in swaps with them and I just don't use them. Don't really know why, guess 'cause there are so many people here that make them and the quilting on them is always the loopie loopies (lasso) I've just got tired of looking at them. They did come out with some exclusive Buffalo Bill fabric about 3 years ago that I ordered and made 2 quilts from but I sold them both. anyway will look and take a pic so I can show you to see if you want it.
Wonder if my po box will have anything today? Colder here only 52 and I woke up with a sore throat, must be time for the flu shot.

Elisabrat 09-12-2012 07:26 AM

Jaba you crack me up loopies .. My first quilt is a western themed sampler and I love it, it does have stars however quilted on it not loopies.. does that perk itup a bit? I love western quilts they are well so.. western :) flu shots they gave them out yesterday in clinic. I cant get it however so nobody get sick ok? promise? cover your face and cough in the kleenex please. sending herbal yucky tea to everyone so you heal faster. Surely the worse it tastes the better it is for you. AND twinrivers your done too? sigh. you guys are like lightening bolts flying through the sky wowsa.

ok ok ok this is the plan.. you guysa will come to my housa and I will prepare food for you and serve you and even clean up after you hand you awful tea and oh strawberry jam vanilla cookies so you can sew all my blocks up too. check that. I like sewing them just not fast like you. I am pretty happy with a block or two a day. today finish joan b's block and doing a block for rubies. This is a good goal. just have to figure what block to do. sorta nice to do what you know worked well for you and the fabric and sorta fun to pick something new too. which one to do which one to do..

chewboo 09-12-2012 08:48 AM

i received two delivery confirmation by mail but was not home think they got sent back--not at PO--not sure if they came from here or not

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